half a moon
Norman Smiley
Lance Storm
Edit: Dean Malenko
Norman Smiley
Lance Storm
Edit: Dean Malenko
Now that I've thought about it some, this would be my first pass:
Mr Perfect
Jake the Snake
Dean Malenko
Yeah they are top tierOkay, I'm just saying... Rude, Perfect, DiBiase, and Jake all seem like top-tier guys to me. I understand the arguments against it, but I don't agree with them. Championships mean nothing in this phony-baloney business! And very few guys got the top belt in WWF during their time.
Okay, I'm just saying... Rude, Perfect, DiBiase, and Jake all seem like top-tier guys to me. I understand the arguments against it, but I don't agree with them. Championships mean nothing in this phony-baloney business! And very few guys got the top belt in WWF during their time.
Okay, I'm just saying... Rude, Perfect, DiBiase, and Jake all seem like top-tier guys to me. I understand the arguments against it, but I don't agree with them. Championships mean nothing in this phony-baloney business! And very few guys got the top belt in WWF during their time.
Fav 6 jobbers
Gud listFav 6 wurst singers
Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift
Bob Dylan
Lol the dark match after Smackdown wats Jinder vs Ziggles vs Roode
Your mom has a very wide body, British Monsoon.
+ David FlairKidman
Norman Smiley
Lance Storm
Edit: Dean Malenko
Uncouth scoundrel. I challenge you to a duel!
I'm viewing it as dudes who would be below Hogan, Flair, Macho, Cena, HHH, HBK, Owen, etc.
I get what you're saying though it can be a weird gray area. You're clearly going for that TV title Alex Wright/Paul Roma tier
Zach can't spell bologna
What a fucking loser
I just thought the exercise was, like, Not-Seen-as-Iconic Wrasslemen. I mean, that seems like a more fun game to me.
And my own sexism there made me realize I'd add all-time-great-and-largely-underappreciated wrasslewoman Sherri Martel to my stable.
Lol what is going on with these username changes? Should I just change mine to Jabronay?
List is no goodHideo Itami
Brutus The Barber Beefcake
Val Venis
Elijah Burke
Colin Delaney
Hey, I don't want to hijack the game! I just misunderstood!
Yeah, this Zachary. Guys who weren't top of the tier in terms of pop culture, business impact, etc but should have been so much more. Christina definitely qualifies there.
Earthquake is so underrated
Now that I've thought about it some, this would be my first pass:
Mr Perfect
Jake the Snake
Dean Malenko
Gorilla Monsoon, pfft. Who did he ever beat!?
I got a fun question/game:
Build a stable (lets go with 6 total) out of wrestlers who were not "the guy" or considered top 20/30 wrestlers. Think guys like Val Venis, D-Lo, Bagwell, Ahmed, etc and less guys like Owen, Mankind, Taker, Arn, Pillman, etc.
See a doctorHamburger fluids
No the fluids on the hamburger not out of my ass my badSee a doctor
Hard to tell with you, half a mark!No the fluids on the hamburger not out of my ass my bad
Steve Blackman already got the best theme, so I'd say it balances out.If life were fair... Steve Blackman would be a top guy
I got a fun question/game:
Build a stable (lets go with 6 total) out of wrestlers who were not "the guy" or considered top 20/30 wrestlers. Think guys like Val Venis, D-Lo, Bagwell, Ahmed, etc and less guys like Owen, Mankind, Taker, Arn, Pillman, etc.
You can make arguments about some of the others, but Rude was a top guy.
I see other people said rude as well. Disgraceful. Well done Zach for fighting the good fight against all of these inner city sweathogs and pennsylvanian pissants.