Holy shit.... :/ It's attitudes like this that give conservatives and Christians a bad name.
You know, it was the gay marriage amendment that got me out to vote. To vote against it. Granted I live in Georgia so it was all but useless, but I tried. And yes I am a Republican/Christian. So we aren't all evil.

To the Christians that do think that this amendment is a good thing....I just don't know what to say. I don't think God would want any of his children considered less than citizens...less than human, no matter how much he disagrees with the way they live their lives. I'm not convinced that he's all that upset about gays to begin with. The Old Testament condemns and oks a lot of things that are flipped today. You can't pick and choose. If you are gonna go with one rule, go with them all.
Christianity should be about love and tolerance, not alienation. Bigotry should have no place in our religion.