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Official Fitness Thread of Whipping Your Butt into Shape

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Shoho said:
I have made some good progress with my weight loss, but each time I have shitty or a rough day, I just feel like eating alot of junk food(bagles, sandwhiches, shawaramas, thai box), and stuff like orange juice and chocolate milk... I guess because I crave sugar and sweet taste.
I also want to eat like 4-5 protein bars with caramel..... its like I am not satisfied until I am so full that it would be impossible to get more down.

I hate this. its my eating problems that slows my progress towards a weight loss. I thought I could still loose weight if I just did excessive amounts of cardio each day... but I cant.

I just always fall of the wagon on bad days. its like I need these foods and liquids to heal myself.
I work at a school full of spoiled children... im so bombed and stressed when I get home. I really need to find a new job, but... its really taking its toll on me. frack:(

It's stupid because I know it will be over quickly. I'll just eat these things, and be satisfied for the night, and then wake up the next day feeling bad because I took in 3 times as many calories as I should have. Part of my problem is perhaps habit... but its always on bad days in particularly that I get these urges.
Im at the point right now where I almost cant stop me for going down to the supermarked and feast on all these bad foods. damn damn damn.
I have been on and off diets for the last 8-9 years. I dont even remember what its like to have a normal relationship with food.

Are you regularly having cheat days? As this can help the body a lot having a day where one meal = anything you want. It also settles your mind too


there is joy in sucking dick
Aren't fruit supposed to quell hunger pretty well? (due to the sugar?). I know when I'm feeling hungry (between set meals), I just grab an apple.

But I have to admit, I cheated this weekend too. Went to a babyshower where there was a disguting amount of food to choose from. I ended up eating Pork Shoulder meat, Ham, Lasagna, Rice and a lil' salad. It was great.

I still haven't touched fast food or soda in a good while though.
Google said:
I was like this on the weekend, so I binged on not-so-bad stuff.

I ate some popcorn, I made a sandwich and I drank 600ml of water with some crystal light.

I was full up, my craving for sugar had been lessened and I'd had a treat in the popcorn and the sandwich.

None of it was particularly terrible for me, and when in the past I might have ordered a Pizza or spent $10 on candy, I instead had a standard meal that I wouldnt normally eat.

I know what you mean, but what he's saying about eating until you literally have no more space left is closer to the problem. I've had this too. It's probably stress related though.


Mecha_Infantry said:
Are you regularly having cheat days? As this can help the body a lot having a day where one meal = anything you want. It also settles your mind too

Cheat days? Well.. once I start eating bad stuff, I know I cheat myself with "fake logic" to make me think that its okay what I am doing.

Once I start it's hard for to stop.

Its usually like this... I eat very small all day. Protein, in the morning, fruit and veggies for lunch.. and then at night... I am giving it full throttle as I grease down all the bad stuff that I "deserve".

Do you guys think that I just have to go cold turkey with this, or should I not be so hard on myself?

My diet, is 250 calories at morning, and lunch and 500 calories at dinner. besides that I have two 100 calories optional meals throughout the day.
I have only been on this diet for a few days, but its already becoming hard to become faithful.

I just ate a big dinner, and I am full. I got some meat balls with tomatosauce and some mashed potatos with some healthy veggies in it. It was tasty. And I am full. I do not need to eat more. My biological needs have been meet. I am set.
However, my brain tells me it wants me to go buy stuff and eat in front of the TV or while I am playing a game... again, its stuff like mixed nuts with raisins(sweet, salty and fatty all in one), orange juice(tons of fruit sugar.. very bitter sweet tasting if its fresh) and energy/protein bars with chocolate/banana/caramel... total defeats the purpose of eating them but they taste so good.

I only feel "happy" and cozy and relaxed when I can do this while watching a good movie. but its bad for me. I really wanna drop down in weight so I can improve my life. I really mean it.

But guys... do I just need to toughen up and go cold turkey? I just made some cofee, and perhaps thought about reading a book.. im not an avid book reader, and its impossible for me to eat and read a book at the same time(this is where my multitasking fails).
Or should I just cut down... and perhaps not take so much at night, when I am getting an eating freakout?
My take on diets and cheating:

I do a regular cheat meal, one meal a week. Should the desires become too much, I will let myself have a bag of popcorn or a Subway-type sandwich, in the hope of avoiding a full-scale, large pizza and box of donuts fiasco. I have done that for a long time, and I feel like I'm pretty lean for someone of my build and power levels. But, I think that most experts will tell you that if you want to get really lean, like LA fitness model lean, then you have to give up any cheating at all. You have to do other things too, but that's where it starts.

Now, situations like the one Shoho is describing are something else entirely. I can tell you that your desire for junk food under those situations is produced by the advertising that all of us probably grew up with, ads that teach you to associate bad food with pleasure and relaxation. There's no physical reason for pseudo-foods like Twinkies to make you feel good if your boss chews you out or you have to make a "girl thread" on here. It's all in your head, and it's been put there by the food corporations.

I can say that, but it's something else entirely to live your whole life by it. At a certain point, I think, you have to just realize that your life and your health belong to you and not to Pizza Hut and Hostess. Binging leads to more binging, and you have to take control of yourself and walk away from those situations.

Google said:
Who the fuck told you 1200 calories is a good idea?

That's why you're hungry, my friend.
Good catch. Google is right about this.


Shoho said:
My diet, is 250 calories at morning, and lunch and 500 calories at dinner. besides that I have two 100 calories optional meals throughout the day.
I have only been on this diet for a few days, but its already becoming hard to become faithful.

Who the fuck told you 1200 calories is a good idea?

That's why you're hungry, my friend.

Breakfast should be 500 calories, lunch should be 500 calories, dinner shouldnt be more than 500 calories.

Eat throughout the day.

My day works like this:

6.15am - Bowl of Cereal at home

8 am - protein shake in the office

9am- protein bar in the office

10.30am - a piece of fruit in the office

11.30 - lunch of tuna and salad

2.00 - banana

3.30 - as I'm leaving hte office I have a protein shake

Gym for an hour

5.30 - another protein shake after the gym

6.30 pm - dinner of eggs or a chicken breast

nothing past 7pm other than some celery...

Obviously, this changes on a day to day basis, but I'm consuming around 360 calories in protein shakes alone...but thats only like 15% of my daily calorie intake. and around 70% of my protein intake...


You need more than 1200 calories - thats why you're always hungry!


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
I eat 6 meals a day, timing protein and nutrients to a schedule that works for me. I eat junk food a few times a week. I don't drink or smoke. High intensity interval training is the only formal exercise I do. I mix that up each day with different combinations of exercises and interval lengths.

The real key in my experience is constantly keeping your body fulled (Eating the right things at the right times) and getting protein. I'm constantly amazed at the tiny amounts of protein people on diets or exercise programs are getting.

The only real strict thing I stick to is not eating after 7pm.


Loaded With Aspartame
I don't know what people's opinion of Muscle Milk is, but one shake a day completely removes any sweet craving I have. It's only 4 grams of sugar, and otherwise loaded with healthy fats and protein, so even if it's not the best shake, it's probably the best sweet-indulgence you're gonna find.

Also, I know this is sacrilege, but my go-to snack for the day is whole grain bread. Making the bulk of my diet whole grain carbs (oatmeal, whole grain bread, whole grain pasta) has quickly removed almost all the fat from my body. I was thin before, but I'm much moreso now. Obviously I still eat a ton of protein and try to get a decent amount of healthy fats, but I think whole grain carbs are seriously underappreciated.

And just to reiterate what's said above: if you're hungry, your body needs food. You aren't doing it any favors by not eating. If you feel like you're eating too many calories, the problem is what you're eating, not how much it is. Try eating healthy for a day and see how much you need to eat until you're full.

Edit: also, make sure you're not leaving the bulk of your eating until late in the day. Not only because it's better for digestion, but because if you force yourself to eat a lot of healthy stuff during the day, you won't even be hungry enough to indulge as much at night.


Captain Glanton said:
Now, situations like the one Shoho is describing are something else entirely. I can tell you that your desire for junk food under those situations is produced by the advertising that all of us probably grew up with, ads that teach you to associate bad food with pleasure and relaxation. There's no physical reason for pseudo-foods like Twinkies to make you feel good if your boss chews you out or you have to make a "girl thread" on here. It's all in your head, and it's been put there by the food corporations.

I can say that, but it's something else entirely to live your whole life by it. At a certain point, I think, you have to just realize that your life and your health belong to you and not to Pizza Hut and Hostess. Binging leads to more binging, and you have to take control of yourself and walk away from those situations.

Good catch. Google is right about this.

Two days ago was when I realised that I will never be able to eat soda, ice scream, candy, sweets, cake and that sort of stuff. Im addicted to sugar and just like an alcoholic I just need to stay away.
It always makes me feel like sh1t afterwards. I start sweating, it makes me tired and sleepy... its like its itoxicating.. it makes me sweat... and.. my skin becomes messed up. The cons overweight the pros.
Never again. I have banned myself from it. And its not because I just cant keep it under control. Its really not something I enjoy. Eating all this things full of sugar allows me to hide myself and protect myself from the world.. its the perfect excuse to be isolated. It makes me depressed. So besides, the little while between eating, and having my bloodsugar go crazy which is satisfactory... and to the point of a full stomic-feeling. Its all just down hill and low points.
Im positive I wont miss this shit, when I have gotten it completely out of my system.

I owe it to all does people who are handicapped or disabled in some way, to take care of my body... Instead of pissing it all away.
Your right 100%.

I just drank alot of water, and it helped. Im not thirsty anymore. Im also chewing chewing gum. And just going into the kitchen and looking at the progress I have made on my weight scale.

I was 136 kg back in november. Today I reached 110 kg. Im pretty satisfied about that, even though there is a long way to go.

As for the 1200 calories thing - Well mate, it's... its from this nutrionist/dietisian(dont know the real name... the term for a person who is an expert of nutrion) who made this book, about weight loss.
I took this diet because, im an impatient guy. I need to see results, or I am afraid that I might fall of the wagon completely, like so many times before.
But thats stupid, because this is not a diet... this is a way of life now. There is no going back.

Its just that I want to get more lean by summer. I want to be able to wear normal clothes when it gets hot enough to wear t-shirts outside. I really need to start living life and come out of my shell as so many people have said.
And when it comes to all that woman advice I have gotten on GAF(being a 43 year old virgin and all).. I just have to become attractive enough so women will notice me.. and not see me as repulsive.
So thats why I need it to go fast. Im drinking alot of cofee and hoping that the caffine will increase my metabolism. I heard it does that.
My only worry is that 1200 calories will make my body go into starvation mode...

Im a tall person(around 2 meters) so of course I need some protein, carbs and fat to keep me going. But I just need to tear all this clunky fat of my belly, man boobs and ass off fast.


Shoho said:
As for the 1200 calories thing - Well mate, it's... its from this nutrionist/dietisian(dont know the real name... the term for a person who is an expert of nutrion) who made this book, about weight loss.
I took this diet because, im an impatient guy. I need to see results, or I am afraid that I might fall of the wagon completely, like so many times before.
But thats stupid, because this is not a diet... this is a way of life now. There is no going back.

Its just that I want to get more lean by summer. I want to be able to wear normal clothes when it gets hot enough to wear t-shirts outside. I really need to start living life and come out of my shell as so many people have said.
And when it comes to all that woman advice I have gotten on GAF(being a 43 year old virgin and all).. I just have to become attractive enough so women will notice me.. and not see me as repulsive.
So thats why I need it to go fast. Im drinking alot of cofee and hoping that the caffine will increase my metabolism. I heard it does that.
My only worry is that 1200 calories will make my body go into starvation mode...

Im a tall person(around 2 meters) so of course I need some protein, carbs and fat to keep me going. But I just need to tear all this clunky fat of my belly, man boobs and ass off fast.

Bud, it's very difficult for you to know this until you've actually encountered it, and seen the results for yourself, but if you were to start eating better today, while maintaining a healthy regime of exercise (we're not talking the gym everyday), you'll see decent results in six weeks.

Like, you'll SEE the results. You'll be able to look at yourself, and see changes in your body.

1200 calories isnt enough for a guy of your size. You need to think of you body like a furnace. To keep the furnace going, you need to keep fuelling it with the right ingredients. I'm no fitness freak by any means, but it's relatively simply to change your eating habits with a minimal amount of effort.

It's all about wanting to change, and making sure you stick to the rules YOU set. Not some book...

While a book/site can be helpful in gaining tips, it does fuck all to simply copy it.

Also, the coffee's a bad idea...

It dehydrates you, which will leave you feeling hungry (because your body cannot tell the difference between being hungry and being thirsty) and thus you start craving shit again.

Drink a lot of water, eat a lot of good food, and start enjoying the fact that you'll be able to feel your body getting better.


Router said:
The only real strict thing I stick to is not eating after 7pm.

Are you afraid of turning into a gremlin?

In all seriousness, not eating after a certain cutoff time isn't necessary. Just keep what you eat within your daily calorie needs and you're good. I eat a good sized meal at 7 PM, and another at 10 PM (right before bed) every day and I stay lean.

But if you don't want to eat after 7, then don't and keep doing what you're doing :p
Shoho said:
Two days ago was when I realised that I will never be able to eat soda, ice scream, candy, sweets, cake and that sort of stuff. Im addicted to sugar and just like an alcoholic I just need to stay away.
It always makes me feel like sh1t afterwards. I start sweating, it makes me tired and sleepy... its like its itoxicating.. it makes me sweat... and.. my skin becomes messed up. The cons overweight the pros.
Never again. I have banned myself from it. And its not because I just cant keep it under control. Its really not something I enjoy. Eating all this things full of sugar allows me to hide myself and protect myself from the world.. its the perfect excuse to be isolated. It makes me depressed. So besides, the little while between eating, and having my bloodsugar go crazy which is satisfactory... and to the point of a full stomic-feeling. Its all just down hill and low points.
Im positive I wont miss this shit, when I have gotten it completely out of my system.

I owe it to all does people who are handicapped or disabled in some way, to take care of my body... Instead of pissing it all away.
Your right 100%.

I just drank alot of water, and it helped. Im not thirsty anymore. Im also chewing chewing gum. And just going into the kitchen and looking at the progress I have made on my weight scale.

I was 136 kg back in november. Today I reached 110 kg. Im pretty satisfied about that, even though there is a long way to go.

As for the 1200 calories thing - Well mate, it's... its from this nutrionist/dietisian(dont know the real name... the term for a person who is an expert of nutrion) who made this book, about weight loss.
I took this diet because, im an impatient guy. I need to see results, or I am afraid that I might fall of the wagon completely, like so many times before.
But thats stupid, because this is not a diet... this is a way of life now. There is no going back.

Its just that I want to get more lean by summer. I want to be able to wear normal clothes when it gets hot enough to wear t-shirts outside. I really need to start living life and come out of my shell as so many people have said.
And when it comes to all that woman advice I have gotten on GAF(being a 43 year old virgin and all).. I just have to become attractive enough so women will notice me.. and not see me as repulsive.
So thats why I need it to go fast. Im drinking alot of cofee and hoping that the caffine will increase my metabolism. I heard it does that.
My only worry is that 1200 calories will make my body go into starvation mode...

Im a tall person(around 2 meters) so of course I need some protein, carbs and fat to keep me going. But I just need to tear all this clunky fat of my belly, man boobs and ass off fast.

Drop the coffee. Coffee is probably my favorite drink but I can no longer drink it because of something wrong with my digestive system (gotta get it checked). However, as Google was mentioning, it's not a good thing.

Alternatives to coffee? Black tea with milk and sugar, but again, drop that too if you can help it. A really good alternative is Camomile or lemongrass tea. Go to a really nice tea store near you and grab some loose leaf camomile, lemongrass, or something like jasmine. Drink this stuff enough and you grow a taste for it to the point where it tastes absolutely delicious.

We're so used to drinking sugar-rich drinks (juice is an offender too) that we think stuff like this tastes either like nothing or just too bitter. Drink it enough and you get the subtle flavours.


wait... cofee is bad? shouldnt I just drink alot of water next to the cofee then?

I like drinking cofee...:( not much of a tea drinker.


Coffee is fine, and caffeine is a mild diuretic at best. Too much caffeine can be bad for other reasons, so either limit your cups or stick to decaf.
Shoho said:
wait... cofee is bad? shouldnt I just drink alot of water next to the cofee then?

I like drinking cofee...:( not much of a tea drinker.

Again, that's just like me. I didn't drink a single cup of tea, and believe me when I say I was a big coffee drinker. One of those crazies that can taste the subtle hints of chocolate in a coffee, went to Costa Rica and was excited to try all sorts of local product...

Coffee is just not that good for your diet. It's a dehydrant, so it works against the water. If you're trying to drink water on top of that you'll be so full of liquid it's borderline unhealthy, but I'm no expert ;)

Do this: drop all pop, juice, coffee and sugar-rich drinks for like a month. Drink water every day, all day, and tell us how you feel after. I've done it for the last month or two and I feel about 100% more healthy. Remember, it's not only the water itself that helps but that it also keeps you from snacking and such. If you have to be snacking/sipping, might as well make it a bottle of water in your hand. Plus, it's summer time! You're going to need water anyway.


Jealous Bastard
i generally eat what i want, but avoid snacking and stay reasonable. i have dessert maybe once a week, when i feel like it. i love food too much to say i'm just going to not eat something. why would you do that if you didn't have to?


there is joy in sucking dick
I agree with the mindset that Ultra low "anything" is bad for you. Low Calories, Low Carbs, Low Protein etc. Low Calories as in keeping it around 1000 daily. Truely keeping your Calories low but within healthy means should actually be a few hundred or so below your "actual" requirment (which depending on your height and body weight and if your working out or not, will be around 2000 Calories daily). At around 1000 Calories, your essentially starving yourself (as been stated)


Is there a general rule on working out while ill? Obviously I'm not going to be going to the gym with a full-on sickness, but typically I'm sick for a couple days and then in "clean-up" phase for about a week. I had a sore throat from a viral infection (complete with ulcers, ugh) for a few days, but now I'm getting over it. I feel pretty good, but have a slight cough and a bit of sore throat remaining. Should I wait until I'm completely 100% better or is it ok in a state like this to go in and do a light workout? I haven't been in about a week now (typically work out 6 days/week) so I'm starting to feel like a fatass, especially since this was the week I wanted to start ramping up to heavy cardio training for the summer.


there is joy in sucking dick
kathode said:
Is there a general rule on working out while ill? Obviously I'm not going to be going to the gym with a full-on sickness, but typically I'm sick for a couple days and then in "clean-up" phase for about a week. I had a sore throat from a viral infection (complete with ulcers, ugh) for a few days, but now I'm getting over it. I feel pretty good, but have a slight cough and a bit of sore throat remaining. Should I wait until I'm completely 100% better or is it ok in a state like this to go in and do a light workout? I haven't been in about a week now (typically work out 6 days/week) so I'm starting to feel like a fatass, especially since this was the week I wanted to start ramping up to heavy cardio training for the summer.

Fortunately for you, I worked out while I was sick as hell and I recommend against it. From what I experienced, before the workout I was pretty bad but whatever I had went Super Sayian after the extensive weightlifting session I went through (I couldn't get through doing the biceps, I was zoning out).

Though you sound like you don't have something real bad. Maybe keep your workout light but not tax your body too much.


I need to ask, as everyone says this is better than doing a jog for burning fat. How do you do these short-burst runs? What exactly are you supposed to do, for how long, and how is it better than doing a normal jog?


Jealous Bastard
kathode said:
Is there a general rule on working out while ill? Obviously I'm not going to be going to the gym with a full-on sickness, but typically I'm sick for a couple days and then in "clean-up" phase for about a week. I had a sore throat from a viral infection (complete with ulcers, ugh) for a few days, but now I'm getting over it. I feel pretty good, but have a slight cough and a bit of sore throat remaining. Should I wait until I'm completely 100% better or is it ok in a state like this to go in and do a light workout? I haven't been in about a week now (typically work out 6 days/week) so I'm starting to feel like a fatass, especially since this was the week I wanted to start ramping up to heavy cardio training for the summer.

i just came off an illness, and i do heavy cardio training as well. when you have the energy, even if you still feel a little bit crappy, go. i finished a workout with a sour stomach, but afterward felt much better than i did beforehand. i think it builds both physical and mental toughness that is invaluable to someone who's trying to maintain their health, and going on days when you feel like shit and finishing makes it much easier to go on days when you feel great. i think you can feel when you're ready. don't let a little sore throat knock you out of a good run, in other words.
Struct09 said:
This is false. Do a Google search for "coffee dehydrate" if you want to read articles about it.

Well I'll be damned. I'm behind on my health facts! :) Thank you for telling me now, I would have gone on completely ignorant.

Though, again, even if coffee itself is not bad (minus the bit of drug you're putting in yourself), the shit you put in it definitely can be, depending on the person. If you're putting two scoops of sugar and some milk in every coffee...well, that right there is not so great for you.

This thread is mint.


onemic said:
I need to ask, as everyone says this is better than doing a jog for burning fat. How do you do these short-burst runs? What exactly are you supposed to do, for how long, and how is it better than doing a normal jog?

Do you have access to a running track?

800 meter runs are absolutley wonderful for you...Seriously, they're short enough so that you're able to run it well, without getting too shattered...

Do five 800 M over an evening with 60 seconds rest in between...

See how you feel after?


there is joy in sucking dick
onemic said:
I need to ask, as everyone says this is better than doing a jog for burning fat. How do you do these short-burst runs? What exactly are you supposed to do, for how long, and how is it better than doing a normal jog?

Your talking about HIIT? With HIIT your doing your jogging in intervals of 1 Part Jogging 1 Part Sprinting.

Heres a basic HIIT setup...

2 Mintues of Jogging (Warm Up)
30 Seconds of Sprinting (Actual HIIT starts here)
30 Seconds of Jogging (Bring Heart Rate Down a bit)
30 Seconds of Sprinting (Sprinting as in as fast as you can go)
30 Seconds of Jogging (A brisk jog, don't go to slow for too long or your heart rate will go too low)

etc etc

Your going to be doing 8 Minutes worth of the up and down Jogging and Sprinting. After your done with those 8 Minutes, you would jog for another 2 Minutes (or if your too beatup, a brisk walk). Then your done!


JasoNsider said:
Well I'll be damned. I'm behind on my health facts! :) Thank you for telling me now, I would have gone on completely ignorant.

Though, again, even if coffee itself is not bad (minus the bit of drug you're putting in yourself), the shit you put in it definitely can be, depending on the person. If you're putting two scoops of sugar and some milk in every coffee...well, that right there is not so great for you.

This thread is mint.

i drink my cofee dark as the hell hole that is within my fat ass. i do add some coco... sugar free..

guys I have these protein powder... from a company called maxim. its with chocolate taste. per 100 g:

32 g protein
62,5g carb
2,4g fat

if I mix this up with skim milk, how much of this can I drink daily? but for 100g tgere us 391 calories.. in only 100 g of this powder. I can eat this stuff like it was nutella. which is kinda creepy. sometimes i disgust myself:/

I bike 30 minutes til and off work every day.. so I get a good sweat of just going and coming home from work, so thats good.
BlueTsunami said:
I was pretty bad but whatever I had went Super Sayian after the extensive weightlifting session I went through

:lol :lol :lol

Yeah, working out while sick can be tricky. On one hand, it can get your blood flowing, you can work through certain sickness, and as has been mentioned, build some mental and physical toughness.

On the other, lifting leaves your immune system vulnerable and you could be worse off than before. Many times, your workout will suffer, as well.

Play it by ear. If you have a little cough, then go for it. If you're puking out both ends, better sit this one out.
Shoho said:
As for the 1200 calories thing - Well mate, it's... its from this nutrionist/dietisian(dont know the real name... the term for a person who is an expert of nutrion) who made this book, about weight loss.
I took this diet because, im an impatient guy. I need to see results, or I am afraid that I might fall of the wagon completely, like so many times before.
But thats stupid, because this is not a diet... this is a way of life now. There is no going back.

Its just that I want to get more lean by summer. I want to be able to wear normal clothes when it gets hot enough to wear t-shirts outside. I really need to start living life and come out of my shell as so many people have said.
And when it comes to all that woman advice I have gotten on GAF(being a 43 year old virgin and all).. I just have to become attractive enough so women will notice me.. and not see me as repulsive.
So thats why I need it to go fast. Im drinking alot of cofee and hoping that the caffine will increase my metabolism. I heard it does that.
My only worry is that 1200 calories will make my body go into starvation mode...
Whoa, slow down here, man. Women [GENERALITIES AHEAD! WARNING!] will be attracted to you if you have confidence. Limiting yourself to 1200 calories a day is a magic bullet, a trick, and the results you see from it will only last as long as a trick does. Women see through that stuff, anyway, and they can tell when a man is pretending to be confident and when he's actually confident. If you want real, long term success and confidence in your physicality, then do the stuff we talk about in this thread: eat all the clean, real food your body wants [fruits, vegetables, lean protein, water]; lift weights a few times a week; and do some cardio to keep your conditioning up and bodyfat down. You will only authentically come out of your shell when you are able to bring yourself out of it--there's no quick fix or scheme to do it for you. It's about being in control of yourself, not hitting a certain number in anything, whether we're talking about calorie numbers or bench press numbers.

Who knows, pretty soon you might be like me, and beautiful women will be asking you to beat up their boyfriends for them! :lol

Edit: On training while ill: I think that it's fine to go to the gym sick, and to start doing your warmups and whatnot. Sometimes, I'll feel crap until I start moving, and then I feel fine and I do my workout. But if I start to work out and I feel worse, the more that I do, then I go home. My old wrestling coach advocated running in plastic sweat suits when you felt sick; do not be my old wrestling coach.
Shoho said:
i drink my cofee dark as the hell hole that is within my fat ass. i do add some coco... sugar free..

guys I have these protein powder... from a company called maxim. its with chocolate taste. per 100 g:

32 g protein
62,5g carb
2,4g fat

if I mix this up with skim milk, how much of this can I drink daily? but for 100g tgere us 391 calories.. in only 100 g of this powder. I can eat this stuff like it was nutella. which is kinda creepy. sometimes i disgust myself:/

I bike 30 minutes til and off work every day.. so I get a good sweat of just going and coming home from work, so thats good.

The biking is a great start. Your body seems to have a way of "getting with the program" so that if you do something enough it switches gears to help you out. Therefore you become more efficient at doing whatever it is you do most, and if that thing is activity, it will help you to lose weight.

Maybe go for walks at lunch if you can help it. Whatever it takes to get your body into activity mode. Also, look up local sports clubs to join a team. I'm playing on a dodgeball team once a week and now that summer is here I'm going to be doing ultimate on top of that. Scheduled fun activity is a huge help!


Google said:
Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too many carbs, my friend - especially when mixed with Milk.

Did you already buy this?

yeah but I dont got much left. im such a noob:(

the problem is that here in europe(and in scandinavia in particularly where I live) we dont got 1/10 of all the diet and bodybuilding stuff you guys got over in america. most of your drugs, and things you put in your products are illegal to sell in europe. EU has all these crazy regulations and years and years and years of testing before they can become legal.

so we are years behind on the health plan... i could import something, but that would be kinda weird.
or maybe not!?:p
Shoho said:
yeah but I dont got much left. im such a noob:(

the problem is that here in europe(and in scandinavia in particularly where I live) we dont got 1/10 of all the diet and bodybuilding stuff you guys got over in america. most of your drugs, and things you put in your products are illegal to sell in europe. EU has all these crazy regulations and years and years and years of testing before they can become legal.

so we are years behind on the health plan... i could import something, but that would be kinda weird.
or maybe not!?:p
I do know that people on the t-nation.com forums complain about not being able to import the supplements they sell. Customs will check your stuff, and if they deem your supplements to be "drugs" then, at the very least, you will be out all the money you spent on them.

Rather than worry about supplements, just focus on eating more tuna and milk.


JasoNsider said:
The biking is a great start. Your body seems to have a way of "getting with the program" so that if you do something enough it switches gears to help you out. Therefore you become more efficient at doing whatever it is you do most, and if that thing is activity, it will help you to lose weight.

Maybe go for walks at lunch if you can help it. Whatever it takes to get your body into activity mode. Also, look up local sports clubs to join a team. I'm playing on a dodgeball team once a week and now that summer is here I'm going to be doing ultimate on top of that. Scheduled fun activity is a huge help!

well I have been doing that for a while now, but it only works when I stop over eating. I cant even gain little victories. it just stays flat. even if I like bike for 3 hours in one day!!! I guess I simply take in(from all the over eating) much more than I burn when biking.

Captain Glanton said:
Whoa, slow down here, man. Women [GENERALITIES AHEAD! WARNING!] will be attracted to you if you have confidence. Limiting yourself to 1200 calories a day is a magic bullet, a trick, and the results you see from it will only last as long as a trick does. Women see through that stuff, anyway, and they can tell when a man is pretending to be confident and when he's actually confident. If you want real, long term success and confidence in your physicality, then do the stuff we talk about in this thread: eat all the clean, real food your body wants [fruits, vegetables, lean protein, water]; lift weights a few times a week; and do some cardio to keep your conditioning up and bodyfat down. You will only authentically come out of your shell when you are able to bring yourself out of it--there's no quick fix or scheme to do it for you. It's about being in control of yourself, not hitting a certain number in anything, whether we're talking about calorie numbers or bench press numbers.

Who knows, pretty soon you might be like me, and beautiful women will be asking you to beat up their boyfriends for them! :lol

Wouldn't you agree though, that my prospects would be better if I could get a body that I would be satisfied with, and then work on it from there? I dont wanna eat 1200 calories for the rest of my life, but my hopes is that when I am down to a decent weight, my stomache will be smaller and I will be used to consume less food, and then I will just intake a bit more of the same good food...

in other words - I get down in weight fast, because I am desperate, but I know at the same time that I cant go back or start eating crazy after I have gone down in weight. I just want to get down there, and then make the trick become something that I can live by.

because im eating normally now. I get fruits, veggies, chicken, eggs, milk, meat and stuff.. I just stay away from rice and bread, and dont really know when to allow myself to eat does things again.

But Glanton - Im advocating self hatred here. Really to the point where I want to physically harm myself. And I do indeed have become a bit of that crazy evil guy "I'll show all of these people that I dont have to be a fat slob for the rest of my life". Thats why Im so desperate to drop down in weight fast.

Because I have incredible mood swings. Either I am happy and everything is fine, or else the hole world is falling apart and dark and grey and shitty and I just wanna die. Im very selfware about myself.. when going past mirrors and store windows I always look myself to see how fat/thin I look from the positioning I am standing. I am only wearing black clothes as I hear it makes me look slimmer. I look like I am at a funeral every day.
Im a gloomy moody bitch who just needs to get down there.

But I see what your saying. from my outside perspective it does look like that all the hot chicks are attracted to these arrogant assholes who treat them like crap, but for some reason they all seem to say that they practice the art of finding guys who respect them and show emotions, and that they dont care about looks.
I mean really... im really bitter about this(I am sure you can tell). sigh.


Shoho said:
yeah but I dont got much left. im such a noob:(

While I totally overreacted in my last post, the carb intake on that protein powder is too much.

To give you some insight, I spent $30 on some powder that I picked up at the local supermarket, and it was very similiar to yours, but it only contained 1g of Carbs per serving.

Next time you go out, remember to look at the label.

You need to look out for:

Calories - anything over 150 is too high
Protein - you want around 30g of protein per shake
Carbs - as little as possible

Also, mix it with water, instead of Milk...

I use a Milk Chocolate powder, and while it's not a McDonalds milkshake, when mixed with water, it tastes just fine...and I save myself 100 calories for something else.


Shoho said:
Wouldn't you agree though, that my prospects would be better if I could get a body that I would be satisfied with, and then work on it from there? I dont wanna eat 1200 calories for the rest of my life, but my hopes is that when I am down to a decent weight, my stomache will be smaller and I will be used to consume less food, and then I will just intake a bit more of the same good food...

My friend, your body wont have the resources to lose the weight unless you properly nourish it.

You really should be on an 1800-2000 calories a day diet.

This doesnt mean you eat an extra 500 calories of bread, but it does mean you eat 2 Chicken Breasts instead of half...


Jealous Bastard
Shoho said:
Wouldn't you agree though, that my prospects would be better if I could get a body that I would be satisfied with, and then work on it from there? I dont wanna eat 1200 calories for the rest of my life, but my hopes is that when I am down to a decent weight, my stomache will be smaller and I will be used to consume less food, and then I will just intake a bit more of the same good food...

i lost my initial ~60 pounds doing exactly this. ymmv, but as someone who did it, i can vouch for it working.
Shoho said:
well I have been doing that for a while now, but it only works when I stop over eating. I cant even gain little victories. it just stays flat. even if I like bike for 3 hours in one day!!! I guess I simply take in(from all the over eating) much more than I burn when biking.

Wouldn't you agree though, that my prospects would be better if I could get a body that I would be satisfied with, and then work on it from there? I dont wanna eat 1200 calories for the rest of my life, but my hopes is that when I am down to a decent weight, my stomache will be smaller and I will be used to consume less food, and then I will just intake a bit more of the same good food...

in other words - I get down in weight fast, because I am desperate, but I know at the same time that I cant go back or start eating crazy after I have gone down in weight. I just want to get down there, and then make the trick become something that I can live by.

because im eating normally now. I get fruits, veggies, chicken, eggs, milk, meat and stuff.. I just stay away from rice and bread, and dont really know when to allow myself to eat does things again.

But Glanton - Im advocating self hatred here. Really to the point where I want to physically harm myself. And I do indeed have become a bit of that crazy evil guy "I'll show all of these people that I dont have to be a fat slob for the rest of my life". Thats why Im so desperate to drop down in weight fast.

Because I have incredible mood swings. Either I am happy and everything is fine, or else the hole world is falling apart and dark and grey and shitty and I just wanna die. Im very selfware about myself.. when going past mirrors and store windows I always look myself to see how fat/thin I look from the positioning I am standing. I am only wearing black clothes as I hear it makes me look slimmer. I look like I am at a funeral every day.
Im a gloomy moody bitch who just needs to get down there.

But I see what your saying. from my outside perspective it does look like that all the hot chicks are attracted to these arrogant assholes who treat them like crap, but for some reason they all seem to say that they practice the art of finding guys who respect them and show emotions, and that they dont care about looks.
I mean really... im really bitter about this(I am sure you can tell). sigh.

Let me skip to the girl portion of this...Sounds like it could be a major influence/motivator for you. It was for me. However, drop any notion of "nice guys always lose" right now. Women are attracted to those who respect others and themselves. That also means body. By working on your body you have something to offer. If you want beautiful, charming women, work on yourself so you have something to offer.

Change has to come from within, not some book or even this forum. I've dropped my little story on this thread a couple times. I was in a similar spot - really overweight, very little to talk about with girls on the few times I did. Couldn't even look women in the face. Then, one day, I heard someone say what you almost said above about nice guys finishing last and I realized how bullshit it was. If you want a beautiful, nice girl you gotta work on yourself. So, make that your focus.

Go to dancing lessons (swing, salsa, whatever), go biking, go play some sports for fun, laugh, have fun, you'll forget even why you started this after a while because you'll be having so much fun. And then, bam, girls will start talking to you. They aren't assholes for looking at attactive guys, because men do the same. They are attracted physically but also attracted to people respecting their own body and minds and, generally speaking, attracted to happy people!


beelzebozo said:
i lost my initial ~60 pounds doing exactly this. ymmv, but as someone who did it, i can vouch for it working.

How much did you weigh?

I mean, if you're 300lbs, shifting 60lbs isnt the hardest thing to do, because as long as you lower you calorie intake, and exercise more, your body will automatically shift weight.


Jealous Bastard
i was 5'10" and around 230lbs. when i was nineteen. i've lost about a hundred pounds since, the last 40 or so purely from lifestyle change and not from trying. like i said, at this point i eat what i want and workout, and it does wonders, but that initial start is something that's very important to a dieter. it makes your diet real.


beelzebozo said:
i was 5'10" and around 230lbs. when i was nineteen. i've lost about a hundred pounds since, the last 40 or so purely from lifestyle change and not from trying. like i said, at this point i eat what i want and workout, and it does wonders, but that initial start is something that's very important to a dieter. it makes your diet real.

You're at 130?

Shoho said:
Wouldn't you agree though, that my prospects would be better if I could get a body that I would be satisfied with, and then work on it from there? I dont wanna eat 1200 calories for the rest of my life, but my hopes is that when I am down to a decent weight, my stomache will be smaller and I will be used to consume less food, and then I will just intake a bit more of the same good food...

in other words - I get down in weight fast, because I am desperate, but I know at the same time that I cant go back or start eating crazy after I have gone down in weight. I just want to get down there, and then make the trick become something that I can live by.

because im eating normally now. I get fruits, veggies, chicken, eggs, milk, meat and stuff.. I just stay away from rice and bread, and dont really know when to allow myself to eat does things again.

But Glanton - Im advocating self hatred here. Really to the point where I want to physically harm myself. And I do indeed have become a bit of that crazy evil guy "I'll show all of these people that I dont have to be a fat slob for the rest of my life". Thats why Im so desperate to drop down in weight fast.

Because I have incredible mood swings. Either I am happy and everything is fine, or else the hole world is falling apart and dark and grey and shitty and I just wanna die. Im very selfware about myself.. when going past mirrors and store windows I always look myself to see how fat/thin I look from the positioning I am standing. I am only wearing black clothes as I hear it makes me look slimmer. I look like I am at a funeral every day.
Im a gloomy moody bitch who just needs to get down there.

But I see what your saying. from my outside perspective it does look like that all the hot chicks are attracted to these arrogant assholes who treat them like crap, but for some reason they all seem to say that they practice the art of finding guys who respect them and show emotions, and that they dont care about looks.
I mean really... im really bitter about this(I am sure you can tell). sigh.

I really, really can't say this loudly enough: If you hate yourself because of your body, and then you 'fix' your body, you will most likely still hate yourself. You'll just look better. I know plenty of fit, miserable people. It is much more important to come to a new, healthier perspective on your own life, and then to allow yourself to become more physically fit simultaneously or as a result. If you need to get professional help to assist you with that change, then there's no shame in that.

Also, let's get something straight here: Dating beautiful women is not all sunshine and rainbows. I'm far from a Don Juan, but I can tell you this: being with a beautiful woman is a lot of work, and you have to put up with a lot of stuff, including neurosis and some stiff shots of self-hatred on her part. I'm not saying that beautiful women are bitches, at all, but I am saying that growing up a beautiful woman creates plenty of problems for them, and when you're with them, those problems become your problems. When you see those women, know that dating them--or just talking to them every day--is what you're imagining. It isn't.


BlueTsunami said:
Your talking about HIIT? With HIIT your doing your jogging in intervals of 1 Part Jogging 1 Part Sprinting.

Heres a basic HIIT setup...

2 Mintues of Jogging (Warm Up)
30 Seconds of Sprinting (Actual HIIT starts here)
30 Seconds of Jogging (Bring Heart Rate Down a bit)
30 Seconds of Sprinting (Sprinting as in as fast as you can go)
30 Seconds of Jogging (A brisk jog, don't go to slow for too long or your heart rate will go too low)

etc etc

Your going to be doing 8 Minutes worth of the up and down Jogging and Sprinting. After your done with those 8 Minutes, you would jog for another 2 Minutes (or if your too beatup, a brisk walk). Then your done!

Yeah HIIT, that's it.

So how good is it exactly for fat/weight loss and how is it better than just doing say a 30min fast walk or jog?

Oh and is there really such a thing as cheat days? IF so how often should they be put in use?


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Mr.City said:
What kind of music do you listen while you work out, Glaton? I've been trying to incorporate music into my workouts, but it seems to be distracting.

I usually find electro house does the trick...

Question for you all: I've been going to the gym, noticing a bit of definition in my muscles, even though I am still not doing too much with respect to heavy weights... but I think I want to add a protein shake for when I am finished with the gym. Any brand recommendations or advice?


djtiesto said:
recommendations or advice?

See my notes above.

Under 150 calories

Over 30g of Protein

Around 1G of Carbs

Yeah HIIT, that's it.

So how good is it exactly for fat/weight loss and how is it better than just doing say a 30min fast walk or jog?

Oh and is there really such a thing as cheat days? IF so how often should they be put in use?

Much, much, much better...

A fast walk or jog is fine to get the heart rate going, but a 30 minute brisk walk will do fuck all in terms of a larger fitness gain.

You literally need to be breathing heavy, sweating like a paedophile and too exhausted to move...

If a walk does that for you, great...


there is joy in sucking dick
onemic said:
So how good is it exactly for fat/weight loss and how is it better than just doing say a 30min fast walk or jog?

HIIT is supposed to be one of the best ways to burn fat and maintain fat burning throughout the day (its supposed to mess with your metabolism so that its high hours after the HIIT session).

Its very, very intense though. If you can't do it as I listed (I couldn't on my first day). Add in an interval of walking after the Sprinting, then Jog, then Sprint (and repeat)

And I agree with Google about a brisk walk. Anything that gets your Heart Rate up is beneficial. HIIT is just on the extreme end of things.


BlueTsunami said:
HIIT is supposed to be one of the best ways to burn fat and maintain fat burning throughout the day (its supposed to mess with your metabolism so that its high hours after the HIIT session).

Science time!

A popular theory as to why HIIT works: When you do an intense exercise such as sprinting, your body is forced to use glycogen (stored carbohydrates) for energy. Since you're rapidly burning through glycogen, any carbohydrates you eat later in the day will likely be stored as glycogen. And since later on your body is storing carbohydrates instead of using them for immediate energy, your body turns to fat stores for energy needs.

If you want further evidence that high intensity is the way to go, look at the body of a sprinter versus that of a marathon runner.

The thing with HIIT is that you have to give it your all. If you're not wishing death upon yourself after 15 minutes, then you're just being lazy.


Struct09 said:
Science time!

A popular theory as to why HIIT works: When you do an intense exercise such as sprinting, your body is forced to use glycogen (stored carbohydrates) for energy. Since you're rapidly burning through glycogen, any carbohydrates you eat later in the day will likely be stored as glycogen. And since later on your body is storing carbohydrates instead of using them for immediate energy, your body turns to fat stores for energy needs.

If you want further evidence that high intensity is the way to go, look at the body of a sprinter versus that of a marathon runner.

The thing with HIIT is that you have to give it your all. If you're not wishing death upon yourself after 15 minutes, then you're just being lazy.

I'm currently doing the atkins diet, which is very low carbs and high protein. How would HIIT affect me? Would it be more effective?


onemic said:
I'm currently doing the atkins diet, which is very low carbs and high protein. How would HIIT affect me? Would it be more effective?

If you're doing a low carb diet, I'd stay away from HIIT. The two don't seem to mix, and I've read stories where people feel like utter shit when trying both. And if you lift weights, that would likely be hindered as well from low carb + high intensity.

Just a suggestion, I won't claim to be an expert on the subject.
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