Post 3: My Full Defense
I'll take this day by day:
Day 1
Right off the bat you can see me try to bait Sophia into stating her alignment:
A simple yes or no will suffice
I only asked one question and it's already gone unanswered :'(
Are you scum Sophia?
After this I realized it would be more useful (and easier) to get a statement like "I think x is scum".
Next up, I'll point out this exchange with Darryl:
posts 116-120.
I knew exactly what Darryl was talking about here, I took the opportunity to play dumb and "accidentally" soft claim as ordinary town. I was way more afraid of an NK than a lynch, so was happy this exchange could happen.
Late in the day, I bait Gorlak to give a clear opinion on Kyanrute:
Just one question for you Gorlak:
Do you currently think Kyan is scum, or not?
Speaking of non-answers:
Not enough material? No shit, it's D1! I wasn't asking you to stake your life on it, and you seemed to have an opinion earlier in the day, so why can't you answer now? You could have responded with a gut feeling and at least you'd have stated a position.
For not much reason and despite his poor post mentioned above, I do not currently think Kyan is scum. Do you?
This led to post 384 that I eventually checked.
Night 1
So if I check town, I confirm 1 townie. If I check scum I'll find scum and either confirm a townie or maybe even find a second scum at the same time.
I obviously considered checking Gorlak, but by this time I kind of trusted him, and I really wanted to hit scum so I decided against it.
I considered checking
Darryl, but at this point I still trusted Darryl on the back of his soft claim.
In the end I went with that post by Sophia. It wasn't ideal because I couldn't get a "NO LIE" result, but that would only happen if Sophia and Gorlak were scum while Darryl was town (this seemed unlikely as Sophia had attacked Gorlak pretty early on). I was hoping for a LIE which would mean Sophia is scum, Gorlak/Darryl are
probably both town. I can't remember exactly what made me choose to check Sophia over Darryl. I think I trusted her a bit in D1 but at this point I trusted her less than both Darryl and Gorlak.
These were the only suitable posts I could find for day 1 by the way. I briefly considered checking Seath's "I am not a god" but since that couldn't distinguish between Komena and Peripseros I figured that would do more harm than good (or nothing at all).
Day 2
first post of the day contained a breadcrumb that would be immediately obvious after seeing my flip. I have three points to make, but I label them 3... 2... 1... 321 being the post I checked. I then generally doubled down on trusting Sophia, which would hopefully be enough to confirm her in case of my death.
If you read through my day 2 posts you'll see me trying to trust Sophia but struggling to justify it. Her posts were honestly weird to me that day which put me in a slightly awkward position. There is this exchange where I use the word unclear in response to her:
Just out of curiosity, but why do you have me as your top town? I did a quick look back on the previous pages, but I didn't really see an answer there...
Call it a gut read I guess, but there is enough overlap between your ideas and mine that I find it easy to believe we are both starting with the same set of information. Thats not to say I agree with everything you say, especially today a couple of things have been a little unclear.
I don't remember when, but at some point I stop trusting Darryl and start to think he might be scum. The real reason I tried to keep Darryl alive here was because I knew I could check him at night. If he turned out to be town then great I've saved a townie. If he turned out to be scum then we can lynch him the next day and get info on Crimson. So yeah, I know I had some other excuse for this on day three, but this was the bigger reason I wanted him alive.
Night 2
Now my ability works best on short posts, so obviously the posting restriction on day 2 made it pretty useless. I still had the option to check Darryl or Gorlak's day 1 posts, but I still trusted Gorlak, and Darryl died a townie. I went with the CrimsonFist post as I didn't have a strong read on him.
In hindsight, it should have been obvious that he was the doctor and likely to die. At this point I had forgotten his soft claim (even though I called it out in the thread) and never thought it through enough to realize he was the doctor. This was a dumb move on my part.
Day 3
With Crimson dead, I didn't even bother to breadcrumb my night action. I don't think there's much else for me to comment on in this day. Day 3 was a mess for me.
Night 3
I looked through day 3 and couldn't find a single post I wanted to check. I think I could have checked Zipped's claim but that seemed like a longshot. Having been wrong on everything else I decided it was worth checking Gorlak after all. To be honest it was either that or wait for night 4, and I'm not sure I would survive without claiming.
Of course Gorlak died, so I decided to not even claim unless it was necessary.
Of course he did
I think thats everything. Some people have remarked that I act as if I'm not afraid of a lynch. Well... thats true. This role is new to Gafia and interesting enough to be (in my opinion) quite convincing. I figured the scummier I appeared the better (to avoid night kills) as I would always have this role to fall back on, along with a game's worth of actions to back it up.
Your turn OA. Convince me you aren't scum.