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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Just following in Rude's beautiful footsteps

bonus gif: this sequence is rad


who are those girls that Kane has?



Holy shit did you guys know Taz blocked me? I've never felt so good


I bought a drop amp since the cable doesn't really work in two rooms of the house. The only extra network that shows up? FOX News. SWERVE!
What are the Wyatt Family doing now? I just remember them kidnapping Kane and that was about it. Are they involved with any storylines or just there?


Stro actually rarely gifs the ladies, though he has been lately with Team Madness.

The reason why I don't have many lady gifs is because they usually aren't doing anything to gif besides standing around. Before Team Madness, girls were just there to stand around.

This Cruiserweight Championship Ultimate X match featuring Arn Anderson, Hypnosis, Bam Bam Big Yellow, Saturn, and Lenny Lane is quite fantastic. Mike Tenay and Larry Legend are spot on with their commentary.


I know how to end TNA.

Ok so Dixie gathers the big stars like Bully and AJ and the rest of em that's been in the PPV as far as I can tell.

They start talking about how things have to come to a end, to a conclusion. AJ starts interrupting and babbling about how he's the champion and it's changed things. Bully counters telling him that the championship no longer matters to him since there are bigger things at hand that are happening that'll affect them all.

They start talking about how things don't change and the future and etc etc and then Stinger comes in and speaks on about how he's been doing this and that and a stupid retirement type of speech.

Everyone claps

Screen blurs and after a moment clears up. They're in the ring, but they're action figures.

Being played with by some kid.

There was a thread made in the OT for a TNA PPV?

This is the lowest WrassleGAF has ever sunk :|

Also, wow, the hardcore Japanese fans REALLY hate Naito;

Best matches at King of Pro Wrestling, as voted by the users of kakutolog;

1. Okada (c) vs Tanahashi - 311, 44.8%
2. Nakamura (c) vs Marufuji - 201, 29%
3. Ishii vs Shibata - 129, 18.6%
4. Nagata vs Sakuraba - 23, 3.3%
5. Hooligans (c) vs TAKA & Taichi - 11, 1.6%
6. Tenzan & Watanabe vs K.E.S. - 6, 0.9%
7. Makabe, Honma & Ibushi vs Devitt, Anderson & Fale - 5, 0.7%
8. Yano vs Suzuki - 5, 0.7%
9. Naito vs Yujiro - 3, 0.4%

Surprising, I probably would've had Yujiro vs Naito as the 4th best match on the card. This is probably a similar situation to how the Japanese hardcore crowd first reacted to Tanahashi's rise to stardom. It'll be interesting to see if Naito can turn their opinion around, especially if he beats Okada at the Tokyo Dome (BOOOOOOO).


This show is so BORING. Damn. Zero energy. But I'm doing a gimmick review so hopefully that will make it a little better.


What the fuck did Gail do to her face? She looks like a completely different person now.


This show is so BORING. Damn. Zero energy. But I'm doing a gimmick review so hopefully that will make it a little better.

If your so called biggest show of the year can't even sell 1/4 of the arena, you'd probably have no energy too. Think about the people who are actually there watching. They really didn't seem very into anything.


I can hear individual people in the crowd. It's so flat. Wrestlers and fans alike. In the clips of the Asylum days, I swear it looks more legit and like a real wrestling show than what it does now with significantly more money. I have a lot of gifs so far and I'm just now at Bobby/Kurt.

Bully Ray just shot up to Fave Five Status with his GNR lines.


I can hear individual people in the crowd. It's so flat. Wrestlers and fans alike. In the clips of the Asylum days, I swear it looks more legit and like a real wrestling show than what it does now with significantly more money. I have a lot of gifs so far and I'm just now at Bobby/Kurt.

Bully Ray just shot up to Fave Five Status with his GNR lines.

You better have giffed Tessmacher's ass bounce on the way into the ring, and the guy going "what?" After the Angle/Roode match!
Back to this thread now...

Goddammit. Every time I try to give this company another chance, they just keep showing that they don't know what they're doing, and they don't know what the audience wants.

Point notes:

-Bad Influence should be tag champs. Easily. They're way over, and they're entertaining. Bro Mans have received virtually zero build.
-I never want to see Sting in a match ever again. He just looks pedestrian and lazy, and his finisher is just pathetic at this point of his career. It's like he lacks the flexibility to do it properly anymore.
-Knockouts need clearer-defined personas. I had no idea that I was supposed to be booing Gail Kim tonight.
-Aries, Joe, Sabin, Manik, and Hardy were all utterly wasted in one match. Brutal. Each guy has things they can offer, and none of them were allowed to showcase their talents tonight. Still can't believe how badly they've fucked Manik since his awesome match against Sabin in the title versus title match they had on Impact, and his great promo beforehand. ZERO follow-up since then.
-Bully Ray is awesome, but needs to move away from this Aces and Eights garbage.
-AJ Styles has been getting better on the mic, but this storyline is still a little muddled.

Ugh. This company is so stupid. I don't WANT them to fail, but they're just frustrating as all hell.


Fucking seriouslyyyyy. This show was the WORST SHIT GOD DAMN. Bad Influence should've been winning those belts. BroMans have been joke characters ever since they debuted, while BI is about to job to Abyss, probably.

RE: Gail. She's a heel, bruh. Have you been watching Impact? Not that I blame you if you haven't. She hired the Barbarian's niece to beat up all the other Knockouts so she could become champ again. TNA's AJ/Tamina.

How was EC3's debut?

Imagine Fandango facing an NXT jobber for his big WrestleMania debut instead of Jericho. Now also imagine that instead of months of video packages, he had 3 weeks and two backstage segments, one of which being on the PPV.

Dude is gonna get fucked, probably. Which is a shame because i really want him to do well.

Speaking of new guys getting fucked, how about that Magnus/Sting match, eh? The one that was supposed to be a career making match for Magnus? The one where the crowd was totally dead and the vet totally phoning it in? And I don't even care for Magnus, but god damn.

I'm going to watch BFG. Just to see what WCW has been up to since 2001. Should I do a review?

no don't do it

please stro


WCW Bound For Glory 10/21/13

Bam Bam Big Yellow vs Perry Saturn vs Chris Jericho vs Arn Anderson vs Psychosis WCW Cruiserweight Championship Ultimate X

Chris Jericho climbs to the top right away. Everyone looks at him. Mike Tenay and Larry start arguing already. "Just the 32nd time" WCW has had an Ultimate X match in 11 years. Bam Bam is so fat. He's kicking Chris Sabin and stuff. Arn looks great having cut back on the beers. Hypno takes over. The Ice Cream Man Saturn and Double A battle on a pillar. Arn has vegan like strength. Hypno does a double rana. Octopus on Jericho. Arn is making the climb. Saturn pulls him down and does a reverse powerbomb. Saturn gets a ladder. I believe ladders are illegal in this match. Bam Bam does an elbow suicida over the ladder. Arn floats to the floor like a hummingbird on all the wrestlers. Bam Bam unleashes a series of punches to Arn in the corner. Arn does a lot of dropkicks. He tries a brainbuster on Bam Bam, who turns it into a swinging choke. Saturn with a whisper in the wind. Kanyon Cutter on Jericho. BANG! Jericho wants his girlfriend, Stacy, to get in the ring. He shoves her in. She distracts Saturn and Jericho ends up grabbing the title. New champion!


Best of Mike Sanders clips are aired.

EARLIER TODAY. Mike Sanders arrived in anticipation of his WCW Championship shot later tonight.

The American Males came out and made some gay jokes and talked about turds. They claimed to be the best tag team in WCW history. SWERVES and curves and bags and douches. They want added to the title match. Norman Smiley comes out instead. He's a scientist. And as a scientist, he knows they created a monster. They attack Norman. It's The Wall! He's back. He saves Norman and they wiggle to the back.

TO THE BACK. Mean Gene catches up with the tag team champions. Mike Enos tells his opponents to only worry about a fight. Bobby Duncum Jr. is going to be playing slots or something later tonight.

Bobby Duncum Jr./Mike Enos vs Lenny Lane/Lodi WCW Tag Team Championships

The challengers won a battle royal earlier in the night to gain a title shot. Lex Luger accompanies them. The champs go on the early offense. I think Larry might have had a stroke on the golf course earlier in the day. Slingshot suplex from Enos. The champs are being big meanies until Enos is pulled off the ropes. His tattoos make him look purple. Larry accuses the ref of being out drinking the night before and also suspects that Lex has 7 to 8 thousand gallons of Muscle Milk at home. Poor Enos has been in the ring quite a long time. He comes back with a super fall away slam. Hot tag to Duncum. Bobby has a large cut on his leg. Lodi gets out of the whirly bird and nails an implant DDT. Duncum kicks out. Chokebreaker from Enos. Powerbomb/backstabber combo only gets a 2 count when Lenny breaks the pin. Codebreaker from Duncum. A belt is thrown in the ring. This distracts the ref to allow Bobby to get hit with a flying lariat. I don't really see the point of that, but whatever. Hart Attack. New champions!



TO THE HALL OF FAME DINNER. Chris Benoit was inducted in to the WCW Hall of Fame.

TO THE MEAN GENE. The official induction of Chris Benoit into the WCW Hall of Fame. Sting did the honors. Sting talks about how great of a father and family man Benoit is. Chris thanks the fans, WCW management, God, and his family. He can't even think of the words to say. Benoit doesn't seem impressed with his commemorative watch. He declines the invitation because he let his family, friends, and fans down. He's going to set a new standard.




Best of Mike Sanders clips are aired.

Hannah Montana gets a call. She wants all of Mike Sanders' merch pulled after tonight. Her nephew, WE KNOW WHO THAT IS, stops by. He's going to make his debut tonight.

Leia Meow vs Asya vs Gorgeous George WCW DIVAS Championship

Stink face from George. Bronco buster from Asya. POUUUUNNNCCCEEE from George sends Leia out of the ring. George is dominating the champ. Meow does a ring post figure four to George. Boosom smashing bump from Asya. Double superplex from the champ was blocked. Missile dropkick from Leia. Flying elbow from George. Stalling suplex from the champ in between smashing her vagina. Ref bump. The champ shows off her power when Bull Nakano comes out. Asya runs after her and gets laid out on the ramp. George dives after her and gets powerbombed. Leia makes the pin. New champion! We appear to have a new partnership.



TO THE BACK. Scott Hudson caught up with the new tag champions. The celebrated by shaking up protein shakes and spilling them all over each other while hugging.


TO THE MEAN GENE. Terrence Taylor is the guest. He talks about Chris Benoit. He believes what he said on Nitro was true: The he himself is more worthy of a HOF induction than Benoit. He's going to make Benoit tap out tonight. We have some technical difficulties near the end of the segment.


Chris Benoit vs Terrence Taylor

Chain wrasslin. Bobby out wrestles Benoit. This is Benoit's first match in many months. Bobby tries to lock on the Iron Crossface as an insult to Benoit. Larry is talking about the game of human chess, as he likes to do regularly. Tenay doesn't understand the concept. Belly to belly. They go to the floor. Suplex on the floor. Taylor goes after the well known neck injury of Benoit. Benoit might be going out to a chin lock. Benoit makes a come back. Rolling Reich. Taylor kicks out. Spinebuster from Taylor. Ankle lock! Taylor gets out of it. Benoit goes shoulder first into the ring post. Iron Crossface again! Such a dick move to use a guy's own hold on him. Benoit misses the diving headbutt and Taylor reapplies the Iron Crossface. Benoit gets out of it by slapping on the ankle lock. Back into the Iron Crossface. Pin trading sequence ends back in the Iron Crossface. Twisting Samoan drop! Taylor kicked out. Rolling Reich is countered with a low blow. DVD/neckbreaker combo. Benoit kicks out. Another ankle lock. It sure looked like the ref placed Taylor's hand on the ropes. Super twisting Samoan drop! No movement from either man. Taylor breaks the count at 10. He falls over onto Benoit. Taylor wins. New champion! Chris Benoit might be dead. Well, his fingers are twitching so he probably isn't dead. Unless it is his death rattle. Trainers and EMTs hit the ring. He refuses a neck brace. They get him on the stretcher, but he SWERVES the EMTs by walking off on his own.



Best of Mike Sanders clip airs.

TO THE BACK. Mike Sanders is preparing to shovel snow by making sure his gloves are secured.

TO THE CLUBHOUSE. Bobba Rey Doodley talks to the nWo B Team.


Poor Air Paris got squashed. New champion!


TO THE MEAN GENE. He talks to Van Hammer, who has a big match against Sting tonight. Hammer is pretty interesting in satisfying his needs tonight.

Sting vs Van Hammer

Larry has never liked Sting. Sting outsmarts the younger Hammer. Larry says he never had a match where someone made him. I guess he forgot about Bruno. He's pretty grumpy tonight. Hammer hits a heavy metal uppercut. Sting bails to regain his composure. Hammer lets him back in, but then attacks. It was brought to Tenay's attention that Sting has a Cabo Wabo shirt on. He didn't notice, but figured it was probably a show of respect to his opponent. Stinger splash! Scorpion Deathlock! Hammer powers out. Double lariatoo. Hammer decides to do Sting's own Hulk up spot, including a Stinger Splash. Sting Hulks up. Deathlock is reapplied. Hammer got to the ropes. Deathdrop to Sting! Flying elbow from Hammer. He misses a second one. Flair Flop from Sting. Hammer locks on a Texas Cloverleaf. Sting taps! New champion! Old Man Sting offers a hand shake. Hammer pretty much blew him off as Sting hobbled into the sunset.


Mike Sanders highlight package.

TO THE MENE GENE. Bobba Rey and his girlfriend, Gorgeous George, are the guests. Bobba recites some Guns N' Roses like a fucking boss. He's going to bring Sanders to his kn kn kn kn kn knees, knees. And he's wants to see him bleed. It's gonna bring you down....HUHHH.

Bobba Rey Doodley vs Mike Sanders WCW Championship No DQ No Count Out

Bobba uses his size to intimidate Sanders. Sanders uses his speed. Bobba uses his power. POWAH. Calf killer on Calfzilla. Garrett Bischoff, Eric's 15 year old son, gave Bobba a hammer. Neither man gets to use it. Sanders sadly lost a nipple. Tenay is being SUCH A HOMER. Scott Norton comes out. He chokeslammed Sanders. But Sanders kicked out! Senior official Nick Patrick will not take guff from Doodley. It goes to the floor. Sanders misses a 450 to the floor. JEEEEESSSUUUSSS! Bobba tears the ring mat and canvas up, exposing the bare wood. That's a dick joke. He then calls for the B Team. Instead, Hannah Montana came out. She gives Doodley a chair. Sanders hits it back in Bobba's face. Springboard 450! Hannah won't let Nick Patrick make the pinfall. Backdrop on the exposed boards. Second rope senton from the champ. But Sanders kicks out! Nick Patrick has injured himself making a pin fall. Series of chair shots to Sanders' back. YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB KIDMAN! Pele! Spiral tap. Sanders wins. New champion!




DQ Count: 0 out of 7 matches

On a serious note, this show was SO BORING. There was no energy until the main event, which had a very strange energy and just made me think how stupid AJ really is to STILL go out and kill himself for TNA. Dude should have told Dixie to suck it, did some stuff in Japan, and try to get hired as an NXT trainer or something.


Thank you drunkbogo. Now I got all the good parts of the PPV without having to watch it + WCW recaps laid over it. best worst something of both worlds.
This Stro review is pretty great. TNA looks so bad right now, you wanna say a mostly empty arena is demoralizing to the talent? It's demoralizing when they see it all over social media.

Why does AJ Styles kill himself for TNA?
I have Bound for Glory set to record this Wedensday (UK airing)

Having not seen TNA in God knows how long, should I watch this as an experiment?
so who wants to take some bets on when TNA does die?

It's seriously over

Before Wrestlemania next year at the latest is my bet.

I think it will take about 2 weeks between we first start hearing news and it folding. It will happen quick and almost without warning.

I feel sorry for all that talent. :(
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