At risk of sounding too defensive, I haven't accused Derrick or anyone else of anything. So I haven't backed off of anything. All I said was his actions don't clear him from being scum because they don't.
That really isn't a positiveAt risk of sounding too defensive, I haven't accused Derrick or anyone else of anything. So I haven't backed off of anything. All I said was his actions don't clear him from being scum because they don't.
It is what it is. I'm more concerned we're disseminating correct information than convincing anyone of anything right new.That really isn't a positive
It is what it is. I'm more concerned we're disseminating correct information than convincing anyone of anything right new.
This was arguing for your defense.What are you even on about tho. I'm not arguing for my defense. I'm asking someone to explain why they found my claim scummy enough to try to lynch me
I think a scum PR easily could have done this. My saying this and explaining why has apparently been interpreted as me attacking you, I guess, and I'm just saying it wasn't necessarily.Well if I'm a scum PR, do you think I would pull off the argument I made against Splinter/Gorlak/FEP? Could a scum PR confidently make a sweeping statement over the titles of all town PR roles like that without first hand knowledge?
This was arguing for your defense.
I think a scum PR easily could have done this. My saying this and explaining why has apparently been interpreted as me attacking you, I guess, and I'm just saying it wasn't necessarily.
I'm not trying to lynch you atm so no comment there.
Such as?I'm still gonna wait to throw a vote out but there's a few that I'm...beginning to be more suspicious as the day rolls on by...
Such as?
I was more interested in your thoughts and reasoning than the vote itself. You mentioned there are "a few". Who? And why?Aw hell with it all
VOTE: Gorlak
I love you dearly but my gut tells me opposite
I was more interested in your thoughts and reasoning than the vote itself. You mentioned there are "a few". Who? And why?
Seath voiced a drive by "oh yeah he's suspicious" without anything concrete, some goes for Zipped. Do you two still think the same? Would you please in your own words describe what you think about me?
.*splinter, is doing a pretty good job at ball rolling, but my great and worthy opponent is very good at appearing town.
The first quote and the bonded are not consistent. I also didn't scumread you for playing a different game, I scum read you for playing no game. I had to go hunting through the thread for your previous posts, and the first quote above is the one of the only substantial posts I could find - calling out the absent LP.Most everyone is suspicious day 1, I was agreeing that Sophia's post made a vote against you look like a good candidate. I didn't vote for you because at the same time her argument for you appeared on, she was arguing and voting for me right before hand. I don't like to flip/flop trailing votes once people stop voting for me because when other people do it I think they are scum trying to appear "not scummy" but voting FOR each other and then later WITH each other. So I try to avoid it and draw my own conclusions.
I'm not voting for you today, With what we have I don't think you are scum.
Darryl runs gambits, so I give him benefit of the doubt. *splinter is eternally on my list (and I on his) because we play fundamentally different games of Mafia that always makes the other appear scummy.
Bah you can't see italicised text in a quote. This is the section I was referring to.I don't like to flip/flop trailing votes once people stop voting for me because when other people do it I think they are scum trying to appear "not scummy"
The first quote and the bonded are not consistent. I also didn't scumread you for playing a different game, I scum read you for playing no game. I had to go hunting through the thread for your previous posts, and the first quote above is the one of the only substantial posts I could find - calling out the absent LP.
The italicised statement is also weird. You didn't want to look like you were trying to look "not scummy"... lol?
FineI disagree. I said you are very good at appearing town. Regardless of your true alignment, that is fact you are good at appearing town even when you are not.
Yeah I see the logic. If you saw someone else doing that you might be concerned. If you see yourself doing that... what? You might suspect yourself?I don't like to vote with people after they have immediately gotten off voting for me. Especially if the previous vote was a throw away/drive by or strangely justified. In my opinion it is a scum tactic, as is in the vote tally it appears that two people who are secretly working together are really throwing votes each other's way.
I'm still gonna wait to throw a vote out but there's a few that I'm...beginning to be more suspicious as the day rolls on by...
Aw hell with it all
VOTE: Gorlak
I love you dearly but my gut tells me opposite
Gorlak seems to be overly quick to throw accusations out (and I thought it was just my terrible RP'ing but as time grew on his behaviour was...odd)
Daryll for reasons I haven't quite pinned down yet
One of which was already suspected by couple ppl and Darryl who may have town PR.
I love you Gorlak, I just think you're scum <3
(More serious answer to come when I've reviewed the thread)
I wasn't ignoring you Gorlak I was at work. I can do drive by comments all day but no closer analysis - that's why the read list I posted is very much off the top of my head.Still waiting... But you are surely busy and can't be around... Oh wait. You've posted every 30 minutes and just ignored this.
Sophia doesn't feel townie in the slightest. She was the one to highlight the "may" part of the removal of gods. Initialising some speculation, but without ever giving her thought on the matter. Maybe she was looking for hints of knowledge some can't hide. Next thing is a "joke"-vote on zipped (and she called my first votes flimsy...) In post #74 she kindly tries to summarise the thoughts on gods and again, does not really state her opinion on the matter, but offers an if-case. She hasn't said a word about what she thinks of the gods, despite being interested in the matter. That's what led to my "she seems to know more" thought, swamped. She doesn't feel town, but she doesn't feel scummy either up to now, I'd say a null read.
Aw hell with it all
VOTE: Gorlak
I love you dearly but my gut tells me opposite
*Raises hand sadly.*My response to FEP: "Wow. Wiki said (...). You're clearly better at this." Who read this as a serious remark in which I articulate my respect for the astonishing ability of FEP?
Sophia can you elaborate on FEP. You say post 113 "strikes you out" and "doesn't seem random", but I'm not sure what you mean.
Darryl jumped on people who he thought were being "fake" about their speculation, assuming that scum already know what's going on with the Gods. I don't think it's a completely useless topic to pursue, generally scum will have a better idea as to things than town, so it's likely that they might hang back or try to avoid giving away that they know more than they should.
Something at least worth revisiting in a few days when we have an idea as to how things actually work to compare with speculations. I'd also look at people who either haven't commented on the topic at all, or people who came in later and parroted earlier speculation.
I wasn't ignoring you Gorlak I was at work. I can do drive by comments all day but no closer analysis - that's why the read list I posted is very much off the top of my head.
I want to do a deeper analysis of you since you've provided plenty of material to work with. I'm aware that time is running short however so I won't be too much longer
*Splinter - Splinter... what to think of him? Seems to have backpeddeled here and there early on. He's been VERY active tho, which is townish vibes to me. #92 was his opening post I believe. #93 he jokes about claiming Komena, but wouldn't because he'd get counter-claimed. Not sure why he stated that. Asked me if I was scum in #94, to which I didn't reply to him to see his reaction, and I got such a reaction at #202. I said his posts rub me the wrong way at #96, but now I'm not so sure about it anymore. Suggested the idea of a Godfather at #98, to which Gorlak replied and he went "Er OK, fair point". He's a faantastic scum by his own admission at #102, which was an amusing display but made me think more of Gorlak than him. He didn't like Lone_prodigy's vote at #115, and voted for him. Seems to think Darryl was PR fishing at #118, and voted for him then. Seems to have been looking at Star (jokingly?) at #123, specifically those who voted against her. At #134 there was "This conversation is boring and pointless and I find it interesting that Darryl is letting it play out.", which I found unusual, but I can't pinpoint why. A few comments to Seath too, which provided interesting results at #152. He's been pushing the right people, such as OceanicAir at #174. Darryl had some suspcisions of him at #235, but I'm not sure I agree with Darryl there as it just seems like Splinter was playing it safe and questioning the obvious. He provided a followup at #240, voiced his opinion on a no lynch at #245. When he's pressured people, such as Flatearthpanda at #271, he asked for specifics instead of just general impressions. That's always been a town sign in my book. I'm keeping an eye on him, as well as the people who think he's scum. Good read posts at #299, but I find it amusing he says I'm his top town. Voted for Gorlak at #305
Right now CrimsonFist is my top scum, for reasons I noted above. I wanna hear more .
I don't think that driving the conversation in the way that Splinter has makes him townie. For one, I think Splinter scum is really townish in his style. He is hard to read as scum, but I am now very interested in knowing who his scum list are and what his reads on others is.
Likewise, you've been on a rampage recently specifically going after the likes of Gorlak and CrimsonFist, both of which do not give me scum vibes.
I do think you make a strong case for Gorlak, I still believe it but it's strange you are now looking after CrimsonFist.
Who is more scummy to you, CF, or Gorlak? Also, why the sudden change when we're very close to the end of the day?
I acknowledge your points, Gorlak. I'll concede with you on the breadcruming point for now.
Related, but I did a read of Kyanrute's posts, and got townish vibes from them.
There's one person I wish to look over right now, so I'll doing that for a bit.
1. Sure I doSeriously Splinter. You vote for me. You don't say "die please" without a reason1... and you certainly don't need to analyse the whole thread when you've already made up your mind about me!2 Yet, you keep stalling3...
I also asked you why Darryl is top town, but I guess the obvious reasons have to be analysed first as well.4
You're scum.5
?The statement is much riskier if he's scum though. It certainly could be a guess, and he's by no means "confirmed" by this, but for now I'm thinking he's a town PR.