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ODDWORLD: NEW 'N' TASTY |OT| Save 99 Mudokons as The Stitch-Lipped One. Follow me!


Very cool so far! Platforming mechanics are indeed not that fun, but I'll get through it. Game is cracking me up, and the visuals are fantastic.


Anyone else having trouble deactivating bombs? I hit square when the light is green but every time I get blown up.

Edit: ah I got it. You have to hit square almost right before it turns green.

If you preordered yes. Not sure about if you didn't.

I just encountered that and had problems trying to get it right, too.


I was expecting a perfect 60 fps, I must say I'm a little disappointed.

Other than that, it's magnificient to look at.


You guys better be playing on hard. No other way to play. I love how this game looks. The audio and character quips are fantastic. They put so much love into this
I came back in to say the same thing. The bombs are harder to disarm than they were in the original.
Yeah I agree. I don't remember it being this tough. Once I learn the timing I should be ok.

I was expecting a perfect 60 fps, I must say I'm a little disappointed.

Other than that, it's magnificient to look at.
I agree, it's gorgeous.

You guys better be playing on hard. No other way to play. I love how this game looks. The audio and character quips are fantastic. They put so much love into this
High five!

Although if I can get my wife to play co op with me I'll set it to easy for her sake.
Just played for a bit. Had a moment where I went, "Hmm, I bet that's a secret because it was in the original and holy shit yep that's a secret and now I'm dead"

It's changed just enough to be new, but left enough alone to be faithful to the original. That's how a remake should be done. Well done, JAW. Well-worth the cash.

Spoiler kind of:
So, wait, I mean, they added 200 more mudokans?! My god I'l never save them all.

I came back in to say the same thing. The bombs are harder to disarm than they were in the original.

Felt just as maddening as it was in the original, imo. I imagine if you had input lag that might affect it, though?
Just had a weird glitch where my screen just turned black when I tried to quick load. I could still hear myself moving around and stuff though.


Spoiler kind of:
So, wait, I mean, they added 200 more mudokans?! My god I'l never save them all.

Jaw dropped when I saw that counter on the screen. Which makes me especially afraid of this trophy:

New 'n' Hasty
Rescue every Mudokon with an overall Best Time of 3:00:00 or less


Spoiler kind of:
So, wait, I mean, they added 200 more mudokans?! My god I'l never save them all.

If that is true, then all over my face!!!

EDIT - Which makes sense having a trophy to
kill 99 Mudokons, because it was impossible to pass some areas without saving some of the guys..

Bring it!


I watched my big brother play the original and got myself a copy a few years later its going to feel so good to relive my childhood. :)


Redmond's Baby
Ugh, I wonder when will this game appear on our PS Store. I cannot find it, no matter which phrase i use for search :(
First time playing the game, and man in some parts is really hard. I have died a couple of times due to bad timing. And what the hell,
I left the factory, and a lot of mudokons died
. I must have missed an area?

Also, how long is original game? If it is short, I see myself replaying it a couple of times. So good.
I played the original on PC, no joystick, just arrows... And Jesus Christ I find the stick on the ds4 annoying for this game. I DID NOT MEAN TO JUMP DAMNIT. yep, it's an oddworld game, as masochist as they come, honestly


The launch trailer says "Save the 99", theres also a trophy for killing & saving 99.

Are you sure thats right?

The killing trophy wouldn't make sense otherwise, some of the saves are mandatory. There's no save 99 trophy either (it's save all of them).
Nop, on PS4. Been trying to find it yesterday when i preordered The Last of Us, without any luck.


Web store location


Redmond's Baby

Web store location

Ok, looks like our local PS Store is currently inaccessible, so maybe they are adding it up. Will check later, normally they update on Wednesdays


The killing trophy wouldn't make sense otherwise, some of the saves are mandatory. There's no save 99 trophy either (it's save all of them).
Hum. Still said "Save the 99" in the launch trailer. I guess that makes sense for killing 99, but you have to save 200? Damn.
Man the artstyle is just fantastic.That oppressive industrial grime. Plays well, looks good, and still has a ton of character. The bombs though....

Want to keep playing but I gotta sleep.
This is a pretty great remake. Controls take a little getting used to with the analog stick, and I wish it would reload your quick save rather than the checkpoint.. but other than that I have nothing but high praises from what I've played so far.
Can't wait to go home and boot this. Hopefully the preload worked. Was there any decryption process or anything or can you boot it as soon as the count down hit 0?
I had the countdown up full screen, and it booted up the moment it hit 0. No waiting for decryption.


Fantastic remake, had to force myself to stop playing because I have to go sleep.

I was a bit surprised to find out that the cutscenes were all pre-rendered though since they kept saying that they were realtime in this version.

Can't wait to play some more tommorow!
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