So we aint getting DB/HBK?
cock tease.
Love Vega stage!!!Los Matadores color scheme is straight out Street Fighter 2 Turbo.
So who's gonna feud with Randy now?
3MB does more jobs on the road than a truck stop hooker.
3MB does more jobs on the road than a truck stop hooker.
So who's gonna feud with Randy now?
He's going back to tag teaming?
That's it? That's the payoff?
This company.
So who's gonna feud with Randy now?
No guyz, it's a slow build. By June 2015 Bryan will be ready to capture the gold!Daniel Buried?
Daniel Buried?
No guyz, it's a slow build. By June 2015 Bryan will be ready to capture the gold!
is the bull some lucha wrestler from mexico? has to be
Why are CM Punk and Ryback wrestling again? Wasn't last night the blowoff to that feud? There's nowhere left to go.
I can see Bryan winning the Rumble then have the WM match against Orton or whoever. Just weird to see him go from being in a main event fued straight to a fued with the Wyatt family after a commercial break. Seems like they're heading in the direction of Big Show vs. Orton for the belt at Survivor Series.This screams Bryan feud until he wins the Rumble. Is Wyatt representing Triple H because he said the Devil made me do it or is this leading to survivor series match because Hunter is tied with Big Show and Orton is going to feud with someone else.
Why are CM Punk and Ryback wrestling again? Wasn't last night the blowoff to that feud? There's nowhere left to go.
I can see Bryan winning the Rumble then have the WM match against Orton or whoever. Just weird to see him go from being in a main event fued straight to a fued with the Wyatt family after a commercial break. Seems like they're heading in the direction of Big Show vs. Orton for the belt at Survivor Series.
Blowoff? There are only 2 maybe 3 wrestlers in the Punkverse.Why are CM Punk and Ryback wrestling again? Wasn't last night the blowoff to that feud? There's nowhere left to go.
What odds? There are no odds, maybe if she was wrestling Kong.GO AJ!
What odds? There are no odds, maybe if she was wrestling Kong.
What odds? There are no odds, maybe if she was wrestling Kong.
That doesn't work anymore when they wear different shirts and one of them gets fake tits.The odds of Twin Magic you doof
That doesn't work anymore when they wear different shirts and one of them gets fake tits.
you just don't get it do you?
... This doesn't even make any sense. AJ didn't have to overcome any odds tonight.