It was like outta nowhereI missed the RKO, cna someone describe it. Hopefully theres a gif soon.
dat fast
It was like outta nowhereI missed the RKO, cna someone describe it. Hopefully theres a gif soon.
So Randy wins so Seth can attempt to cash-in leading to their feud? Or is Ambrose getting the briefcase? I'm so confused what the overall plan here.
Cena & Ambrose both win at HiaC, Cena beats Bork at SurSer and Ambrose turns heel and cashes in on Cena.
Orton has been the best part of WWE these past few weeks
So why did Cena say Orton is a gifted star and a future hall of famer, then say he hasn't been relevant since 2002, when he was a jobber on Smackdown?
It was like outta nowhere
dat fast
Greaaat, Rusev vs. The Black People continues.
What happen to the new Nation?
He said this right?Can King say "F you?"
Who is Big E?
They didn't even show him come out.
As far as I'm concerned he is a fan that just happened to wear tights that night.
You just know that Lana got some matching white lace panties on under that skirt!
It was like outta nowhere
dat fast
ETA on a vlog about it? Asking for a friend.
I just got home from work, I think I heard they added a stipulation at HIAC for number 1 contender....what happened?
Lana almost 100% dropped her accent there by accident LOL.
Almost like she believed what she was saying about him lolLana almost 100% dropped her accent there by accident LOL.
it somehow made her hotter o_0Yea o.o she sounded better too.
Rusev has the best theme in the WWE right now