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Official Doom 3 Topic. (ALL POSTS ON THE GAME HERE)

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there were 4 copies left at my best buy... wow..

it was crashing on my 9800pro too.. upgraded to the latest catalysts, seems to have fixed the crashing, but still getting some wierd artifacts.. damn you ATI!! over on rage3d seems like alot of people are having problems.. i even had to downclock my card to get rid of sparkling. grr. maybe 6800gt time


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Belfast said:
Also, I installed it, and I'm already getting random crashes to the desktop. I'm not really sure why, either. The game just goes "poof." Two of the times, It *may* have been me accessing an item I didn't have yet (hitting F for flashlight), but the third time I was just walking down a hall. It runs perfectly fine other than that, so I don't *think* I'm overloading my video card or anything (256 9800 Pro, BTW).

A few people have had this problem. When I originally went through the first level, the game crashed and put me on the desktop right as I hit the button to open the doors to the next area. This happened a few times until I updated to the July 7th Catalyst drivers on ATI's site. There will probably ben even newer drivers soon since the game finally out.


I'll give the catalysts a shot, I don't think I've upgraded in awhile. Everything else is peachy keen, though. I'm running on high detail and while its not 60 fps, its smooth. I don't get the little pauses when opening doors and crap, either.
I have a Radeon 9800 pro and I'm getting the black screen of death. Thought it was the overclock (but I have good cooling so it shouldn't have been a problem) so I restored the settings. I've done tons of tweaks and it still crashes. I'm pissed, I was really looking forward to this game and this bug is ruining it.

Far Cry ran 10x better than Doom 3 and I never once had a crash of any sorts, and that game was buggy as hell.

Fucking ATI/ID. You better fix this soon.


kitchenmotors said:
I have a Radeon 9800 pro and I'm getting the black screen of death. Thought it was the overclock (but I have good cooling so it shouldn't have been a problem) so I restored the settings. I've done tons of tweaks and it still crashes. I'm pissed, I was really looking forward to this game and this bug is ruining it.

Far Cry ran 10x better than Doom 3 and I never once had a crash of any sorts, and that game was buggy as hell.

Fucking ATI/ID. You better fix this soon.

I have a 9800 XT running the 4.7 drivers and everything is perfect.
ManaByte said:
I have a 9800 XT running the 4.7 drivers and everything is perfect.

Well, there is some sort of problem. I've read forums trying to find solutions and almost all the crashes involve a Radeon family gaphics card.


dark10x said:
Dialogue based audio logs? Which game are you thinking of, border?
Check the post again. I'm saying that other games tell their story through interaction between main/supporting characters (rather than one-sided exposition from non-characters).....not that it necessarily happens in a log. There are certainly more dynamic and interesting ways to offer exposition -- most of the video logs are actually decent.

If you liked scanning in Metroid Prime then I don't think you will mind all the PDA stuff. It gets pretty tiresome for me, though. Metroid Prime had a great deal of interesting bits to add to the story, whereas here it just seems a bit redundant.
i don't need no fucking characters in a doom game.
By the same token, we don't need no fucking story in a doom game. But if they are going to have one, then I wish it could've been done a bit better.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
9800 Pro 128

No crashes so far.

I'm currently in the begining when all hell breaks loose...literally.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I'd say that Far Cry's engine is quite superior to Source. It features most of the advanced shader effects found in HL2 as well as near Doom 3 quality shadow support and is capable of drawing absolutely MASSIVE areas with fairly quick load times. It can render a massive island and multiple indoor facilities within just one map. It is also the only engine I have ever seen that is capable of drawing a very convincing forest environment.

For once... We agree.


Well I stopped by GameStop to see if they had any copies in, and they did. I somehow let the guy convince me to buy one, so I've been playing for the last 45 minutes or so.

All I can say is: Doom 3 is fucking intense. I played with the windows covered up so it's dark and headphones on, and this game scares the shit out of me. The rooms are so small, I'm constantly spinning around to make sure nothing's around me. When I hear a noise, I jump up and start running around like a mad man. The sound especially is insane in this game; so much detail. I keep freaking out and biting my nails. I honestly don't know if I can continue on. :/


My 5.1 speakers showed up and I'll be picking up Doom 3 in a couple hours. 'Tis a good day. Some of the 9800PRO problems worry me a bit, but we'll see how it goes. I want to see if my 9800PRO with its Arctic Cooler and OCZ ramsinnks can handle the overclocking power with Doom 3!


Tag of Excellence
Anyone take a good look at the shadows with the flashlight? I'm almost positive they don't actually reflect onto the surface of the environment but rather extrude a transparant black polygonal mesh that reacts according to the angle and length you are from the object. Quite clever and I only noticed it when you get up real close to an object.



1024 high quality
29fps w/ vsync on
37fps w/ vsync off..
39fps w/ vsync off, 3.9 beta cats, self shadows

guess i'll have to live with some tearing..

1024 medium quality


Doom 3 is a benchmark app... Highest priority... Thief 3 is just some generic crap

But these drivers seem to give a nice boost to the frame rate from what little i have tested


I'm almost positive they don't actually reflect onto the surface of the environment but rather extrude a transparant black polygonal mesh that reacts according to the angle and length you are from the object.
I observed pretty much the same thing, TekunoRobby. Except I didn't have the right words to describe it. If the shadow hits some oblique object behind it, the shadow does not stretch properly. It just stays as this weird-looking outline along the object being lit. It looks really phony actually.

When shining the light through a mesh fence, there is no mesh shadow created on the wall.

When you shine the light into a mirror, it doesn't reflect at all.

The player character doesn't cast any kind of shadow in single player mode (at least not in High Quality....perhaps Ultra?).

The lighting is almost kinda disappointing considering how hyped up it was. I was expecting something far beyond the level of FarCry, but I'd say that they are almost even.
I really want Doom 3 to be a purely combative experience. I don't want this "New Age" FPS crap like Half-Life or Riddick. Give me the classic survival shooter with the awesome Doom thematics. Games like Half-Life just piss me off. Give me the straight gameplay, no fancy-pants narrative fluff intending to extend the experience. Doom II still stands as one of the best FPS simply because of its level design. No added ingredients needed. I hate how games today are now being drastically altered to cater to an audience of disallusioned youth.


Tag of Excellence
evilromero said:
I really want Doom 3 to be a purely combative experience. I don't want this "New Age" FPS crap like Half-Life or Riddick. Give me the classic survival shooter with the awesome Doom thematics. Games like Half-Life just piss me off. Give me the straight gameplay, no fancy-pants narrative fluff intending to extend the experience. Doom II still stands as one of the best FPS simply because of its level design. No added ingredients needed. I hate how games today are now being drastically altered to cater to an audience of disallusioned youth.
Well my my opinion doesn't hold too much weight since I'm not very far in the game but aside from the first half hour of tutorial (going around the base, getting orders) it's been pure combat. They've upped up the supernatural scares and made it much more suspenseful but it's still purely combat except in very dark places.


I can't wait to see classic Doom & Doom 2 maps remade as user created maps for use in Doom 3.



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
nubbe said:
Doom 3 is a benchmark app... Highest priority... Thief 3 is just some generic crap

But these drivers seem to give a nice boost to the frame rate from what little i have tested

Ha, to ATI you might be right...but Thief 3 is anything but generic crap. :p

When all is said and done, I'll bet that Thief 3 could walk away as the better game.


Tag of Excellence
border said:
The player character doesn't cast any kind of shadow in single player mode (at least not in High Quality....perhaps Ultra?).

The lighting is almost kinda disappointing considering how hyped up it was. I was expecting something on the level of FarCry, but I'd say that they are almost even.
Yes, I've become too use to body aware so it seemed strange to my that I couldn't look at my character's feet and I don't even cast a shadow. Hell it even has some nice head bob & sway that does a decent job of reacting to your movements.

While I'm really impressed by the specular lights and the scripted lighting in the enviroments I'm supremely let down by the realtime lighting. I'm possibly being ignorant since I'm only playing on Medium but since you've reported essentially the same results (where everything in the game is uncompressed except the lighting) in high detail I don't think it will magically improve to that level under Ultra details.

EDIT: I LOVE THIEF III, YAY FOR THIEF III! Sorry I really like the series and the game. :)


Akkk, I messed up my original post. I had meant to say: "I was expecting something far beyond the level of FarCry, but I'd say that they are almost even [in terms of lighting]"

Thief: Deadly Shadows got me really used to seeing my own shadow all over everything so it's kind of weird to go back to a game where you are completely shadow-less....particularly given that Doom 3 was supposed to be the cutting-edge engine for lighting.

The shadow issues may just be some kind of videocard/driver thing, I guess we can't be totally sure. All I know is that this looks pretty messed up:


This is scaled down from 800x600, running at High Quality on an AIW 9700. The shadow of the object here should be stretching out across the floor....instead it's just outlining the object.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Played it for an hour. Awesome so far. Great atmosphere. I've got a Radeon 9800 and Athlon 64 and it runs okay. Not as smooth as I'd like but good none the less. My BB was one of the ones that had a premiere event last night. They had at least 100 copies left if not more.

Oh, and I loved the nod to Capcom:


screw the haterade the immersion ans scare factor rocks (im jumping like im playing silent hill 1/ system shock 2 for the first time).

Ill post some shots later


1024x768 @ high setting with around 40-60 frames constant


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Heh, I'm about to get my copy...

I was playing more of the Doom 64 TC, though. I gotta say, DAMN that's hard! Doom 64 is WAYYYYY harder than the original PC Doom games. I started on a hard difficulty as well, thinking it was designed for a controller so it MUST be easy! WRONG!


Just got finished playing some multiplayer. Ton of fun when you can find a good server. I found that it's best to crank up the gamma to max while playing MP though. It doesn't make things much more brighter, but it's a necessity if you're to have any chance of seeing where someone is. :D

The server browser, however, is FUBAR. The filter settings don't seem to work properly.


border said:
Akkk, I messed up my original post. I had meant to say: "I was expecting something far beyond the level of FarCry, but I'd say that they are almost even [in terms of lighting]"

Thief: Deadly Shadows got me really used to seeing my own shadow all over everything so it's kind of weird to go back to a game where you are completely shadow-less....particularly given that Doom 3 was supposed to be the cutting-edge engine for lighting.

The shadow issues may just be some kind of videocard/driver thing, I guess we can't be totally sure. All I know is that this looks pretty messed up:


This is scaled down from 800x600, running at High Quality on an AIW 9700. The shadow of the object here should be stretching out across the floor....instead it's just outlining the object.

You know, I've noticed that too. I'm running a 9700 Pro and the flashlight doesn't make shadows cast across the floor like they should, they simply outline the object. It looks fine until you look more closely. Weird because it wasn't like that in the...err..demo


I have a Radeon 9800 Pro as well, so I'm concerned about the possible driver issue that people are reporting. Does anyone know when the official Catalyst 4.8 release is coming out? Will it definitely fix the problem?


Tag of Excellence
I saw this tip at some Doom forums, trying it myself at the moment.
PlanetDoom Forums said:
In your DOOM 3 directory, find "DoomConfig.cfg" (x:\Program Files\Doom 3\base). Open DoomConfig.cfg in Notepad.

Find the line:

seta image_cacheMegs "32"

I went ahead and changed mine to 256, will post if I see a difference.


Tag of Excellence
TekunoRobby said:
I went ahead and changed mine to 256, will post if I see a difference.
I upped it to 1024 actually and I also went ahead and did the com_videoRAM edit and upped that from 64 to my videocard size of 128. I actually did see an performance boost and I might be crazy but the textures look a bit sharper.

How to change com_videoRAM:

CTRL + ALT + ~
To bring up the console


It says the default is 64

com_videoRAM "?" <-- ? is your video RAM, usually it's 128 or 256. Check your video card first.


border said:
Akkk, I messed up my original post. I had meant to say: "I was expecting something far beyond the level of FarCry, but I'd say that they are almost even [in terms of lighting]"

Thief: Deadly Shadows got me really used to seeing my own shadow all over everything so it's kind of weird to go back to a game where you are completely shadow-less....particularly given that Doom 3 was supposed to be the cutting-edge engine for lighting.

The shadow issues may just be some kind of videocard/driver thing, I guess we can't be totally sure. All I know is that this looks pretty messed up:


This is scaled down from 800x600, running at High Quality on an AIW 9700. The shadow of the object here should be stretching out across the floor....instead it's just outlining the object.

You know, I noticed that too, in the alpha. I am running a 9800 pro. I think I made a post about it too. I thought it would change in the final, but it hasn't. It's as if the shadows are just floating just behind the object. Fucking weird. And unrealistic in a big way.


Let's compare an IGN shot to how I have to play this:


My PC (Intel Integrated Xtreme Graphics)

And I still managed to scream like a little girl


Boogie9IGN said:
Let's compare an IGN shot to how I have to play this:


My PC (Intel Integrated Xtreme Graphics)

And I still managed to scream like a little girl

Haha, that's great. Isn't too far off from how I have to play it either. :(


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Ati owners, check out the beta drivers.

I'm getting much smoother frames and my brightness seems corrected. Before, I cranked the brightness to max and I still had to use the damn flash light in well lit areas. Now fully lit reveals everything, so i've moved it dow to about half brightness, which seems to be what was intended.

I still have slight tearing.

My System:

P4 3.0 GHz Northwood 800 FSB with Hyperthreading OCed to 3.5 GHz
1 GB PC3700 OCZ RAM in Dual channel
Sapphire 9800 Pro
Audigy 2 ZS
160 GB Seagate Barracuda

My Settings:
Medium Quality
No AA, all other effects enabled

I'm getting 30-50 fps with the new drivers. About 20-40 with old.

It runs 60-100 fps at 640x480.

Xbox version owned. :p

LOL at those pics above. Looks like you're playing Doom Braveheart.


teh_pwn said:
Ati owners, check out the beta drivers.

I'm getting much smoother frames and my brightness seems corrected. Before, I cranked the brightness to max and I still had to use the damn flash light in well lit areas. Now fully lit reveals everything, so i've moved it dow to about half brightness, which seems to be what was intended.

I still have slight tearing.

My System:

P4 3.0 GHz Northwood 800 FSB with Hyperthreading OCed to 3.5 GHz
1 GB PC3700 OCZ RAM in Dual channel
Sapphire 9800 Pro
Audigy 2 ZS
160 GB Seagate Barracuda

My Settings:
Medium Quality
No AA, all other effects enabled

I'm getting 30-50 fps with the new drivers. About 20-40 with old.

It runs 60-100 fps at 640x480.

Xbox version owned. :p

LOL at those pics above. Looks like you're playing Doom Braveheart.

Huh, your system must be fucked something awful because I'm on a 2800, 9800 pro bbATI, 1 gig 2700 and the latest final drivers (4.6?) and at 1024x768 at medium I'm getting no less than 45 fps. 50-60 most of the time. Hell, other than the pauses, I got at least 30fps on high qual.


I downloaded the drivers and used some tweaks mentionned in this thread and I'm having great results. I now have 30-60fps in medium settings in 1024X768 resolution, most of the time it's about 60fps but when a lot of action is going on it's gonna drop at about 30-40fps, rocks!

My System:
AMD Athlon XP 2200+
Radeon 9800 Pro


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I'm just guestimatting with the frames.

I'm not sure about my numbers, other than with the new drivers it's real smooth, but if you turn in circles really fast you get the slight choppiness you get with 30-60 fps.

At 640x480, I can hardly see any choppy frames while turning fast, like timesplitters 2 which I know is locked at 60fps.

Is there an fps counter somewhere?


teh_pwn said:
I'm just guestimatting with the frames.

I'm not sure about my numbers, other than with the new drivers it's real smooth, but if you turn in circles really fast you get the slight choppiness you get with 30-60 fps.

At 640x480, I can hardly see any choppy frames while turning fast, like timesplitters 2 which I know is locked at 60fps.

Is there an fps counter somewhere?
Yes, in game.
Ctrl-Alt-~ to bring the console then type:
com_showfps 1
Doom 3 is ruuning just fine on my system. Runs smoothand plays great!!

AMD Athlon 3000+ (Barton core) CPU
1GB PC3200 DDR RAM (400MHz CL3.0)
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro (128 MB RAM) video card (Catalyst 4.7 drivers)
Game resolution 1024X768 (haven't bumped it up higher or played around with antialiasing or ansiotropic filtering, rumor has it it's all 8X by default in the .ini, but I'm too lazy too investigate).

Here some quick screenshots:

I have to say that iD must be huge fans of the former Looking Glass Studio's System Shock 2, because that what the interface reminds me of, and the overall creepy tone and atmosphere. Played a 4p LAN game at a feiends house and saw the game running on older hardware. It doesn't look bad at all on older hardware so the XBox haters may be in for a shock. I know that statement alone will turn this thread upside down, but iD wasn't kidding when they said the engine was scalable. It's VERY playable on older hardware. I was reallyl surpised how smooth the game ran and how great it looks on my rig. Can someone tell me how to display the framerate? Sound is very high quality and very immersive.

Anyway I've brought work home that needs to be completed I'm sure I'll have fun reading this thread......
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