I got a fun question/game:
Build a stable (lets go with 6 total) out of wrestlers who were not "the guy" or considered top 20/30 wrestlers. Think guys like Val Venis, D-Lo, Bagwell, Ahmed, etc and less guys like Owen, Mankind, Taker, Arn, Pillman, etc.
I got a fun question/game:
Build a stable (lets go with 6 total) out of wrestlers who were not "the guy" or considered top 20/30 wrestlers. Think guys like Val Venis, D-Lo, Bagwell, Ahmed, etc and less guys like Owen, Mankind, Taker, Arn, Pillman, etc.
Z-Man x 6I got a fun question/game:
Build a stable (lets go with 6 total) out of wrestlers who were not "the guy" or considered top 20/30 wrestlers. Think guys like Val Venis, D-Lo, Bagwell, Ahmed, etc and less guys like Owen, Mankind, Taker, Arn, Pillman, etc.
Rick Martel
Tyler Breeze
Buff Bagwell
Rick Rude
Paul Orndorff
Dan Spivey
Johnny Ace
Dan Kroffat
Doug Furnas
Joe Malenko
The Patriot
AJPW 90's gaijins! Spivey's the lead, teams with Ace as a heavyweight tag, Can-Ams are the Jr. tag, Malenko the Jr. singles guy and The Patriot eats the pinfalls, brother.
I got a fun question/game:
Build a stable (lets go with 6 total) out of wrestlers who were not "the guy" or considered top 20/30 wrestlers. Think guys like Val Venis, D-Lo, Bagwell, Ahmed, etc and less guys like Owen, Mankind, Taker, Arn, Pillman, etc.
The NXT edition was more than $80. It was ok, not a big fan of Cena but the framed signed photo and mat piece along with the season pass is better I would say
How dare you.Rick Rude
Nine points.Doug Furnas
15 points.Z-Man x 6
These games look like absolute shit. Completely lifeless.
God, I wish EA had ended up with the IP. WWE by the EA UFC team would've been great. Some of the WWE All Stars guys worked on those games!
I'm disgusted that now two of you are on record saying that Ricky Rude is not a Top 30 wrassleman.
Good job with that WWE 2K18 OT, Hansey
Not even when Christian was WHC?I took "considered top 20/30 wrestlers" to be "considered by the company they were in as top 20/30 wrestlers"
Like yeah, Christian was WWECW champ, but lol if you think Vince ever considered Mr. "Blue Dot" in even the top 40 people he employed at a given time.
15 points.
Especially then.Not even when Christian was WHC?
I took "considered top 20/30 wrestlers" to be "considered by the company they were in as top 20/30 wrestlers"
Like yeah, Christian was WWECW champ, but lol if you think Vince ever considered Mr. "Blue Dot" in even the top 40 people he employed at a given time.
Adam Bomb
I got a fun question/game:
Build a stable (lets go with 6 total) out of wrestlers who were not "the guy" or considered top 20/30 wrestlers. Think guys like Val Venis, D-Lo, Bagwell, Ahmed, etc and less guys like Owen, Mankind, Taker, Arn, Pillman, etc.
Yeah, this Zachary. Guys who weren't top of the tier in terms of pop culture, business impact, etc but should have been so much more. Christina definitely qualifies there.
Earthquake is so underrated
- Rick Rude was on Live with Regis and Kathie Lee!
- My coworker Christina?
- Earthquake was great for a year or two.
Not even when Christian was WHC?
Now that I'm thinking about Rude and Razor, I'm kind of realizing that we never get people like them anymore. Wrestlers who were never really big in the main event / world championship scene for a sustained period of time but are considered legends anyway. Rude, DiBiase, Piper, Razor, Jake The Snake, Owen Hart, & Mr Perfect all never touched the WWF Championship and are still as memorable to wrestling fans in the same way people view Hart, Savage, etc, were.
Earthquake was wasted talent and you know it.
Mr Perfect is probably my #1 on this list
I got a fun question/game:
Build a stable (lets go with 6 total) out of wrestlers who were not "the guy" or considered top 20/30 wrestlers. Think guys like Val Venis, D-Lo, Bagwell, Ahmed, etc and less guys like Owen, Mankind, Taker, Arn, Pillman, etc.
Midcard doesn't exist anymore.Now that I'm thinking about Rude and Razor, I'm kind of realizing that we never get people like them anymore. Wrestlers who were never really big in the main event / world championship scene for a sustained period of time but are considered legends anyway. Rude, DiBiase, Piper, Razor, Jake The Snake, Owen Hart, & Mr Perfect all never touched the WWF Championship and are still as memorable to wrestling fans in the same way people view Hart, Savage, etc, were.
Mr Perfect is probably my #1 on this list
More like Mr. Not-Really-That-Good, amirigh?
Just give me Dan Severn and Scott Norton and I think I'm good
Now that I'm thinking about Rude and Razor, I'm kind of realizing that we never get people like them anymore. Wrestlers who were never really big in the main event / world championship scene for a sustained period of time but are considered legends anyway. Rude, DiBiase, Piper, Razor, Jake The Snake, Owen Hart, & Mr Perfect all never touched the WWF Championship and are still as memorable to wrestling fans in the same way people view Hart, Savage, etc, were.
Just because you choose to ignore documented evidence doesn't mean it doesn't exist.I have been buying these games for years...
And I have never gotten any of these kids of glitches.
Now that I'm thinking about Rude and Razor, I'm kind of realizing that we never get people like them anymore. Wrestlers who were never really big in the main event / world championship scene for a sustained period of time but are considered legends anyway. Rude, DiBiase, Piper, Razor, Jake The Snake, Owen Hart, & Mr Perfect all never touched the WWF Championship and are still as memorable to wrestling fans in the same way people view Hart, Savage, etc, were.
IC and mid-card doesn't mean squat, but I feel like Miz could fit that group. Yeah, he touched the WHC belt but I don't that ever got him into the same status as a Hart or Savage with the fans.
Dan Severn
NWA-in-WWF Jeff Jarrett
Ice Train
Doug Furnas
Norman Smiley
Your mom has a very wide body, British Monsoon.