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Official "Free" NES/GBA games for 3DS thread of Nintendo's guilt

dc89 said:
What are the chances of us getting those games?!

Please let it be true...

Also this ambassador thing, is it just for the US or EU too?

Oh we'll never get a proper Pokemon game for free, a man can dream though


This is going to be awesome. I've got an ngp reordered but when I look at all the games I really want to play on a portable platform they are on the 3ds I already own.
I hope the NES VC launches with 15-20 games, and we get to pick 10. Doubtful, but they're probably going to be the same titles available on Wii, so it's possible.

Ellis Kim

....Its unlikely that Balloon Fight, or any of these games for that matter, will support adhoc multiplayer, which is a damn, damn shame. I have many fond memories of playing Balloon fight w/ my cousins :S
SmithnCo said:
There's that free Four Swords game coming out sometime. Forgot when.
I totally forgot about that. I was thinking, "THEY SHOULD PORT LTTP AND FIX FOUR SWORDS STUFF SO THE 3DS CAN PLAY IT!"

and then you said that.
Freezie KO said:
I hope the NES VC launches with 15-20 games, and we get to pick 10. Doubtful, but they're probably going to be the same titles available on Wii, so it's possible.
There isn't going to be any choice, you get the ten they give you. Most of them probably will be games already on Wii.

However, if the games get a 3D update, Ambassador people also get that for free whenever it comes out.


Forkball said:

Bargain considering that some of the GBA games were actually selling for quite high price still many years after release. (At least the Japanese version was, not sure about US)

Ellis Kim said:
....Its unlikely that Balloon Fight, or any of these games for that matter, will support adhoc multiplayer, which is a ****, **** shame. I have many fond memories of playing Balloon fight w/ my cousins :S

They will support multiplayer, but I'm not sure about adhoc though.

Japanese confirmation of this from Nintendo's website - 後日配信される正式版(※)では、対戦プレイに対応する予定です。


Still without luck
I wish I could express how furious I am at all of this. But I can't without being banned. So there.


GBA Wishlist for the other 5 mystery games:

Fire Emblem (aka "Rekka no Ken")
Rhythm Tengoku (would be VERY easy to translate, just use subtitles for the games that rely on spoken cues. For songs with Japanese lyrics, just leave them. Most people playing it would appreciate that.)
Mother 3 (I want to believe)
WarioWare Twisted (the 3DS does have a motion sensor.....)
Advance Wars (or maybe the second one instead)


What is considered an "early" adopter? I got my 3DS just after Zelda release and registered it that week. Does that do anything for me?
filipe said:
What is considered an "early" adopter? I got my 3DS just after Zelda release and registered it that week. Does that do anything for me?
Anyone who has purchased a 3DS and signs on the 3DS shop channel before August 11 I believe.
Forkball said:
Thinking about it, if each GBA game was on the eShop for $10 and each NES game for $5...

that's $150 worth games right there. So it's OK in my book. Even if I dislike 1/2 of each of them, I'm only out $10.


ChuckNoLuck said:
I wish I could express how furious I am at all of this. But I can't without being banned. So there.
At the very least, I think Nintendo learned a valuable lesson in pricing and marketing.


filipe said:
What is considered an "early" adopter? I got my 3DS just after Zelda release and registered it that week. Does that do anything for me?

Anyone who buys and registers their 3DS system and launches the eShop before the day of the price drop should be considered one.


filipe said:
What is considered an "early" adopter? I got my 3DS just after Zelda release and registered it that week. Does that do anything for me?

If you log onto the e-store before August 12th, you're an early adopter.
ChuckNoLuck said:
I wish I could express how furious I am at all of this. But I can't without being banned. So there.

once again, nobody forced you to pay $250 for it. You obviously saw $250 in value in purchasing one or else you wouldn't have. You should be happy this will likely spur sales so that companies stop canceling or delaying 3ds projects....
I'm happy to be a "3DS Ambassador". :D

All those GBA games look good. SMB and Zelda look good. I guess DK Jr is OK. They need to throw in Punch-Out!! and Link to the Past for GBA.


ChuckNoLuck said:
I wish I could express how furious I am at all of this. But I can't without being banned. So there.
Do you get this upset when you buy an iPad/Phone/Pod and Apple announces a new version with a basic feature 6 months after launching the new model?


outunderthestars said:
once again, nobody forced you to pay $250 for it. You obviously saw $250 in value in purchasing one or else you wouldn't have. You should be happy this will likely spur sales so that companies stop canceling or delaying 3ds projects....


you cant be OMG SUPER FURIOUSSSSSS at something if you paid what you thought was right for it and didnt returned it/sold it (wich means you enjoyed it).

any anger that comes from that is just jealousy over other people getting it cheaper really :/
Seeing as how none of the current VC GB games have multiplayer, it was too much to expect these free ones to have it, I suppose.

besiktas1 said:
How do I become an ambassador? I want them free games too... (I bought a 3DS at launch).

COnnect online with your 3DS. Done. TO be safe, link it to your club nintendo account.


Hm, I wonder if we'll still get the Club Nintendo points for these 20 free games. Cause that's also 200 free coins, which is 1/3 of the way to platinum status.


Why would you do that? said:
Thinking about it, if each GBA game was on the eShop for $10 and each NES game for $5...

that's $150 worth games right there. So it's OK in my book. Even if I dislike 1/2 of each of them, I'm only out $10.
They're quality games, but I think most people who bought a 3DS day one has probably played most if not all of those titles. It's a neat gesture, but I think most people would trade this deal for a $170 price at launch.


duckroll said:

You forgot the part that says " 後日配信される正式版(※)では、対戦プレイに対応する予定です", so multiplayer is available when the official versions are released.
Totally forgot about the Kirby games on GBA. I hope we at least get one.

mutsu said:
You forgot the part that says " 後日配信される正式版(※)では、対戦プレイに対応する予定です", so multiplayer is available when the official versions are released.
So they're going to release beta versions of NES/GBA games, but then update it sometime in the Fall? Guess Duckroll is right about them rushing.


Thanks for answering my question guys. Seeing as how I've been on the shop and even downloaded some stuff, I think I'm good, lol.


mutsu said:
You forgot the part that says " 後日配信される正式版(※)では、対戦プレイに対応する予定です", so multiplayer is available when the official versions are released.

I didn't forget. I mentioned right after that the full versions would be released later, which... implies that those will include all the missing features I specifically mentioned. I guess that wasn't clear, sorry.


Corporate Apologist
The games will just fit vertically, the NES was 256x240, the 3DS's top screen is 400x240.

I really hope Nintendo can get something for GBA sleep mode. Ether allow Save States, or get the god damn sleep mode to work.

You know, I wonder if the reason for no Sleep mode is that Nintendo is actually turning GBA mode on. The system should still have complete GBA BC, just no pins for the carts. The system still maintain some of its OS when in DS mode, so maybe Nintendo can at least employ save states.


Shadowlink said:
So they're going to release beta versions of NES/GBA games, but then update it sometime in the Fall? Guess Duckroll is right about them rushing.

Only for NES games. For GBA games, as duckroll has said they are "not for sale" versions and so there is no "final" version per se as they are already the final product.
mutsu said:
Only for NES games. For GBA games, as duckroll has said they are "not for sale" versions and so there is no "final" version per se as they are already the final product.
True, but I doubt they'll keep them exclusive for a while. They can make a ton of money off these GBA games, but if they decide to keep them exclusive, then good for us who are Ambassadors. :)


mutsu said:
Only for NES games. For GBA games, as duckroll has said they are "not for sale" versions and so there is no "final" version per se as they are already the final product.
That sort of sucks then. If the GBA releases don't support sleep mode, then that just sucks lol. I guess you could always just press the home button to suspend it and then close the 3DS. Hm...


I hope getting my 3DS repaired/replaced doesn't lock me out of getting this. Bad timing is really bad with this.


Shadowlink said:
True, but I doubt they'll keep them exclusive for a while. They can make a ton of money off these GBA games, but if they decide to keep them exclusive, then good for us who are Ambassadors. :)

I sure hope they don't keep them "not for sale" for long, as I am sure that there are games that I want but will miss that shortlist of 10.

MooMoo said:
That sort of sucks then. If the GBA releases don't support sleep mode, then that just sucks lol. I guess you could always just press the home button to suspend it and then close the 3DS. Hm...

It probably doesn't work either, because press the Home button will only bring you to a 簡易メニュー (Simple menu), rather than the full blown Home menu. I would assume the Simple menu doesn't support sleep function either.


Awesome! I've wanted to play Metroid Fusion for years. And Yoshi's Island! :) You can't go wrong with yet another version of NES Zelda either.


ChuckNoLuck said:
I wish I could express how furious I am at all of this. But I can't without being banned. So there.
Calm the fuck down, dude.

We're getting over $100 in free games AT LEAST.


Forkball said:
They're quality games, but I think most people who bought a 3DS day one has probably played most if not all of those titles. It's a neat gesture, but I think most people would trade this deal for a $170 price at launch.

Yeah, definitely. I'm not upset because we are getting these free games. However, I'd trade them for a $100 dollars back in a heartbeat. I would have never bought any of the games listed except maybe Fusion.
mutsu said:
I sure hope they don't keep them "not for sale" for long, as I am sure that there are games that I want but will miss that shortlist of 10.
They probably won't, but they'll make them $8-$10 each to show that those who got them for free saved a ton of money.


We should totally be able to vote on the remaining free games. That would be sweet :)

Not gonna happen, but it would be sweet.
I don't believe them for a second regarding how the GBA VC games are apparently never coming to the eShop. They were obviously due to come at some point but they've been forced to release them early.

Why else would they have a GBA emulator (work in progress or not) running on the 3DS?
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