Dave says TNA is planning on filming in NYC and Chicago soon
Wasn't the whole point of going to Canada to cut costs?
Dave says TNA is planning on filming in NYC and Chicago soon
"Chicago" has to mean outer suburbs somewhereDave says TNA is planning on filming in NYC and Chicago soon
TNA does love MMA legends!Whats Phil Brooks doing in the [insert w/e theyre calling themselves this month] Zone?!
Looks like filipino champ of the fgc
Yeah it is.Thanks
Man, '98 Jericho is just the best. Way better than any of that trash WWF/E stuff. Oooh, he wore a suit and acted like Nick Bockwinkel or whatever. Pbbtt.
Our girl excel putting on a damn five star classic in that Needle Drop thread. :,)
gave up after they asked me to 1-5 rate heavy machinery and no way hose on like 20 buzzwords
Because we verify people, not letting people impersonate others.
https://twitter.com/TIMEBOMB1105/status/916731295836680193 Daryl got married!
Jericho is one of my favorite wrestlers. Dude always owned up to every story line and made them work.
That's new blood, brother.
Zach why are you watching sports that arent predetermined?The #3-ranked Sooners just lost to trash Iowa State. #RIPJimRoss
Why has WWE not tried to get Bobby Lashley back? Or does he just not want to return? Is doing Bellator that important to him? Do youd think WWE would still allow his MMA bouts if hes a part timer?
When we gonna start the WrassleGafCast?
Only championship games are a shoot, brother.Zach why are you watching sports that arent predetermined?
Whats the canonical relation between Daryl and Hiromu?
Brothers? Father/Son? Cousins?
The idea of them being cousins appeals to me.Whats the canonical relation between Daryl and Hiromu?
Brothers? Father/Son? Cousins?
https://twitter.com/TIMEBOMB1105/status/916731295836680193 Daryl got married!