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Official February 2008 NPD Results - "Last Gen" > "Next Gen" - Industry Gone Wild.


listen to the mad man
botticus said:
You'd be surprised what a game can do when it has disappeared for 2 years. Kinda ties into that whole "don't judge software sales by the top 10" bit.

Great point... if only we could actually discuss lifetime NPD numbers for these games... :lol :lol :lol


mr_bishiuk said:
What I dont understand is that with the install base and sales figures shouldn't the games chart be 1-10 ps2 games? How come the 360 owns the game charts? What are PS2 owners doing with their consoles?
Used game sales. Most PS2 owners didn't buy in until <$199. People with that kind of budget probably stick to buying used games. The hardcore people, or rather, the people that buy new games, have moved into next-gen...er, current-gen.
Zzoram said:
No way Lost Odyssey breaks a million, but it will get to 600K+ by the end of the year.

I'm sure it will do a million, its had a good start and it'll sure to be discounted as well. I'm surprised how well its done in the UK i've seen a few people playing it on my friends list, people who I would not have even thought would have considered the game.


Holy shit @ DS and CoD4.

Holy crap @ PS2.

Fairly eh @ PS3 and 360, considering PS2's sales.

360 will definitely be back on top for April. Maybe March. For those saying it "turned the corner", come on. Sales got better, but 360 was unarguably supply constrained in February.

March is another story. That will be more telling.

fortified_concept said:
HOLY SHIT! X360 has three times PS3's userbase and still DMC sold almost the same.

Chances are the gap will widen, so while that's pretty damn good, I definitely expect the PS# version to trail off and 360 to take the lead. So people flipping out should chill a bit.

Not many people talking about GH3 for Wii being so strong. PS2 was behind that, then we don't see any other versions.

Also, people who didn't buy Wipeout Pulse don't believe in God.


So is MS going to use the shortage excuse again for the March numbers?

Like I said, I didn't see any resembling a shortage here.

April is going to be very interesting.


rollin' in the gutter
Rock Band 1.12m 360 LTD

This calls for a special occasion.



Son of Godzilla said:
Wii beat the 360 in ratio in December due to Wii Play. Without it the 360 wins by as much as it loses with it. If you wanna keep claiming that as something meaningful, go ahead, but I doubt anyone cares.
Wii software beat 360 software in december WITHOUT Wii Play.


This might be an odd game to request #s for but do you think we can get #s for LOST: Via Domus. I'm really curious to see how it sold on the 360, PS3 and PC.... :D
NeoUltima said:
Used game sales. Most PS2 owners didn't buy in until <$199. People with that kind of budget probably stick to buying used games. The hardcore people, or rather, the people that buy new games, have moved into next-gen...er, current-gen.

Makes sense... but really these people are not the sort that the manufacturers should be after as apart from the money on the console they provide no further revenue to manufacturer/publisher or developer


Mojovonio said:
So is MS going to use the shortage excuse again for the March numbers?

Like I said, I didn't see any resembling a shortage here.

April is going to be very interesting.

It worked perfectly fine for February, as it was true.


formerly cjelly
Mojovonio said:
So is MS going to use the shortage excuse again for the March numbers?

Like I said, I didn't see any resembling a shortage here.

April is going to be very interesting.
They've already used that excuse; they said they expect to be back on track from April.

I think we'll be back to normal next month, though.


listen to the mad man
mr_bishiuk said:
I'm sure it will do a million, its had a good start and it'll sure to be discounted as well. I'm surprised how well its done in the UK i've seen a few people playing it on my friends list, people who I would not have even thought would have considered the game.

It would be the first JRPG to break a million without having substantial JPN sales. I guess that's sort of a useless title given that the unique nature of the 360's position in Japan pretty much guarantees that it's the only platform where that could ever possibly be the case, but still worth an observation.

Log4Girlz said:
I'm too lazy to go through the entire thread, what is the YTD for ps2? And lifetime? When will the sales end?

YTD sales:
PS3	Wii	360	PS2	DS	PSP
549,800	706,000	484,600	615,800	838,600	473,100


captive said:
360 DEVIL MAY CRY 4* CAPCOM USA 8-Feb 295.2K 2

Very close.

1.2:1 Between the two versions... wow, thats very surprising since everyone thought it would be closer to 2:1


Frillen said:
March will be gigantic for the Wii. I expect the Wii to sell well over 600k, possibly over 700k.

You need to realize that Wii is still selling out. Nintendo has to put more stock out for it to sell well over 600k or 700k.


Not Banned from OT
duderon said:
Rock Band 1.12m 360 LTD


The most impressive sales number of the generation IMO. To sell a million units at 169.99 is just insane. Add to that it is a new IP makes it amazing.


cjelly said:
They've already used that excuse; they said they expect to be back on track from April.

I think we'll be back to normal next month, though.

I'm not so sure.

Whether is a shortage or not, I can see a shift towards the PS3 every day. People are always talking about how they plan on picking one up, when the year prior, talk like that would have been absurd.

We'll see what happens.


omg rite said:
You need to realize that Wii is still selling out. Nintendo has to put more stock out for it to sell well over 600k or 700k.

They're planning to from what I understand. Low Jan sales were attriibuted to redirecting shipments to Japan for Brawl/Wii Fit release there. Supposedly there will be a larger % of overall wiis sent to NA over the next month or two.


Has to be very alarming to MS with these trends. There's no way they'll pull that "shortage" card again and expect people to believe it. They were in stock everywhere around me including Philly, Allentown, WB, which is telling. Price cut incoming...

Sony's really doing well here. Good PSP numbers, great PS3 numbers, and outstanding PS2 numbers. It'll be interesting to see how things pan out come MGS, SOCOM, KZ, GT5P time. And WOW at the DMC4 sales being sooo close in NA where the userbase is heavily slanted. It'll be fair to say, it probably sold more on the PS3 than 360 worldwide more likely than not, and we'll see what Capcom's going to do after taking notice to these numbers of a large franchise.

Ninty's just ninty. Glad they're seemingly expanding the market.


Frillen said:
March will be gigantic for the Wii. I expect the Wii to sell well over 600k, possibly over 700k.
im expecting around 500k or so.

Oh... and everyone knows I defended Microsofts first shortage heartedly...because we did have a shortage. This past month though was not a problem.


omg rite said:
You need to realize that Wii is still selling out. Nintendo has to put more stock out for it to sell well over 600k or 700k.

Well Reggie said they were going to ship out more in March due to Smash Brawl.


Not Banned from OT
Frillen said:
March will be gigantic for the Wii. I expect the Wii to sell well over 600k, possibly over 700k.

They could do that any month if they could ship that many units. I still can't find a Wii any where in my area. I bought the only one I have ever seen on a shelf.
Mojovonio said:
I'm not so sure.

Whether is a shortage or not, I can see a shift towards the PS3 every day. People are always talking about how they plan on picking one up, when the year prior, talk like that would have been absurd.

We'll see what happens.
It's higher then last years numbers and there wasn't a shortage back then. But then again... the overall numbers are higher too.

xaosslug said:
hand-in-hand, PS3 and PS2 continue to skip merrily along... :lol


sonycowboy said:
4) It only had 5 days of sales. It's going to do MUCH better next month.

That is a legitimate argument. How can a game that has only been out for the last few days of a month compare to one that has been out a whole month?


omg rite said:
You need to realize that Wii is still selling out. Nintendo has to put more stock out for it to sell well over 600k or 700k.
They did a decent job this month relative to last month, so I think it's probable they're prepared for Brawl. Reggie spoke with an assumably straight face when he said they'd overtake the 360 in the US by June... to do that they'll need some 600k months.


Mojovonio said:
I'm not so sure.

Whether is a shortage or not, I can see a shift towards the PS3 every day. People are always talking about how they plan on picking one up, when the year prior, talk like that would have been absurd.

We'll see what happens.
The momentum has absolutely shifted. March will probably go to PS3 again. MS expecting April to be different kinda makes you think that either there's a price cut looming or the advertising / marketing for GTAIV branded as a 360 game will be so great that it'll move a ton of consoles.
omg rite said:
Chances are the gap will widen, so while that's pretty damn good, I definitely expect the PS# version to trail off and 360 to take the lead.


eh, i believe the opposite will happen. as the ps3 hype/marketing train gets rolling faster and faster leading up to mgs/gta4 and killzone/resistance in the fall, i think ps3 hardware and software sales will close the gap considerably with respect to 360 numbers. it probably wont be every month or every multiplatform game, but i think thats the general trend from this point on


Pimpbaa said:
That is a legitimate argument. How can a game that has only been out for the last few days of a month compare to one that has been out a whole month?

I'd actually wondered if publishers purposefully pick certain release dates for lesser titles to chart in the top 10 in consecutive months due to the above.


listen to the mad man
Pimpbaa said:
That is a legitimate argument. How can a game that has only been out for the last few days of a month compare to one that has been out a whole month?

Saints Row sold ~1000 units month one and 455,000 units month two.

Some stores broke street date! :lol


WinFonda said:

i remeber when they said blu ray would be the down fall of ps3, and blu ray would fail,,,,,,,the media FAILED.

I remeber when they said ps3 would never outsell the 360, THE MEDIA FAILED
I remember when they said the ps3 would never outsell the wii in japan, THE MEDIA FAILED

I remember when they said hddvd was the superio farmat, and would kill blu ray........they FAILED AGAIN. RIP HDDVD 2006-2008
I remember when they said no ps3 game would ever sell on par wit the same 360 version game...THE MEDIA FAILED.

I remember when they said the ps3 would not help blu ray, nor would blu ray help the ps3....THE MEDIA FAILED.

more failers coming.....mgs4 will not help ps3, killzone will flop, ect.

lets see how mush more 360 fans and the "media will fail again, as the year goes on. :lol:lol


cjelly said:
They've already used that excuse; they said they expect to be back on track from April.

I think we'll be back to normal next month, though.

What is normal? 360 sales havent gone down from last year infact they have gone up. It is the Ps3 that has gone up even above 360 sales from last year. Lol at "We'll":lol


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
There's no shortage of 360's anymore. That ended about mid-way through February. That's not a valid excuse anymore.

MS needs to drop the price just before GTAIV comes out. Even if it's just $50.


Has no PEINS
GottiDC said:
i remeber when they said blu ray would be the down fall of ps3, and blu ray would fail,,,,,,,the media FAILED.

I remeber when they said ps3 would never outsell the 360, THE MEDIA FAILED
I remember when they said the ps3 would never outsell the wii in japan, THE MEDIA FAILED

I remember when they said hddvd was the superio farmat, and would kill blu ray........they FAILED AGAIN. RIP HDDVD 2006-2008
I remember when they said no ps3 game would ever sell on par wit the same 360 version game...THE MEDIA FAILED.

I remember when they said the ps3 would not help blu ray, nor would blu ray help the ps3....THE MEDIA FAILED.

more failers coming.....mgs4 will not help ps3, killzone will flop, ect.

lets see how mush more 360 fans and the "media will fail again, as the year goes on. :lol:lol
wow you're almost as annoying as Shepherd, keep trying
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