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Official GAF Halo 2 Clan Topic


just got done playing with nutter, cerrius, ironclad and firez and in this one game on coagulation we spawned on defense in a single flag CTF game so I jump up to where the plasma gun sits at the back of the base and everyone is just screwing around because the game is pretty much over. I think one of two people jumped in the hog and me and at least one other person threw grenades under it. I saw my grenades bounce under the hog and I think there were multiple simultaneous detonations because all I saw was the warthog absolutely disappear straight into the sky. as I was laughing my ass off something hit me where I stood still by the plasma pistol. I saw the message that the guardians had killed me and I realized that the damn warthog carcass had landed on me.

The End


wow, I'm lagging too badly, I almost make lost cerrius that 2v2 game in turf
Sorry dothemario and hgplayer for leaving you alone but I played halo 2 like 4 straight hours and I need to eat something.




Ended up in a BTB with border199x and Teddman...and some OAers I guess...joined their party...

Let's just say... they must not play very often. :p

does border even post at GAF anymore?


Desperado said:


Ended up in a BTB with border199x and Teddman...and some OAers I guess...joined their party...

Let's just say... they must not play very often. :p

does border even post at GAF anymore?
Right you are, before tonight the last time I played was 12/06/04. We also had Turbocosmo who's played 16 games total... overall had three dudes with single-digit ranks while the opposing squad was all 11+. Only OA'ers there that really play much were border and Huzza... It was rookie night!

Thanks for the MVP effort tho. :)


lol man when someone asked how sudden death worked I knew something was wrong. :p

If I stopped playing for 5 months I'd be rusty too...well, if I hadn't played almost every day for the last 6 months. This game has ruined my grades...
Any room for me in the GAF clan? My old clan has been disbanded, and they formed a new clan, but I don't want to join up with them again. My XBL GamerTag is RyoGCH, and I've played with Wario64 before...I've been as high as level 17 in Team Slayer, and I consider myself to be a pretty decent player...Anyway, let me know if there's room. Thanks guys.


You like me, you really really like me!
ToyMachine228 said:
Any room for me in the GAF clan? My old clan has been disbanded, and they formed a new clan, but I don't want to join up with them again. My XBL GamerTag is RyoGCH, and I've played with Wario64 before...I've been as high as level 17 in Team Slayer, and I consider myself to be a pretty decent player...Anyway, let me know if there's room. Thanks guys.

sure, I'll send you an invite

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
sorry pink dopey hg and the nutter butter imposter, I left abruptly, it was 6am and I hadn't been to bed after going out to town, Drunk HALO < Sober HALO


catfish said:
sorry pink dopey hg and the nutter butter imposter, I left abruptly, it was 6am and I hadn't been to bed after going out to town, Drunk HALO < Sober HALO

No problem.

Is anyone going to play tonight?

It's pouring outside and Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy is sold out. =(

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Lancelet Pink said:
No problem.

Is anyone going to play tonight?

It's pouring outside and Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy is sold out. =(

I'll be on in roughly 2 hours. might have a nap first :S


rollin' in the gutter
Just placed 6th in the vgl tourney in Columbus. Alls i have to say is it was put together shittly. Two TVs, so instead of 8 people FFAs there wer 4 rounds of 4 people and a round of 6. Then the final round was 8 person sniper FFA on lockout with 4 people to a TV. Not a lot of headshots, but i'm content with my first tourney.

edit: ahhhhhh, just read that the vgl dudes got in an accident with all the good equipment and that's why we got stuck with shit. Jesus Christ.


catfish said:
sorry pink dopey hg and the nutter butter imposter, I left abruptly, it was 6am and I hadn't been to bed after going out to town, Drunk HALO < Sober HALO

Nutter imposter? was that my little bro?

Anyway that is why i am getting him another name so you guys atleast know who it is.

his gamertag == Fido r3mX

TJ Bennett

TJ Hooker
Will many of you be on today? I'm taking a day off of WOW. Sometimes you just need to say no and control the addiction before it gets worse. Anyway, I'll be on today at somepoint. Duderon and Ramirez better be online or there will be consequences.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
i'll be online soon

I thought i added you but apparently i only added scoot.

Add me: DopeyFish

*goes to delete some nubs i added to my friendslist over the years*
I just played for two hours or so, but none of you got on...Is there any set time that Neo GAF is playing tonight? I got my 17 in Slayer back by the way. I'll probably lose it soon though...Between crappy teammates the pussy combo, higher level people tend to get run over, if they don't use the same crappy combo that everyone uses.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I bailed in those custom games when nutter did due to my connection not liking the new party leader whoever it was (at a guess Ramirez, never seems to work) I was pretty sleepy+goofy anyway and didn't feel like sending 100 messages to try and get back in :lol I'll be back my tonight 8 1/2 from now


Sweet,me and Bennett got paired with a guy who committed suicide all game and told us he came online to terroize geeks -_-

TJ Bennett

TJ Hooker
People like that need to be killed by thousands of tiny paper cuts that result in a slow, painful death with excessive blood loss.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
yeah. like these fuckers


they called me a british wanker as well. -1000 for world awareness. May they be future raped by many dwarves.

Once it was only me left in the game due to the other player bitching out, i figured I would give the team some sport by actually running around outside and trying to kill them with my smg (-18 was far to far to come back from as they were at 30 kills by the time everyone but me bailed). some dude stood up where the rocket spawns holding a sniper (another dude had a sniper as well) I managed to get his shield off once and kill some other guys before I got sniped across the map, when I take his shield off he goes "Don't come up here BOY" like taking out a dude with an SMG when you are holding a rocket and sniper with height advantage is some massive feat.



Not bitter, just unsweetened
mother fucker bandwidth cheaters!! GAHHH

i broke 2 controllers and my headphones over them. THOSE ASSHOLES.

So i go buy super glue and I somehow glue the superglue bottle to my hand o_O



DopeyFish said:
mother fucker bandwidth cheaters!! GAHHH

i broke 2 controllers and my headphones over them. THOSE ASSHOLES.

So i go buy super glue and I somehow glue the superglue bottle to my hand o_O

:lol :lol

you need to calm down; or i see you going through another 5 controllers by the time the new maps come out.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
dear god dopey. We need to fix a blood pressure monitor to your xbox.

What happens with bandwidth cheating now? I thought they just dropped. it's way less prevalent....

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Lancelet Pink said:
What's bandwith cheating?

Sounds very ominous.

Apparently the "win" button still works.....

Fuck standby cheaters!

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Nutter said:
We Still won the game tho :D

Were you cheated on as well? How does it impact the game now? When my team "mates "did it one time I don't think it gave us an advantage, everybody on the other team left in what I assume was disgust though. I think it's more like griefing now.


Steroid Distributor
Hey guys, what is required to go up a level online?

I'm at level 7 now in team slayer and I played a ton of games tonight and my rank didn't move one bit. I'm just curious if there are a certain amount of games that you have to win or something before you bump up again.


Truelize said:
Hey guys, what is required to go up a level online?

I'm at level 7 now in team slayer and I played a ton of games tonight and my rank didn't move one bit. I'm just curious if there are a certain amount of games that you have to win or something before you bump up again.
You have to have a certain amount of wins. Being 1st doesn't hurt, either.

Your level isn't based on just the amount of games you play. You can also drop level if you lose too many matches. Also, as you go up in levels, the gap between levels gets wider and wider.


Truelize said:
Hey guys, what is required to go up a level online?

I'm at level 7 now in team slayer and I played a ton of games tonight and my rank didn't move one bit. I'm just curious if there are a certain amount of games that you have to win or something before you bump up again.

Well you can start by winning the games. :lol

but yeah usually give it three wins, and you will see your exp rise.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
catfish said:
Were you cheated on as well? How does it impact the game now? When my team "mates "did it one time I don't think it gave us an advantage, everybody on the other team left in what I assume was disgust though. I think it's more like griefing now.

we won, however it was only because 2 of them left when in the lead by about 10.


DopeyFish said:
we won, however it was only because 2 of them left when in the lead by about 10.

hmm, we wernt down 10. And Were they really cheating?
I couldnt really tell cause i was busy kicking their asses, while you just sat there and sent out feed back. :lol


Steroid Distributor
Well you can start by winning the games.

but yeah usually give it three wins, and you will see your exp rise.

I'm aware our team has to win. :D I was more curious how many wins you need.
So, I'm understanding that you need 3 wins in a row then? Or at least 3 more wins than losses?
That makes it a bit harder, I've been rolling the last couple of days when I've played but I'm not always teamed with decent players and then you always get the quitters 2 minutes into the game.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Truelize said:
I'm aware our team has to win. :D I was more curious how many wins you need.
So, I'm understanding that you need 3 wins in a row then? Or at least 3 more wins than losses?
That makes it a bit harder, I've been rolling the last couple of days when I've played but I'm not always teamed with decent players and then you always get the quitters 2 minutes into the game.

Tell me about it

check this game out


I got 22 kills, had the lowest rank in the team and we still lost!
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