Half a moon's diet is mold based, he probably thinks she's worse than that.Bayley isn't a piece of meat.
Half a moon's diet is mold based, he probably thinks she's worse than that.Bayley isn't a piece of meat.
This is now WrassleGAF canon.Half a moon's diet is mold based
a good booker
Literally the worst wrestler alive today.Bayley deserves a good booing.
Remember when she went on Raw talk or whatever with the icepack on her shoulder? And gave a promo so awful Lita shamed her over it? And then Booker redid it for her?
Bayley is awful. She's supposed to be the ultimate wrestling fan and this is the enthusiasm she conjured:
I can agree with this. I mean, not everyone is gonna be perfect at everything like Austin. But Bayley was having botchfests too. So, what's her strength?But you know....the job of a good booker is to accentuate positives and hide negatives.
Bayley is not good at long interviews...and yet they make her do long interviews
They TNA now?Raw = Across the Nation
Smackdown = The Beautiful People.
Bayley deserves a good booing.
Remember when she went on Raw talk or whatever with the icepack on her shoulder? And gave a promo so awful Lita shamed her over it? And then Booker redid it for her?
Bayley is awful. She's supposed to be the ultimate wrestling fan and this is the enthusiasm she conjured:
You'll learn all about that soon enough.WrassleGAF is nothing but filth.
Post this whenever someone says subscribing to the Network doesn't directly benefit Trump.shit stain mcfuck face almost forgetting to sign once of his bills to try and rob citizens of healthcare. Oh look who it is in the background..
This is like the fifth time.it's not even the first time he's walked off and forgot to sign a bill
I got a fun question/game:
Build a stable (lets go with 6 total) out of wrestlers who were not "the guy" or considered top 20/30 wrestlers. Think guys like Val Venis, D-Lo, Bagwell, Ahmed, etc and less guys like Owen, Mankind, Taker, Arn, Pillman, etc.
Man, Sean O'Haire had it all... Really sad what happened to him.My boy stable
Sean o haire
Steve Blackman
Perry Saturn
beat THAT
I'll beat something.My boy stable
Sean o haire
Steve Blackman
Perry Saturn
beat THAT
Your meatI'll beat something.
Your meat
Literally the worst wrestler alive today.
I can agree with this. I mean, not everyone is gonna be perfect at everything like Austin. But Bayley was having botchfests too. So, what's her strength?
They TNA now?
Any favorite RAW theme that isn't All Together is wrong.
You mean this gem?Gaming side putting out some.... interesting threads today.
Man, Sean O'Haire had it all... Really sad what happened to him.
Great boy stable.
That one and the "is there a game where I can kill someone and take their wife?" thread
People give her husband money.shit stain mcfuck face almost forgetting to sign once of his bills to try and rob citizens of healthcare. Oh look who it is in the background..
That's pretty funny.https://twitter.com/Justin_SofOK/status/918373449009106944
And we laughed at Hunter for saying this is part of why guys are in NXT. lol
You'll learn all about that soon enough.
Marcus MBagwell
Was Morrison good? Just watched him in a EC match. Why did he leave wwe?
I think because Melina kept cucking him.Was Morrison good? Just watched him in a EC match. Why did he leave wwe?
God, it hurt. It really hurt.
And that "who has the weakest finisher" moment
Christ, she just hung herself with that.
Watch her die
hoo boy, that is a next-level dressing down on that Raw Talk.
not a fan of them telling her to shut up because a man is talking, though
And we laughed at Hunter for saying this is part of why guys are in NXT. lol