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Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath Vita |OT| Something Odd in your pants

Great write-up from Digital Foundry: http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articl...&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=european-dailyI would rather pay full-price and support a team like JAW, versus some AAA $60 title that provides possibly LESS value/game time. I just hope Vita sales are worth your guys' investment in the system. Having seen a friend playing the Vita version over the weekend, I can safely say you guys have done an amazing job bringing this to the handheld.

Amazingly SCEE has done TWICE as much as SCEA, however we did gave a small PS+ in SCEE at launch. Next week in SCEA we're on sale, but we obviously don't make the same revenue.

We actually paid for VITA development with the revenue from Stranger PS3, so to us VITA has been 100% profit since day one. Which is nice.

I'm not going to give you actual numbers, but in SCEE, VITA has done 7k units less in the 9 weeks since launch than the PS3 version has done since its launched in Dec 2011.

So that's 9 weeks vs 14 months.

So we're pretty happy.


Grabbed Stranger's Wrath for Vita and it is DLing as I type~
Ugh my Vita's running out of space, Sony better hurry with those 64 GB memory card thingies =_=

Now to wait for Stranger's Wrath HD's size reduction to go live to save me some space on my 500 gb ps3~ Every gig counts!


Well, I just managed to do something I didn't manage back on the Xbox... complete this game!
On easy

I think I played on normal back then, and that race through the
bombarded dam
finished me off if memory serves. It wasn't until I mentioned it to a friend months later that I realised just how close to the end of the game I was or I might have persevered. :(

Still, I also grabbed all of the trophies as I went (using a guide for missables, of which there are quite a few) so "all" I need to do now is complete the game on hard. No mean feat I would imagine, parts of the game are no joke even on easy.
Well, I just managed to do something I didn't manage back on the Xbox... complete this game!
On easy

I think I played on normal back then, and that race through the
bombarded dam
finished me off if memory serves. It wasn't until I mentioned it to a friend months later that I realised just how close to the end of the game I was or I might have persevered. :(

Still, I also grabbed all of the trophies as I went (using a guide for missables, of which there are quite a few) so "all" I need to do now is complete the game on hard. No mean feat I would imagine, parts of the game are no joke even on easy.


Yeah i'm slowly/casually making my way through it on Hard. Shit is no joke and you pretty much are gonna go Dead Bounties the majority of the time if you intend to hold on to your sanity.
I'm going to go through it again though on Easy to mop up the rest of the trophies.
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