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Official GAF Halo 2 Clan Topic



I cant buy the maps for some reason, I keep getting errors. Yes it's set to purchase premium content. My credit card and account is up to date. Any ideas?


here's a pic.


rollin' in the gutter
It's really busy right now, so that could have something to do with it.

I'll be on around 8:30 guys, i'll let you know if i'm going on way before or way after.


is anyone right now hosting custom games with turf and sanctuary?
what is your GamerTag?
anyway my GT is II FiRez II.


duderon said:
It's really busy right now, so that could have something to do with it.

I'll be on around 8:30 guys, i'll let you know if i'm going on way before or way after.

I dont think thats it because I downloaded the free maps with no problems. Thanks though.


rollin' in the gutter
Flying Llama said:
I dont think thats it because I downloaded the free maps with no problems. Thanks though.

I've read to just keep trying, then. Hopefully it will work eventually..

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Flying Llama said:
I dont think thats it because I downloaded the free maps with no problems. Thanks though.
Give the xbox live support number a ring dude. Save some grief!

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
FiRez said:
Just 3 from my list have the kiltacular pack :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

add Donkey69 if you want to have a game in about 2hours 20 minutes

Goes for anyone else as well. Closed matches with 8-10 people though, I played last night when they dropped and it was a shitty lag fest.

also from limited viewing Sanctuary and Turf >>> than containment and warlock


catfish said:
Give the xbox live support number a ring dude. Save some grief!

I got it Donkey I called and waited about 40 minutes for a representative, they told me to try a different credit card and it worked like magic. I dont understand why the first didn't work though.


"The GAF's Favorite Halo 2 Punching Bag," aka me, is going to be on verrrrryy late tonight. And if we're playing closed games, I plan on being beaten to a pulp. Some of you guys are just way too friggin' good. Or maybe it's just that I'm not that great. Either way, see you guys on.


We raped those dudes in our league game in Slayer,but got our ass handed to us in CTF and KOTH :lol

I hate BR start on Midship,bleh.


rollin' in the gutter
Ramirez said:
We raped those dudes in our league game in Slayer,but got our ass handed to us in CTF and KOTH :lol

I hate BR start on Midship,bleh.

We just need to play more 4v4 objectives together and we'll be fine. Good games all around though :)

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
KOTH is fucking hard. and quite random.

CTF is greater than slayer though, I love skirmish. I'm better at it too, I seem to run a lot more hot and cold in slayer.

What was your final scores or whatever?
I'm hanging out for some new map goodness.


Won the Slayer match by 20+ I believe,lost CTF 5-2, and lost KOTH by like a minute...

I'm done for the night though,we need to get a big group and do a CTF on Containment,that map is fuckin awesome :D

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Desperado said:

Games is the online persona of Chris Tuckers character in the fifth element.

How the did you get 15 assists in a game? what weapon were you using? Water pistol? :lol seemed to be working anyway... I need to play these maps!! Everybody stay on for another hour.......
The game of CTF on Sanctuary tonight was pretty awesome, the game of CTF on Containment was pretty not.

Not to say it didn't have its moments like Dopey's infatuation with the Warthog.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Mr. Lemming said:
The game of CTF on Sanctuary tonight was pretty awesome, the game of CTF on Containment was pretty not.

Not to say it didn't have its moments like Dopey's infatuation with the Warthog.

I hate walking though :(

Plus with all the times I drove out in the warthog, I think we only made it in the base ONCE with it. :lol


Desperado said:

Tsk tsk, nothing spectacular. :p

good games.

and speaking of warthog, in the big custom game (1 flag CTF) on containment cerrius asks me to mount gunner, and i do; after getting out of the base he lands right on the land bombs. :lol and so we coudnt get to the flag holder in time. :(

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
My new tag is


Hook me up with a new clan invite, i'm stick of telling noob's it's my 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc game then wining and having them ask me how I got so good.
DopeyFish said:
I hate walking though :(

Plus with all the times I drove out in the warthog, I think we only made it in the base ONCE with it. :lol

I think that was the time I had like my best ever use of the Gauss Cannon. I shot 5 people in 5 shots... i was all :O Then we got involved in that crazyness by the flag and exploded or something.

6 People on our team waiting for the warthog at the end of the game for a while was also humorous.


I'll be on again tonight, I'm going home early today so I might be on earlier than usual. Turf is definetly my favorite of the new maps followed by santuary, wizard, and than containment.


Catfish: I sent you a friend request to donkey69

I'm Playing right now, I want to recomend 2v2 in sanctuary (very fun stuff)


Well it's nice to know you can have a good custom game with the GAF people :lol

I have no clue why some of you take it so seriously,you beat us and then start sayin stuff like "This is getting pathetic" and Ironclad and Nutter talking shit when no one has ever said anything to them,really cool I must say :D

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
sounds like this could all be settled over a nice game of HALO 2

I want to play the custom maps some more. Only time I have got on them is when some random dingbat that ended up on my friends list and wants to play 1 weapon type over and over again. Snipers on containment is quite fun, not when you play it twice running though. haven't played on turf and haven't played on sanctuary yet, only played on containment for 1/2 game and a lagged out match or 3 on warlock.


Naw man,this started over a game of Halo 2.They beat us, so I guess they some how thought they had accomplished something in life so they started acting like 5 year old girls, giggling after the game and shit,you woulda thought they just got laid or something.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Ramirez said:
Naw man,this started over a game of Halo 2.They beat us, so I guess they some how thought they had accomplished something in life so they started acting like 5 year old girls, giggling after the game and shit,you woulda thought they just got laid or something.

Who is us and who is them? And let's no longer speak of getting laid. My woman just went home to germany :(

Nutter, you have a new tag?

Also, if anyone would like to bolster their self confidence further in about 3 hours, I have played none of the new maps properly and still get slightly lost on containment, take that as you will :D

Whens the ranks getting reset? I'm on a quest to see the highest rank I can attain before then by playing all modes by myself in MM. I'm having mixed results :lol I keep getting within 1 match of 17 on team skirmish and then taking a nasty loss.

Played 3 on 3 burial mounds slayer last night, awesome when your team mate immediately dies with the sniper rifle then the other team gets both and the rockets :(
I must say, 4 Flag CTF on Warlock with touch return and flag at home to score both on is very chaotic and very fun. Need to set that up as a custom gametype instead of switching it every time.

Edit: Neutral Bomb is also very cool on there, but needs some tweaks from the default to be truly awesome. Have to experiment with that one still. Didn't get to try out Neutral Flag on there yet, imagine it will be just as fun as multiflag and neutral bomb. Multibomb is pretty crazy, but almost pointless, but im sure it can be salvaged somehow.


Pfftttt; Rameriz when did i start talking shit/ trash. ??? (i didnt even mutter a word in game; except to my own team mates regarding your positions)

i dont play like that. Beating you guys didnt accomplish anything, it wasnt meant to. it was about having fun.

and it was it was scoot who told sembe to switch and then you guys complained that you were down 1 person.

Even after that i didnt say anything, and just left; cause i got bored of customs.


I didn't know that CS was that fun, maybe I should try the original game.
and damn you GAF for confusing me with reirom.


rollin' in the gutter
Nutter said:
Pfftttt; Rameriz when did i start talking shit/ trash. ??? (i didnt even mutter a word in game; except to my own team mates regarding your positions)

i dont play like that. Beating you guys didnt accomplish anything, it wasnt meant to. it was about having fun.

and it was it was scoot who told sembe to switch and then you guys complained that you were down 1 person.

Even after that i didnt say anything, and just left; cause i got bored of customs.

Nutter i DEFINATELY heard you say something like "Don't try that shit, nucca" after you killed me with 50 of your guys behind you. So don't talk shit if you don't want to back it up in a real game.

Me and Ram just had the greatest Team Training ever. 1 Flag CTF Zanzi, 3 (us) versus 4. We're red, after the second round our dude quits. We hold them off till the end but they score the third round. Then the two of us run the bomb in at the last minute and i hold the last dude off, so Ram can plant the bomb. Most satisfying tie ever :D


1 Flag CTF Zanzi, 3 (us) versus 4. We're red, after the second round our dude quits. We hold them off till the end but they score the third round. Then the two of us run the bomb in at the last minute and i hold the last dude off, so Ram can plant the bomb. Most satisfying tie ever

It's amazing that we were able to plant the bomb on 1 Flag CTF :D ;)


duderon said:
Nutter i DEFINATELY heard you say something like "Don't try that shit, nucca" after you killed me with 50 of your guys behind you. So don't talk shit if you don't want to back it up in a real game.

Wow, when i am saying i didnt talk any shit or trash, and yet you keep coming back with those comments. but w/e if it makes you sleep better at night knowing i talked trash to you today then so be it.

and whats with the 50 guys behind me shit you are saying, if that matters to you that much why didnt your team help you out. damn you guys are acting like elitists.

and removing from the friend list is just plain childish. but w/e again.


rollin' in the gutter
We have to play IoS tomorrow dudes. Shockwave/CodeRed and company, a pro team in the Ametuer division, how nice :giganticrolleyes


duderon said:
We have to play IoS tomorrow dudes. Shockwave/CodeRed and company, a pro team in the Ametuer division, how nice :giganticrolleyes

I hope you say something retarded. Like the last time we played pros.


Nutter said:
Wow, when i am saying i didnt talk any shit or trash, and yet you keep coming back with those comments. but w/e if it makes you sleep better at night knowing i talked trash to you today then so be it.

and whats with the 50 guys behind me shit you are saying, if that matters to you that much why didnt your team help you out. damn you guys are acting like elitists.

and removing from the friend list is just plain childish. but w/e again.

kids, kids.
it's only a game.

listen, we're all about done with Halo 2 anyway. the new maps are amateur and i hear timesplitters 3 has some rape maps in the community.

let's all go get it tomorrow.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
FiRez said:
No one is playing tonight?

I'm working late and the weekend as well. Might be on american saturday at some point if I'm lucky. I'm so hanging for some customs on Turf. I have never played it :(


catfish said:
I'm working late and the weekend as well. Might be on american saturday at some point if I'm lucky. I'm so hanging for some customs on Turf. I have never played it :(

Yes, it sucks to not have time.
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