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Official Fitness Thread of Whipping Your Butt into Shape

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Guys, I know this will sound strange, but here goes:

My head is rather large, well at least when seen from the side. The rear of my head is not flat basically. Anyway, I was wondering if there is anything I can do to compensate. I'd presume exercising my neck, or traps? How to do you beef up the back of your neck?

Like I said I know it might sound strange, but I don't like this, especially since I'm rather skinny:|

I have been working the rest of my body, I'm getting results, but I'm sick of this:|


Work your traps by shrugs and power cleans. But I doubt that you're head is that big, but just the rest of you is too skinny. Put on some weight. :lol


Well, you said you're self that you're skinny. If you don't like my advice, maybe post a pic and the others can give you theirs?


Yeah I am skinny (I'm 5'9" and weight 130). I'm in good shape, but definitly skinny.

And I remember when I was younger, when my friends would try my cap on it would be loose on their heads so that had to tighten it, and they'd say "man, you're head is big". Thing is, they wouldn't notice unless they put the cap on.

I was a bit fat when I was young tho, so maybe that did hide it.

Anyway, one of my goals is definitly to gain weight (I've made a post about this before, I used to hover around 125 to 128, but I'm at a constant 130 now). I'll have to head to the gym tho to make sure I don't just gain weight. But that's ok, it's part of my plan:)


beelzebozo said:
being healthy is damn hard work, and consumes so much mental energy.

Correct, but when you set that goal in the end and reach it and look at how much your body changes, it's SO well worth it.

Speaking of which I'm starting on a brand new routine - and for the first time in a LONG time at the gym I felt dizzy, I gotta stop pushing so hard lately.


oh damn, I just did some dumbbell lunges for a good 3 minutes and I wake up the next day with my thighs killing. I mean it's painful to even try sitting down. I hate first time sores.

BTW what exactly do dumbbell lunges do? Are they cardio? Do they build muscle?


Bacon of Hope
Captain Glanton said:
Meh. Most protein bars aren't good--they have to process the shit out of the ingredients to get them to hold their form in those wrappers, on shelves, etc. My rec would be to buy a glass water bottle and put protein mix in it each morning. At work, fill with water, and shake it up. That and a piece of fruit would be a lot better and cheaper than eating a bar every day.

OK Good idea, I will do that..


Christopher said:
Correct, but when you set that goal in the end and reach it and look at how much your body changes, it's SO well worth it.

Speaking of which I'm starting on a brand new routine - and for the first time in a LONG time at the gym I felt dizzy, I gotta stop pushing so hard lately.

Do you have any type of breathing routine when you work out? You usually get a headache or dizziness when your blood pressure spikes as a result of not breathing properly when lifting. Generally, it's good to exhale during the up part of your exercise and to inhale during the down part.


Mr.City said:
Generally, it's good to exhale during the up part of your exercise and to inhale during the down part.
I disagree.
Breath between reps, grunt (without exhaling) during the exertion, this is especially important when doing standing free weight exercises as it helps stabilize your core.

Ripclawe said:
Anyone else using the perfect pushup device for a period of time? How are the results?
You don't need a device to do a perfect pushup, you need a floor.
I'm sure you can find one ;).

haven't tried that device but from the ads it looks rather pointless.


Ripclawe said:
Anyone else using the perfect pushup device for a period of time? How are the results?

I don't know, but I love how the commercials imply that a great way to get in shape is to punch people.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
beelzebozo said:
so one of those egg council creeps got to you too, huh?


btw I've eaten SHITLOADS of eggs over the past year and my cholesterol is fine.


Jealous Bastard
you didn't react to that like i was joking, but i was. i love eggs, and think they're just fine. anything in excess is obviously going to be pernicious to your health, but there's very little reason to outright avoid the consumption of eggs
For what it's worth, I think that you should inhale as you lower the bar [for the typical exercise] and exhale as you exert yourself. Maintaining a good rhythm in my breathing helps me maintain good form.

I don't know what this perfect pushup thing is, but the sad fact is that punching people is great exercise. I've said throughout this thread that if you want to get into great shape, look at MMA fighters. They're at the top of the fitness pile as far as I'm concerned.


I had surgery in Aug and I havent really run since then. I just started running recently but I get tired so fast. Any tips to get my endurance back up?


yeah guys I know how to breath and what have you - the only problem I think was I didn't nearly enough for the amount of enery that I was putting into my new routine that day, I mean my old one I got pretty acustom too, and I'm trying to go for bigger better results, I guess that means turning up that eating dial as well.

You know the biggest thing that will help people in the struggle to eat healthy, do it for about 3 weeks, and watch, even if slightly your body will change...I honestly could never eat junk food after that point. It's just a mentality thing that you need to initally get over.
The One Exercise Leg Workout:

The Tabata Method, Back Squats, 275 lbs.

I am home now and drinking my postworkout shake. My legs are shaking a little bit, and it's hard to focus on typing.


Jealous Bastard
Christopher said:
yeah guys I know how to breath and what have you - the only problem I think was I didn't nearly enough for the amount of enery that I was putting into my new routine that day, I mean my old one I got pretty acustom too, and I'm trying to go for bigger better results, I guess that means turning up that eating dial as well.

i thought your dizziness may have been a result of under eating, but i didn't want to presume too much. in the big fight of calories in v. calories out, there were times when i didn't have enough fuel and got dizzy. hope you're feeling better man.

The One Exercise Leg Workout:

The Tabata Method, Back Squats, 275 lbs.

I am home now and drinking my postworkout shake. My legs are shaking a little bit, and it's hard to focus on typing.

squat bars and i have a mutually antagonistic relationship. i haven't done them since high school, and i never plan to. you are truly beastly, buster.
I've been exercising for two years now...er, sort of (Gotta have those lazy months, you know? >_>), but I still have a somewhat flabby stomach :( How would I go about fixing that? I never really did push-ups, so am going to do them every other day, because I know you can't really "focus" on just one part of the body to work on--it has to really be the whole body, and push-ups are the perfect thing, no? I've also begun to use my jump rope some more...I want a flat stomach with (lean) abs, dammit D:
beelzebozo said:
squat bars and i have a mutually antagonistic relationship. i haven't done them since high school, and i never plan to. you are truly beastly, buster.

:lol Had I known two hours ago how I'd feel right now ...
Captain Glanton said:
When I gets a real job, I will buy a digital camera. Until then, this will have to do:


well....that is the before pic, now where is the after pic? :lol

let me give you an example that is relevant to this thread.

Coop said:
I had surgery in Aug and I havent really run since then. I just started running recently but I get tired so fast. Any tips to get my endurance back up?
All you can do is keep at it, but here are a few of my tips.

1) You have to keep your mind occupied. Try to go run outside. If you're on a treadmill, you'll get bored really quickly. If you can't do this due to weather, it's pretty key to have an ipod or something to take your mind off the running. This is probably the best thing you can do for yourself. A lot of times you'll want to quit running not because you're exhausted, but because you're just bored.

2) Don't be afraid to take breaks. Let's say you want to run two miles, but you can only make it one mile before getting tired. Go ahead and walk a quarter mile, then run the rest of the way if you can. This will help you go longer distances while you're still out of shape, which will help you get in shape faster. Don't cheat yourself out of your distance goals.

3) Stretch. You'll be a lot more sore the day after a run if you don't stretch.

4) Try to eat some good carbohydrates the morning before you run. A few pieces of toast with water is good. Try to find that multigrain bread. I really like Ezekiel bread; get that if they sell it. Don't drink too much milk, as it can potentially affect your wind, and don't drink orange juice before a run, as the acid might give you a stomach ache or heartburn if it's bouncing around in your stomach.

5) Stay hydrated.

6) Get some good shoes. You want shoes that are cushioned enough to take some of the impact off your joints. However, if they are too soft, you have to push off harder against the ground, which wears you out faster. You want something right in the middle.

Nutrition, hydration and proper stretching don't seem like a big deal when you're only running a mile or two. But when you want to run five miles or more, these things become vitally important.

Also, if you keep at it, the distance will come naturally. I could barely run two miles on a treadmill in December, and yesterday I ran 13. You should be able to add about half a mile per week between miles 1-4. After you're running four miles, you can probably add a whole mile every week until about six or seven miles. At that point, you can probably add two miles a week.


Damn at that asian guy.

Anyway I posted about my skinny frame and how I felt my head is too big. Well turns out I'm at 132 now (was at 125/128 back when I made a thread on this, maybe two months ago). I'm working out more, eating more too, so I'll definitly continue. Maybe I'll manage to get to 140 by this summer.

My neck feels sore due to yesterday's exercises. That's a good thing:p
onemic said:
oh damn, I just did some dumbbell lunges for a good 3 minutes and I wake up the next day with my thighs killing. I mean it's painful to even try sitting down. I hate first time sores.

BTW what exactly do dumbbell lunges do? Are they cardio? Do they build muscle?

Exercises themselves don't "do" anything, it's how you use them. Heavy lunges can build muscle and strength. If you use light weights and walk a couple hundred yards, it will be more cardio.
Mr.City said:
Do you have any type of breathing routine when you work out? You usually get a headache or dizziness when your blood pressure spikes as a result of not breathing properly when lifting. Generally, it's good to exhale during the up part of your exercise and to inhale during the down part.

Look up the valsalva maneuver. Similar to "holding" your breath but using the breath as cushion/support/"virtual weight belt".

When the weight gets heavy, exhaling has the danger of producing "looseness" or relaxation in your muscles...which is dangerous.
Ether_Snake said:
Damn at that asian guy.

Anyway I posted about my skinny frame and how I felt my head is too big. Well turns out I'm at 132 now (was at 125/128 back when I made a thread on this, maybe two months ago). I'm working out more, eating more too, so I'll definitly continue. Maybe I'll manage to get to 140 by this summer.

My neck feels sore due to yesterday's exercises. That's a good thing:p

Always remember that soreness is not equal to progress. Just because you didn't get sore, doesn't mean you aren't making progress. I haven't been extremely sore in a few weeks, but the weights lifted and my bodyweight are going up.

What are your goals? How are you eating/lifting? Being 132 at 5'8", you gotta put on a lot of weight if you're trying to balance out the big head problem. I'm 5'11" and only felt my body was catching up to my head after I hit 175. :lol
That picture of the Asian guy is mostly all fat loss. The muscle was already there, it was just covered up with fat. I mean, how much muscle can you gain in a month? Not too much.


Put your snobby liquids into my mouth!
Sorry for the ot, I just wanted to drop by to say I always misread the title as "official thread of wiping your butt and then shave" :lol :lol


So, I started going to the gym recently just to get sorta in shape. I'm not looking to lose weight or build muscle, as I don't really need to do either of those things. I'm basically trying to just have a good cardio workout followed by some weights. I figure that my body will appreciate it. I usually go on the elliptical machine, but lately my knee has been really bothering me, and I don't know why. So I've cut down the amount I go to the gym greatly, and I don't really want to do that. What cardio exercises are least impactful on your knees?


Dartastic said:
So, I started going to the gym recently just to get sorta in shape. I'm not looking to lose weight or build muscle, as I don't really need to do either of those things. I'm basically trying to just have a good cardio workout followed by some weights. I figure that my body will appreciate it. I usually go on the elliptical machine, but lately my knee has been really bothering me, and I don't know why. So I've cut down the amount I go to the gym greatly, and I don't really want to do that. What cardio exercises are least impactful on your knees?

I thought part of the attraction to ellipticals and bikes is that they are very easy on the knees. I don't think the elliptical machine is the issue.
Dartastic said:
So, I started going to the gym recently just to get sorta in shape. I'm not looking to lose weight or build muscle, as I don't really need to do either of those things. I'm basically trying to just have a good cardio workout followed by some weights. I figure that my body will appreciate it. I usually go on the elliptical machine, but lately my knee has been really bothering me, and I don't know why. So I've cut down the amount I go to the gym greatly, and I don't really want to do that. What cardio exercises are least impactful on your knees?

It's possible you're not setting up the bike correctly. You knees should never go past the 90 degree angle on a bike.


Jealous Bastard
Wraith said:
I thought part of the attraction to ellipticals and bikes is that they are very easy on the knees. I don't think the elliptical machine is the issue.

in my experience, that's the case. i suffered a pretty serious knee injury about two years ago, and the elliptical has been my saving grace.


beelzebozo said:
in my experience, that's the case. i suffered a pretty serious knee injury about two years ago, and the elliptical has been my saving grace.

Well, shit. I do keep a really brisk pace on the thing, somewhere around 200 strides per minute. Maybe I'm just going at it too hard? I guess I just better be careful, and if it starts to hurt just... stop. Ugh. =/
As with anything, don't jump straight into it. Your tendons and ligaments, if not prepared and used to the shock absorption or work, will not last long if you start out straight balls to the wall.


Jealous Bastard
try different combinations of resistance and incline. i let the incline fall on the default, and use about an 8 resistance, and maintain a pace of ~260 s.p.m. without any knee pain. you may need a brace though, man--i wear one, and it helps so much. even if, at this point, my knee might be fully recovered, the mental comfort of having it there is so ingrained that i couldn't run without it. something to consider.

Mr. Snrub said:
As with anything, don't jump straight into it. Your tendons and ligaments, if not prepared and used to the shock absorption or work, will not last long if you start out straight balls to the wall.

this is great advice. i learned that if i start a little slower with the idea that i'll just go as long as i can, my legs get "warmed up" and can go much farther than i expected.


beelzebozo said:
try different combinations of resistance and incline. i let the incline fall on the default, and use about an 8 resistance, and maintain a pace of ~260 s.p.m. without any knee pain. you may need a brace though, man--i wear one, and it helps so much. even if, at this point, my knee might be fully recovered, the mental comfort of having it there is so ingrained that i couldn't run without it. something to consider.

I think I might give that a shot. Usually I use a resistance of 8 as well, and I go with the "weight loss interval" program for around 30 minutes. I like the mix of high and low inclines. I think I'll just mess around with the high incline until it feels comfortable, instead of letting it go as high as I usually do. I bet shoes have something to do with it as well; I work in a retail environment where I stand all day, and my shoes are pretty beat up. I should probably replace those.


Dartastic said:
So, I started going to the gym recently just to get sorta in shape. I'm not looking to lose weight or build muscle, as I don't really need to do either of those things. I'm basically trying to just have a good cardio workout followed by some weights. I figure that my body will appreciate it. I usually go on the elliptical machine, but lately my knee has been really bothering me, and I don't know why. So I've cut down the amount I go to the gym greatly, and I don't really want to do that. What cardio exercises are least impactful on your knees?
Also, depending on what type of a knee problem you have, cycling actually may not be easier on your legs.
You may also want to give rowing a try.
perryfarrell said:
That picture of the Asian guy is mostly all fat loss. The muscle was already there, it was just covered up with fat. I mean, how much muscle can you gain in a month? Not too much.

Most of those pics are fakes. They take someone in great shape, and have them eat ice cream for a week. :lol at the newspapers, too.

Dartastic said:
So, I started going to the gym recently just to get sorta in shape. I'm not looking to lose weight or build muscle, as I don't really need to do either of those things. I'm basically trying to just have a good cardio workout followed by some weights. I figure that my body will appreciate it. I usually go on the elliptical machine, but lately my knee has been really bothering me, and I don't know why. So I've cut down the amount I go to the gym greatly, and I don't really want to do that. What cardio exercises are least impactful on your knees?

Where and how exactly does your knee hurt? There are many different ways to screw up a knee. People are right that elipticals are meant to save your knees, so that shouldn't be the problem, unless you're doing too much too quickly.
God, I hate holidays sometimes.

I went to the gym today and it was PACKED. The gym I go to is small enough without 1,000 people walking around and it was nearly impossible to get anything done. I was trying to get some Clean High Pulls in and what not, but some guy was using the only area where those moves are actually possible for like the entire hour I was at the gym. I had to cut those out and figure out something else to put in. Anyways, it resulted in a pretty crappy work out.

Damn you President's Day. Damn you!


So why is eating before going right to bed so bad? Is it because you are sedentary and thus aren't burning off (barely) any calories as you digest the food? I just ate a salad with light, non-fat dressing, whole grain brown rice, a small enchilada, and drank water. I'm going to sleep within an hour, so what is happening exactly that is bad?
Futureman said:
So why is eating before going right to bed so bad? Is it because you are sedentary and thus aren't burning off (barely) any calories as you digest the food? I just ate a salad with light, non-fat dressing, whole grain brown rice, a small enchilada, and drank water. I'm going to sleep within an hour, so what is happening exactly that is bad?

Eh, what you really need to avoid is eating bad food before bed. Sugars and other simple carbs are to be avoided at all times, but they're murder on your body late at night. On the other hand, if you're exercising hard your body actually needs food late at night so that it has a steady stream of resources to rebuild itself over night. Some bodybuilders will actually get up in the middle of the night and eat a chicken breast. I'm not a fan of your enchilada, but some lettuce, chicken, and well-chosen dressing would be perfectly fine.


Jealous Bastard
God, I hate holidays sometimes.

I went to the gym today and it was PACKED. The gym I go to is small enough without 1,000 people walking around and it was nearly impossible to get anything done. I was trying to get some Clean High Pulls in and what not, but some guy was using the only area where those moves are actually possible for like the entire hour I was at the gym. I had to cut those out and figure out something else to put in. Anyways, it resulted in a pretty crappy work out.

Damn you President's Day. Damn you!

my college gym was like this. thankfully i use a smaller gym that my dad has access to through his job; most people that work at the company in this part of the country are lazy sacks of poo and would never think of running a step :lol

that said. . . taking a day off today. went 7 days straight running 21+ miles and burning ~2500 calories a day, and i'm ready to just sit around for a while and recover
Found something new to do. I went to my field to run some sprints in the snow tonight, but after 2 I got bored. So I found a nice log [5-something feet long, about 8 inches wide] and set it at one end. I'd sprint down, then put the log over my shoulder and jog another lap [back and forth]. I did five of those.

If anyone's looking for a little extra challenge, I recommend it.
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