It's never gonna happen man -- how can you repeat that feeling the first time you heard it? It's like people bitching about Super Mario Sunshine... there's no way any game can ever live up to the feeling of Super Mario 64 because it was something that had never been done so well and convincing before. It changed video games as we know it, just as oasis changed British rock music as we know it back then.
Trust me, when I first heard those songs I was blown away like nothing in my life -- and that's why I am still a die-hard fan 11 years later. When they played Rock 'n Roll Star last night.. oh man, it was just incredible. I went with my brother who introduced me to them back then (he stopped caring much for them after Be Here Now) and he was belting it out along with me. Even though he doesn't care as much for them now, his words were, "They're excellent live. It's really quite incredible." and he's right -- it really is quite incredible.