Best of Mid-South/UWF Volume 1, Part 5
First up,
Mr. Olympia vs Chavo Guerrero (senior), June 24th, 1983. Chavo goes straight after Olympia, who is now a heel with Skandor Akbar in his corner, and hits a monkey flip followed by a trio of dropkicks. Olympia scrambles to the floor and begs for a time out. He eventually gets back in, but Chavo grabs an arm lock, bounces Olympia off the turnbuckles and hits a big back bodydrop. He teases the surfboard for a long time and finally gets Olympia up, but he gets one leg free and rolls back to pin Guerrero for a 2-count. Olympia rakes the eyes and then grounds Chavo with a headlock. Chavo forces his way to his feet and frees himself with an elbow. He hits the ropes, criss-cross, reverse leapfrog, flying crossbody and Chavo gets a 2-count! Chavo works over Olympia's arms, locking in a sort-of octopus stretch, which he turns into a pinning attempt. Olympia flees to the outside to recover. He gets back in and they lock up, Olympia goes back to the headlock, but Chavo bends down and tips Olympia over his leg. He stomps on Olympia's face, hits a bodyslam and goes for his flipping senton, but Olympia rolls out of the way. Olympia puts him in a chin lock, but again Chavo escapes, hitting the ropes before leaping over into a sunset flip for 2. Olympia punts Chavo in the chest and goes back to the chin lock, really wrenching it in. Chavo breaks the hold and twists an armbar. He tries it again, but Olympia punches him square in the jaw and Chavo hits the mat hard.
Olympia goes to work, smashing Chavo's head into the turnbuckle and returning yet again to the chin lock. Chavo frees himself with punches and elbows, before grabbing Olympia by the mask and ramming him into the turnbuckles! Chavo goes to the well one too many times and Olympia slams him into the corner, before hitting a big backbreaker for a near fall. He whips Chavo into the corner, but he bounces out and hits a flying bodyblock! Chavo rolls him up with a cradle for 2, then throws Olympia to the floor, following up with a big plancha! Olympia struggles back to the ring just before the 10 count and Chavo beats the hell out of him in the corner. The ref forces Chavo out of the way and Akbar throws something to Olympia, which he puts over his boot and just punts Chavo in the face, sending him flying to the floor! Olympia drags him in the ring, hits a bodyslam and goes for the pin, but Chavo gets his foot on the ropes at the last second! Olympia locks in a sleeper and Chavo's starting to fade, but he powers out of it and forces Olympia into the corner. Olympia retreats up top and goes for a elbow drop, but Chavo avoids it and hits a dropkick, followed up with a spinning heel kick and a bridging German suplex for the 3-count! AWESOME match, some great wrestling and the crowd were electric throughout. Chavo was insanely over here and he hits another German suplex after the bell to the crowd's rapturous applause. He tries to unmask Olympia, but it takes Akbar, DiBiase and all of the Rat Pack to stop Chavo, beating him down until Mr. Wrestling II makes the save.
Ted DiBiase vs 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan in a Street Fight, July 29th, 1983. This one starts out fast, Duggan going straight after his former Rat Pack boss. Both guys are dressed in streetclothes as there's to be little wrestling here. Duggan and DiBiase struggle for control, but Hacksaw comes out on top, connecting with some big right hands to Ted's jaw. DiBiase misses an elbow drop and then eats more big punches from Hacksaw, sending him reeling to the floor. DiBiase charges with a double axehandle, but Hacksaw hits an eblow and slams Ted into the corner. DiBiase tries to flee, but Hacksaw grabs him and slams him into the ring frame. He chokes DiBiase out and the ref tries to stop it, but Hacksaw shoves him away. He pulls Ted's shirt over his head and tees off with more punches, before tearing off his own shirt and choking Ted out with it! DiBiase rakes Duggans eyes before taking off his belt and using it to choke Hacksaw. Big Duggan chants as he swings wildly, but Ted wraps the belt round his fist and hits some big rights to floor Hacksaw again. Ted snapmares him over and drops a fist to his skull, before just biting at his forehead. Ted lays in more punches, but Duggan's starting to hulk up. He stomps around the ring and slams Ted's head into the turnbuckle, before pulling off his own belt and whipping DiBiase across the back. He slams DiBiase into the guardrail, before ramming his head into the ring post. Duggan grabs a chair and hits Ted right over the back of the head, but DiBiase manages to rake his eyes and swings the chair himself, only for Hacksaw to duck and the chair hit the ring post! Ted scrambles into the ring, but Hacksaw's distracted by Skandor Akbar and is caught unawares by DiBiase, who holds him steady while Akbar lines up a chairshot. He swings and Hacksaw ducks, the chair tapping off the top of DiBiase's head! Hacksaw beats the tar out of Akbar in the corner, but DiBiase grabs the chair and advances, only for Hacksaw to avoid the swing once more, the chair connecting with Akbar! Duggan swings the chair and hits Ted right on top of the skull to pin him for the 3-count! Fun match, rather sloppy in places and I don't care much for Hacksaw, but the crowd elevates this with their enthusiasm.
Lastly, the final match of '83 on this collection,
Butch Reed & Jim Neidhart (c) vs Mr. Wrestling II & Magnum T.A. in a cage match for the Mid-South Heavyweight Tag Titles, December 25th, 1983. The tape starts with Magnum & Neidhart locking up in the ring. The Anvil has the strength advantage and forces Magnum down into a bridge, but he powers out and scores with a big dropkick. Neidhart takgs into Butch Reed, who immediately rakes Magnum's eyes. He tries to slam Magnum's head into the turnbuckle, but Magnum blocks it and whips Reed into the opposite corner, sending him flipping over the ropes and into the cage wall. Magnum tags in Wrestling II, who puts Reed in a side-headlock. Reed tries to lift the diminutive Wrestling II out of the hold, but his attempt is countered as Wrestling II smartly takes him down to the ropes, keeping the hold. Reed works his way back to his feet and forces Wrestling II into the ropes, only to eat a shoulderblock. Wrestling II hits his big knee lift and Reed goes flailing into the ropes! Magnum tags in and takes Reed over with a side-headlock takedown. Reed tries to force Magnum into the ropes, but he keeps hold of the headlock. Reed tries to lift him out of it, but he counters and scores with an atomic drop! Reed scrambles to the corner and tags in Neidhart, who locks up with Magnum only to knee him in the gut. He whips him into the ropes and hits a big back elbow, tagging into Reed, but Magnum fires back with punches on both men, gaining the upper hand, hitting a big back bodydrop and a shoulder tackle. He goes for one more, but Reed sidesteps and pushes Magnum over the ropes and face-first into the cage!
Magnum struggles back in, only to be thrown into the cage once more by Reed & Neidhart. They hit a double back elbow for a near-fall. Neidhart throws Magnum through the ropes and tries to cut him off as he gets back in, but Magnum puts a shoulder to Neidhart's gut and dives through his legs, scrambling over to his corner to tag in Wrestling II! Reed & Neidhart press the attack, but Wrestling II takes the both on and the crowd go wild! He disposes of Neidhart and hits a back backdrop on Reed for 1, followed by the knee lift for 2. Wrestling II whips Reed into the corner and follows up with a big hip toss. He hits the ropes, going for his knee lift again, but Neidhart pulls his feet out from under him! Reed starts to choke him out and then hits a backbreaker for a near fall of his own. He tags in Neidhart who hits a big bodyslam and applies a headlock. Wrestling II starts to fight out, but Reed comes in with a double axe-handle off the top. Neidhart tries to whip him into the corner, but Wrestling II counters, hits a back bodydrop and a knee lift, only for Reed to take him down with a shoulderblock. Reed drops the knee and goes for the cover, but he's not done and pulls Wrestling II's shoulder up before the 3 count. Neidhart then unmaks Mr. Wrestling II, but as he's celebrating II crawls to his corner and makes the tag. He was wearing a mask underneath his mask! Magnum comes in like a house on fire, he hits his belly to belly, Wrestling II hits Reed with his knee lift and Magnum pins Neidhart to win the tag gold! This was a real great match, you could tell they were very much behind Magnum and were trying to make him look very strong here, while Wrestling II provides the veteran counterpoint that made them an enjoyable team to watch in this match. Neidhart was fine, but didn't do too much, while Reed made for a great villain, his selling being a particular high point of the match.