Can't for the life of me get him to walk forward using Move controller(s). Tried 2 moves (sensitivity seems insanely high?) and one. Hasn't picked up my navigation controller yet, will restart it and see what that's like. Just trying to get it setup so my wife can play it!
edit: Move + Navigation controller is great compared to Move by itself. FWIW, this game has no love for the left handed, and there isn't actually a way to select your control scheme - it just goes with whatever is connected when you press start. There's no sensitivity adjustment on the Move and the movement isn't 1:1. Tentacles don't rotate with the controller, and for the most part my tentacle is behind Octodad even though the controller is in front of me. I get that part of the game is that it has fustrating controls, but this is just bad support really.
edit: Move + Navigation controller is great compared to Move by itself. FWIW, this game has no love for the left handed, and there isn't actually a way to select your control scheme - it just goes with whatever is connected when you press start. There's no sensitivity adjustment on the Move and the movement isn't 1:1. Tentacles don't rotate with the controller, and for the most part my tentacle is behind Octodad even though the controller is in front of me. I get that part of the game is that it has fustrating controls, but this is just bad support really.