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Official Islamic Thread

The Quran says that not only it's easy to understand and remember, but also that you should not consult any other source besides itself.
It says easy to remember, but it also says that people will have differences in opinion, to which they should refer to the Prophet (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam) this is clearly not a temporary command, because if there are differences of opinion at the time of the Prophet (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam) why would they not exist after him?
Nowhere in the Quran is it said to follow the Hadiths, there is no mention of it. In fact, verses of the Quran that order you to obey Muhammed indicate that it was meant for when he was alive, because they order you do go an consult him if you can't come to an agreement. It does not say to consult others flawed recordings of his teachings, it says to consult him directly. Obeying the Prophet does not mean to obey what some people interpret about him. God has given you the intelligence to figure it out for yourself.
The Qur'an does not say follow the hadith because they are not separate from the Prophet (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam) they are accounts of him. When the Prophet (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam) explained something to the Muslims, they recorded it, through memorising it or writing it down. Why would Allah say that only the Muslims of his time benefited from the explanations and guidance of the Prophet (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam) when this was defined as something integral to understanding the Qur'an?

If intelligence is enough, then why was it not enough for those at the time of the Prophet (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam)?
Argumentum ad populum is fallacious reasoning, because using the same exact argument I can argue that Christianity is the real deal and forget about Islam, since there are more Christians than Muslims in the world. Don't forget that when Muhammed was first spreading Islam, he was in the minority too.
This is not argumentum ad populum, it refers to specific commands in the Book of God, specifically 'do not create sects/seperate onesself'. It also calls into question how logical the arguments being made are, if only those 1400 years later are able to access the 'true message'. This doesn't make sense.
You are wrong on this, there are no "friends" of God, only allies in the surah you're talking about. An ally of Allah is a Muslim believer who has 100% faith in Allah and Follows Muhammed without question. Besides, praising someone is a much different than ordering all your believers to follow them, and there is no such order in the Quran.
Allah directly orders the Muslims to 'ask those who know', and makes a clear distinction between 'those who know' and those who don't. This rebuts in entirety the point you previously made and this one. Allah tells us to 'obey the Prophet (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam) and those in authority amongst you'.

Additionally, how can you say that there are no 'friends of God' only 'allies'? How do you know what 'wali' means, without reference to the hadith or to the Arabic of the early Muslims, something that is transmitted through the same means as the hadith?
It is a sufficient moral foundation, and a lot of the details of laws in many legal systems are simply applications of the golden rule to various situations that have cropped up in history.
So how would you use it to define the punishment for a crime? Who decides what is appropriate? The 'golden rule' is necessarily a subjective thing. There are a list of critiques of it that stretch off into the distance. Half of the lineage of Western philosophy critiqued it, from Kant to Russel.

Of course the Golden Rule is explicitly stated in the hadith as being part of a Muslims moral understandings, it cannot however be taken to be the entirety of any moral code.

When the book says if you do A, the punishment is B without any special language for extenuating circumstances, that's exactly what it means and no further explanation is needed. It's as clear as 2+2=4. You might argue that this is far too rigid to be a practical legal system, but you'd be doubting the perfectness and the completeness of the Quran by doing so.
The Qur'an is not intended as a legal system, its intent is as a miracle and proof of Islam, and as the moral foundation of a legal system. The legal system itself comes in the manner described in the Qur'an, from lawgivers: the Prophets and Messengers (alayhis salaam).

Additionally, you say that 'When the book says if you do A, the punishment is B without any special language for extenuating circumstances, that's exactly what it means and no further explanation is needed. It's as clear as 2+2=4.' that it works like that, when it reality it does not.

Objective interpretation is when something is recorded on video from all angles. Any recording method that depends on human memory and interpretation can not be objective by definition.
This is your definition of objective? 'When something is recorded on video from all angles'? Now I feel like you are just trolling.

The hadith are multiple accounts of a single event, by multiple people, who all record the same event, and the same wording, yet did not meet at any point later in order to fabricate the event together. That is about as objective as you will get.

Not on a social level and especially not if you were a female. If Iran was so good, why does it still have a negative immigration rate? Why did so many people flee Iran and they still do to this day citing the oppressive theocracy as the biggest reason?
Firstly, I said better off than before, that doesn't mean that Iran is good. Like I said, I am not a fan. Secondly, the Iranian revolution was driven partly by female anger at the oppression of the Shah, the wearing of the jilbab became a symbol of the revolution. I never said that the Iranian regime didn't have its problems, I merely said that it had less problems than when its government was not only oppressive, but also did not even allow the people within the country to benefit from the wealth of the country?

For a supporter of human rights you sure seem to advocate foreign installed dictatorships more frequently than is normal..
Who knows one's happiness or pain better than the person experiencing it?
This is not about their own happiness or pain, it is about comparison between one person's happiness and another. How are they going to get all video cameras around people all the time in order to make it objective lol.

So for things that seem to support arguments you are making, personal testimony is 100% trustworthy lol.
Really, why haven't they left NATO? Why do they continue to award large military contracts to the US, Europe, and even Israel? Why did they recently allow a missile defense base to be built on their soil? How come American planes still take off from Incirlik and fly sorties above Iraq, sometimes even dropping bombs?
Their relationship with Israel has decayed completely. Their relationship with the US is an uneasy alliance of convenience. Again, attempting to paint Turkey as a US puppet is going to fail. They have often confronted the US on foreign policy, they accept US missile bases not out of some desire to pander to the US, but because it benefits them against Iranian sabre rattling.

Australia would be a 9 or 10, while Iran, Venezuela, and North Korea would be a 1.
How do you come up with this system of rankings? North Korea is a 1 and so is Venezuela? Lmao.. wow. Those two countries don't even bear comparison.


We are not talking about a random man in Mexico in 1811. We are talking about the Messenger of God (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam) and collections of hadith that drew on already existing compilations and transmissions. I am a student of history, I know how hard it is to keep historical records intact over long periods of time, but when you have so many people, and so many chains of transmissions it becomes inconceivable that those authentic and mutawattir hadith were fabricated.

Yes you are right. He was a well known person of him time and I don't doubt that there are hadith which are somewhat accurate or completely accurate, the mutawatir hadith being good candidates. However, the vast majority of hadith do not fall into this category. Further, any hadith that contradicts the Quran is unacceptable. The major problem is that even within the sahih hadith, there is doubt. They are probably accurate, but probably doesn't cut it especially when God is so clear about telling us not to take any other scripture as a source of law. You keep equating the hadith to Muhammad, but the hadith are reported sayings of Muhammad, but they are not his substitute. At most they give us a good glimpse of who he was, but to accept them as being a 100% correct and then basing practices on them even when they contradict the Quran is wrong.

If the Messenger of Allah (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam) says something, and it is remembered by a group of people, who then seperate, to Yemen, to Syria, to Falastin and to Iraq, and then they keep that tradition, that saying, as something they guard, then, one man goes to all those places, and finds the same thing said, in the same words? How does that get fabricated?

Within 30 years of Jesus absence, he was considered divine throughout the Roman empire.
How did this happen? I would put trust in the mutawatir, but I don't hold them as equal to the Quran if they contradict or add to it.

You talk about the separation and travel of the Muslims, as though it degrades the reliability of the traditions... why? It reinforces it! The companions of the Rasul'Allah (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam) spread far and wide, and took the words of the Messenger (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam) with them. When you have 20 people, with 20 separate ways of receiving information, none of whom have crossed paths, yet say the same thing, reciting the same situation in the same words? What mechanism can you present that that is false? Other than coincidence? In which case what a massive coincidence!

200 years. Words get around

The hadith were remembered by heart also, and were also written down by scribes throughout the years following the Caliphat Rashidun.

Too bad none of these survive as well as Umar ibn al-Khattab putting a ban on writing down the hadith. If I was a collector of hadith, I would also make sure to collect hadith claiming that hadith have always been written down.

If your father told you of something that the Messenger of Allah (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam) had told you, would you not remember it? Would you not take steps to preserve it? What makes you think that the Salaf were so flippant with his memory, with his tradition?

I have a terrible memory actually. I don't remember much of anything besides the Quran.

What of the Mutawattir hadith? The mutawattir hadith have the same classification as the Qur'an. How (sorry if I sound like a broken record) do you reject these?

Nothing has the same classification as the Quran as the Quran is the only book accepted by all Muslims regardless of school of thought or sect.

Mutawatir is a term which is misapplied and misunderstood. You say that mutawatir are so well founded that they can't be disputed, but this isn't true. For example, Raf'ul yadein(raising hands in prayer) is considered as mutawator by Imam Al-Bukhari, but the Hanafis deny its tawatur. Similarly the hadith of fatiha khalf al-imam is considered mutawatir by Bukhari, but not everyone agrees. It's case specific. What gives sure knowledge to one may not give it to others. Mutawatir give the same "sure" knowledge if they are rigorously authenticated. Anyone compiling the mutawatir would be using his ijtihad, which may be contested. However there are only a few which everyone would agree on. That is why the definition of mutawatir is also disparate. Some say 10 narrators at every level is the bare minimum and some 100 and some decrease it to less than 10.

Those that are transmitted to us specifically from those of the community that Allah has affirmed his pleasure with(Surah at-Tawbah). So He is pleased with them, yet they are fabricating all these hadith, lying about Allah and His Messenger (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam)?

Ottoman, if hadith came directly from the Prophet or any of his companions, I would have no problem accepting them, but they don't.

What evidence do you have that this command is only to his contemporaries? Obeying the Prophet (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam) is not merely obeying the Qur'an, that is why there is a distinction made. In order to make the assertion that the command to obey the Prophet (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam) is only for his contemporaries, you have to give a reason.

1) Commands which were specific to his contemporaries are obviously only applicable to them, such as how to split spoils of war among each other, or not to marry his wives, etc.

1) Muhammad did not invent Islam. He did not make the rules. God did. God says Obey the Prophet because what the Prophet is saying is from God, ie the Quran. If I follow the Quran, I follow the Prophet and God. Think of it like this, if I send a messenger to you carrying a letter and tell him dictate it to you and in it I say, listen and obey to whatever this man has to say. When that messenger reads the letter to you and then you obey him, who and what are you obeying? You are obeying him as I asked you to, but you are only obeying him by obeying the message I sent with him. That is why God says "if you obey the messenger you have obeyed Me."

Is this messengers message distinct from mine? No, the message is my message. You are just obeying him. Now what if in that letter I said, btw messenger don't invent anything on your own or else I'll kill you. That'd be a pretty serious threat no? So why do you think he would invent his own laws?

How does a Qur'an alone Muslim decide how much Zakat to pay (it is not mentioned) how does the Qur'an alone Muslim decide how to pray, if not by the Prophet's (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam) example?

 And they ask"What ought we to spend "? Say "Spend whatever you can spare." Thus Allah makes His commands clear to you so that you may think about the good of both this world and the Hereafter. 

If God didn't tell you to give to charity 2.5%, why are you giving 2.5%? Give more. Give less. Give what you can, give with every chance you get, that is what Muhammad did, that is what Jesus did, and that is what all the prophets have done.

How do they know that that infamous verse does not mean 'beat your wife to a bloody pulp'?

Because if you read the Quran you would know that you can not kill another Muslim unless it is for murder, that the punishment can not exceed the crime, that God does not love aggressors, and also the fact that the word translated as “beat” also has different uses in the Quran, but that is another topic.

How do they know in which order the Qur'an was revealed, in order to know which revelation gains precedence?

Muhammad arranged the Quran as it is today, this command is given to him in the Quran itself. The current format of the Quran has been like this since it's compilation.

How do they know how to recite the Qur'an at all?

Go buy a copy of the Quran. As far as the ahruf go, they have been around since the time of Muhammad.

Why does the Qur'an constantly refer to the role of the Messenger of God (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam) as not merely a mute conveyor, but a teacher and a lawgiver?

All prophets are law givers, they deliver the laws God commands them.

What is the point of that if his only job is to give the Qur'an?

Subhan'Allah! Isn't the a point enough? How else would we know what God wants?? You can ask God yourself when you meet Him I suppose. He is the One who told his messenger that he is only a deliverer of the message and nothing else. (4:80, 6:107, 10:108, 39:41, 88:22,

When Surah al-A'raf tells the believers that the Prophet (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam) is the way that the believers know 'what is just and what is evil' and to 'follow him that ye be guided',

That's right, if God had not send a prophet, we wouldn't know what was right or wrong because we wouldn't have God's message.

what are we to take from this if there is no way for modern Muslims to follow that command?

Muhammad was sent for all the worlds. Why did he die if had to be around for all beings for the rest of eternity have to follow him?? Why didn't God make him immortal? Because he was not the message. He recited the message and it has been preserved by God. When you obey the message, you obey the messenger.

If following the Prophet (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam) is merely following the Qur'an, then why is the emphasis upon the Prophet (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam) in this verse?

Because he is the only one with the message. If God spoke to everyone individually, he probably wouldn't ask us to follow anyone.

How many Qur'an alone people have their been in history? The further back there go, surely the more there must be?

Prophet Muhammad being the greatest one.

Since the Qur'anic cosmology is that of one of continual decay, punctuated by the coming of Prophets (alayhis salaam) then logically, the further back you go, the more Qur'an alone people there must be. Muslim history must be brimming with them, pious individuals and great scholars...

Religion always becomes corrupt and divides into sects. This is nothing new. It happened with Judaism, it happened with Jesus (I won't even call Christianity his religion). Why do you think Islam is so special? Has God taken some oath that he will protect it from change or people who invent or divide it?

Yet that is not what I see. The Qur'an alone people I see are all from the West, and few are learned, and, most importantly, they are all my contemporaries. The argument that Allah would lead the community astray so utterly, until some gentleman in 2011 discovers the fact that everyone has been misled, is a strange argument indeed.

God does not lead people astray, people lead abandon God's words and lead themselves to doom. Look at the state of the Muslims today. You say you have a hard time believing “God would lead a community astray”, then why did the companions of the Prophet wage war against each other and kill each other? Why did they fracture into sects so soon afterwards? Why have Muslims killed each other through out history? To kill another Muslim is unforgivable in the Quran, yet it has happened since the beginning. God never promised to protect people from themselves or protect the ummah, rather it is the working towards good that is almost the whole message of the Quran. To each is their works. We can't say to God, “but I was only following what I found my scholars doing”, this is what the people entering hell will say according to the Quran.

You must believe they are misguided, because Allah guides whom He wills and misguides whom He wills.

I believe Bukhari wasted his time yes. There is enough knowledge and wonderment in the Quran that we can all spend our lives studying it and still not know it fully.

You cannot believe that the entirety of Muslim history, all the Muslims essentially since the passing of the Messenger of God (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam) are in error, without believing that this was the deliberate misguidance of God.

I don't. Anyone who believes in the One God, his angels, his books, his prophets, the last day, and does good will have nothing to fear, that is Allah's promise.

If someone believes in commands of the hadith as being commands of God, then they should follow them because that is what God will judge them by. God gives an example of this by telling us that he didn't command monks to be hermits, but they invented it themselves, but after that they didn't even follow it properly. So if you believe in it, follow it.

How can you not view your own beliefs as being against Allah's command not to 'create sects'?
The sects already exist. I follow God's scripture, in it is clear guidance. The sects follow what God never authorized. I am not calling anyone to abandon their beliefs, to each their own. My wife believes in the hadith, so does my mom, I don't give them trouble about it. There is no compulsion in religion.

When you are so clearly divergent from the vast majority of the Ummah?

The ummah is divergent amongst itself.

Amin. I make dua that he who is right is shown the correct way.

I pray for everyone to be guided. No one knows if they are on the right path. We all have to constantly strive to be in God's mercy and be in fear of his abandonment. The moment one believes he is righteous, he has lost.

I respect your views Ottoman, and some of what you have said has inspired me to look deeper into the hadith, and who knows maybe someday I'll agree with you, but I have yet to find any convincing evidence that the hadith should be treated as equal to the God's words or Muhammad's own words. When the faultyness of the human memory is considered, and Jesus can become divine in 30 years, and the ummah plunge into civil war within the first generation, it's difficult to believe sayings of the Prophet could survive unaltered for 200 years.


It says easy to remember, but it also says that people will have differences in opinion, to which they should refer to the Prophet (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam) this is clearly not a temporary command, because if there are differences of opinion at the time of the Prophet (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam) why would they not exist after him?
Pure conjecture with no basis in the Quran, which says to go ask him. It does not say to follow what other fallible men think he said or did, which is what hadith is.

When the Prophet (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam) explained something to the Muslims, they recorded it, through memorising it or writing it down.
This is a perfect, infallible process, isn't it?

Why would Allah say that only the Muslims of his time benefited from the explanations and guidance of the Prophet (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam) when this was defined as something integral to understanding the Qur'an?
If it doesn't say why in the Quran, we will never know. Allah doesn't explain its reasoning behind many things. Here's an equally valid explanation: Allah cares about intent and so however you interpret the Quran is valid for yourself as long as your intent is to obey it. So maybe you don't consider a snail to be a "vile thing" and eat it. That's fine by Allah since it knows you thought you were acting in accordance to Quran. For more serious things that Allah didn't want misinterpreted by men, the language was much clearer.

What we definitely know is that Allah did not trust the traditional human methods of preserving history after the failure of the old and new Testament so altering the Quran was banned.
If intelligence is enough, then why was it not enough for those at the time of the Prophet (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam)?
Maybe they were too concerned and cautious, and maybe Muhammed told them something, anything, to get rid of them quickly and have his peace. Al-Ahzab:53 suggests that he was pretty much fed up with Muslims coming up to him and asking everything...He didn't want anyone else to marry his wives after his death either.

Allah directly orders the Muslims to 'ask those who know', and makes a clear distinction between 'those who know' and those who don't.
And how does Allah say you're supposed to identify those who know from those who don't?

This rebuts in entirety the point you previously made and this one. Allah tells us to 'obey the Prophet (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam) and those in authority amongst you'.
What kind of authority? Are you sure it doesn't mean people of authority like Police, soldiers, etc? Who has any authority on Islam besides the Prophet? Where is this stated in the Quran?

This is your definition of objective? 'When something is recorded on video from all angles'? Now I feel like you are just trolling.
You have no problem dismissing self reporting, so you'll have to dismiss all the hadith as well.

The hadith are multiple accounts of a single event, by multiple people, who all record the same event, and the same wording, yet did not meet at any point later in order to fabricate the event together. That is about as objective as you will get.
Because there hasn't been a case in history where multiple people told the same lie about an event? Unless you see it in the Quran or find videotapes of it, they are not guaranteed to be genuine.


Not Muslims if you ask me...they've deviated too much.

Here's the thing. You're not the judge. God is.

Edit: Now I'm not saying that we shouldn't look at what other people are doing and consider and come to a judgement on whether we think it's good or bad and whether we should emulate it or avoid it accordingly. That's all a part of what being a moral creature is about. What I am saying is that just baldly calling someone a non muslim if they believe they are muslim is a) arrogant and b) destructive.



You defined a Muslim as "Anyone who follows the teachings of the Quran and the Prophet (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam)".

You also accepted that Ibrahim (AS) was a Muslim (which he was).

The thing is Ibrahim (AS) predates the revelation of the Quran and the birth of Muhammad (SAW).

So my guess is that your definition of who a Muslim is might be faulty or incomplete because if we apply your definition to the Prophets and Messengers that came before Muhammad (SAW) then the Prophets and Messengers stop being Muslims, which isn't the case at all.

Personally I believe a Muslim is anyone that does what Allah commands him/her to do. If Allah says pray five times a day you pray five time a day, if He says perform Saum during the month of Ramadan you perform Saum. That in my limited knowledge and understanding is what a Muslim is.

I do not know about other parts of the world but in my country (Nigeria) there are both Sunni and Shiite Muslims. The Shiites perform Salat like the Sunni, they perform Saum like the Sunni, the go to Hajj like the Sunni, they pay Zakat like the Sunni etc. The only thing that separates the Sunni and Shiites in Nigeria is that they strongly believe that the Prophets companions (who they call liars) usurped what belonged to Ali (the Prophets cousin). As a result of that the Shiites generally do not believe in the Hadith that the Prophets companions transmit.

I think that Muslims today have a tendency of disowning other Muslims from Islam. Be they Sunni or Shiite. I guess what I am trying to convey is that you shouldn't be too hasty in kicking out other Muslims out of Islam.


Here's the thing. You're not the judge. God is.

Edit: Now I'm not saying that we shouldn't look at what other people are doing and consider and come to a judgement on whether we think it's good or bad and whether we should emulate it or avoid it accordingly. That's all a part of what being a moral creature is about. What I am saying is that just baldly calling someone a non muslim if they believe they are muslim is a) arrogant and b) destructive.

I clearly stated it is my own opinion.

Secondly...its not arrogant point of view and destructive? Really?

So you're saying we should welcome self-harm and mutilation on top of celebrating/mourning the day?

You defined a Muslim as "Anyone who follows the teachings of the Quran and the Prophet (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam)".

You also accepted that Ibrahim (AS) was a Muslim (which he was).

The thing is Ibrahim (AS) predates the revelation of the Quran and the birth of Muhammad (SAW).

So my guess is that your definition of who a Muslim is might be faulty or incomplete because if we apply your definition to the Prophets and Messengers that came before Muhammad (SAW) then the Prophets and Messengers stop being Muslims, which isn't the case at all.

Personally I believe a Muslim is anyone that does what Allah commands him/her to do. If Allah says pray five times a day you pray five time a day, if He says perform Saum during the month of Ramadan you perform Saum. That in my limited knowledge and understanding is what a Muslim is.

I do not know about other parts of the world but in my country (Nigeria) there are both Sunni and Shiite Muslims. The Shiites perform Salat like the Sunni, they perform Saum like the Sunni, the go to Hajj like the Sunni, they pay Zakat like the Sunni etc. The only thing that separates the Sunni and Shiites in Nigeria is that they strongly believe that the Prophets companions (who they call liars) usurped what belonged to Ali (the Prophets cousin). As a result of that the Shiites generally do not believe in the Hadith that the Prophets companions transmit.

I think that Muslims today have a tendency of disowning other Muslims from Islam. Be they Sunni or Shiite. I guess what I am trying to convey is that you shouldn't be too hasty in kicking out other Muslims out of Islam.

You're just being obtuse for the sake of being obtuse...


Do you guys (as individuals) believe that the Qur'an is the direct word of God?

Or do you believe it is a metaphor to tell you how to live a good life?


I clearly stated it is my own opinion
You're not saying that you think they're not doing the right thing. You're saying they're not muslims 'if you ask me'. Now of course everything you say is your own opinion but in matters such as these you need a whole lot more caution than you're showing and I'll tell you why.

First the arrogance bit. Yes it's arrogant. Like I said if you just said that you don't think they're doing the right thing then that's one thing. But judging whether they're muslims or not is a whole other thing and frankly is 1) condescending towards those guys and worse.. 2) appropriating for yourself a position that belongs only to God.

Now the destructive part.



Yesterday suicide bombers killed 59 people in Afghanistan targeting Shias during Ashoura. hurt in Kabul shrine blast: health ministry

Now I have no freaking idea whether you think that's a good thing to happen or not and frankly it's BESIDES THE POINT. The problem is that when a lot of people in the muslim community roll about yammering about how those Shias aren't muslims and it's bidah and isn't it horrible how they're doing weird things in the name of Islam and they should stop etc etc etc. Then those opinions give the extremists the intellectual arguments they need to JUSTIFY THIS KIND OF SHIT. After all aren't they PROTECTING ISLAM from these HERETICS practicing their BIDAH?

I come from Pakistan where this kind of shit has been going on for as long as I'm alive and honestly it's opinions like yours that allow this kind of thing to happen and the fact that it's spreading just fucking kills me. A little humility (required as it's only god's place to judge anyway) and respect would go a hell of a long way in shutting down these terrorist assholes and your comment showed NONE of it.


Do you guys (as individuals) believe that the Qur'an is the direct word of God?

Or do you believe it is a metaphor to tell you how to live a good life?

Most Muslims I've come in contact with consider it the direct word. Luckily the Qu'ran is pretty much impossible to understand for the most part. It's pretty difficult to understand even if you are fluent in Arabic, difficult as in there are multiple interpretations possible. Add to that a layer of translation freedom. Reading the Qu'ran in Arabic, is like reading poem and flows well, but the translated versions make text really dry and boring to read. Unless you dedicate years to understand it. I've read it twice translated in Dutch while cross checking it with other translations. I've come out more confused. It's the reason why I don't consider my Muslim anymore, since I pretty much abused the Qu'ran and interpreted it to suit my morals. So I decided to just follow my morals.


You're not saying that you think they're not doing the right thing. You're saying they're not muslims 'if you ask me'. Now of course everything you say is your own opinion but in matters such as these you need a whole lot more caution than you're showing and I'll tell you why.

First the arrogance bit. Yes it's arrogant. Like I said if you just said that you don't think they're doing the right thing then that's one thing. But judging whether they're muslims or not is a whole other thing and frankly is 1) condescending towards those guys and worse.. 2) appropriating for yourself a position that belongs only to God.

Now the destructive part.



Yesterday suicide bombers killed 59 people in Afghanistan targeting Shias during Ashoura. hurt in Kabul shrine blast: health ministry

Now I have no freaking idea whether you think that's a good thing to happen or not and frankly it's BESIDES THE POINT. The problem is that when a lot of people in the muslim community roll about yammering about how those Shias aren't muslims and it's bidah and isn't it horrible how they're doing weird things in the name of Islam and they should stop etc etc etc. Then those opinions give the extremists the intellectual arguments they need to JUSTIFY THIS KIND OF SHIT. After all aren't they PROTECTING ISLAM from these HERETICS practicing their BIDAH?

I come from Pakistan where this kind of shit has been going on for as long as I'm alive and honestly it's opinions like yours that allow this kind of thing to happen and the fact that it's spreading just fucking kills me. A little humility (required as it's only god's place to judge anyway) and respect would go a hell of a long way in shutting down these terrorist assholes and your comment showed NONE of it.

Oh please...none of these things are documented in Quran or Hadiths...thus it is very much bid’ah.

It goes without saying I don't advocate the killing of any innocent people...


Not Muslims if you ask me...they've deviated too much.

Not targetting you. But just working off that (I understand its your opinion), but knowing that Islam is inclusive of 73 sects, of which 1 is rightly guided. Those of Shia Islam its many subdivisions would occupy one sect of Islam (meaning yes they are Muslim).

On the topic of bid'ah and the different types we could be here for ages, right? So I'll save that for another day.

Working on what magash said, I think especially Sunni Islam (of which I am apart of) has become very reactionary to Shia Islam, widening the gap between themselves as much as possible. Example: Shia Muslims place great emphasis and importance of the Ahul Bayt (bloodline of the prophet), some sects of Sunni Islam in reaction to this are beginning to reject the Ahul Bayt completely (righting them off having zero importance).

I just feel in general, if we Muslims really do want to be like the Salaf (the first 3 generations), then we must adopt their character and actions. How they dealt with matters, how the felt about sects etc. The Sahabah they never called out directly a Kufr, even the Mutazalites and the Khawarij, the Sahabah would not pray behind them as they understood the deviations, but never would they openly say that they weren't Muslims. In fact, the response would simply be "They are not from us". Passive.

Think, I deviated off topic, anywho ... :)


Not targetting you. But just working off that (I understand its your opinion), but knowing that Islam is inclusive of 73 sects, of which 1 is rightly guided. Those of Shia Islam its many subdivisions would occupy one sect of Islam (meaning yes they are Muslim).

Watching the video made me feel upset and angry...I was wrong to say they're not Muslims ofcourse...it was a reaction and wanting to distance myself from them.

On the topic of bid'ah and the different types we could be here for ages, right? So I'll save that for another day.

Working on what magash said, I think especially Sunni Islam (of which I am apart of) has become very reactionary to Shia Islam, widening the gap between themselves as much as possible. Example: Shia Muslims place great emphasis and importance of the Ahul Bayt (bloodline of the prophet), some sects of Sunni Islam in reaction to this are beginning to reject the Ahul Bayt completely (righting them off having zero importance).

I just feel in general, if we Muslims really do want to be like the Salaf (the first 3 generations), then we must adopt their character and actions. How they dealt with matters, how the felt about sects etc. The Sahabah they never called out directly a Kufr, even the Mutazalites and the Khawarij, the Sahabah would not pray behind them as they understood the deviations, but never would they openly say that they weren't Muslims. In fact, the response would simply be "They are not from us". Passive.

Think, I deviated off topic, anywho ... :)

Allah will decide about right and wrong. Be nice and let everyone be normal. I know way to many people who get angry without any reason. If some one says I am going to jahnnaam I punch him and say when did you started acting like god.


Oh please...none of these things are documented in Quran or Hadiths...thus it is very much bid’ah.

It goes without saying I don't advocate the killing of any innocent people...

Way to ignore both my points. And like I said it doesn't fucking matter whether you advocate killing innocent people or not. The toxic opinion that Shias aren't muslims is the intellectual justification that these terrorists use to rationalize these attacks. There's a world of difference between saying "I don't think they're doing the right thing" and "THEY'RE NOT MUSLIM!!!!!!"

Edit: I just saw your last post FA. Thanks for that. I feel strongly about this because there's too much damn killing over this shit.


It does, but only in specific circumstances, i.e. in legally permissible warfare. So in general terms, no, it doesn't tell Muslims to kill anyone who is not Muslim (Islamic is not the word here).

That tradition (it is 40 now?) comes from descriptions of 'Houri' which are beings of light that serve the inhabitants of heaven. They are not 'virgins'. They also serve both men and women.

Heaven would not be particularly heavenly if it was without sex. Sex is healthy and awesome within halal bounds, and something that Muslims should enjoy when they get the chance! I never understood why non-Muslims were weirded out by the idea that there is sex for Muslims in heaven.

Are they? If you go to parts of Lebanon, Syria and Egypt you will see the same thing. I think this is a false distinction. Singapore is not a Muslim country.

Don't speak too soon lol, dunno if I am staying yet, we shall see if I can keep my usage down eh?

Thanks :D she is awesome! So proud of her mash'Allah.

To be honest I don't know if I want to lol.

I find debating with Qur'an alone people a waste of time generally. They have come to their own conclusions, and then are fitting everything they find to those conclusions. This is why he is quoting surah al-Qamar and saying it says 'easy to understand' when the Arabic does not imply that, at least according to most translations.

None of those Qur'an alone people I have met have even a basic understanding of Arabic, they rarely know anything about the transmission of hadith, and I get the impression that they have hardly read the Qur'an.

Islam has a rich and in depth scholarly tradition, the Qur'an is full of exhortations to seek knowledge, to learn, yet these people appear to show now interest in such things. The irony of this being that the Qur'an, without the Messenger of Allah (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam) is not as liberal as they think.

That interpretation of how theft is treated... it comes from the hadith. For a Qur'an alone person, if someone steals, even if they are starving? It is choppy choppy time. Similarly, someone 'spreads corruption in the land' (something which is open to definition according to these people who reject the hadith), well.. here comes the hadud!!

It is bizarre, they have an end point in mind, and they make a bunch of sloppy intellectual shortcuts in an attempt to get there. This is foolishness that I have little time for.

The greatest single rebuttal is that there are hadith that have a similar level of authentication as the Qur'an, and yet they reject them. Anyone who is willing to reject something that so clearly came from the mouth of the Messenger of God (sullAllahu alayhi wasalaam) needs to read the Qur'an they claim to follow, and see what it says about those who do that.

Haha, nice!

so why do we always hear news about how men can rape women and is let go for free, while the women gets charged with death or goes to jail in Muslim country?

Is honor killing a cultural thing, or a religious thing, or a cultural thing that breed from a religious thing?

Why hasn't the Islamic coutries have gone through the whole gender equality thing like that of other countries?


so why do we always hear news about how men can rape women and is let go for free, while the women gets charged with death or goes to jail in Muslim country?

Is honor killing a cultural thing, or a religious thing, or a cultural thing that breed from a religious thing?

Why hasn't the Islamic coutries have gone through the whole gender equality thing like that of other countries?

Are you asking people to explain why this current period of history is what it is? It's a good question. I hope somebody writes a book about it.


Okay, then if, as was said before, many believe within Islam that the Qur'an is the direct word of God, which you follow due to your belief of Allah as being the almighty father (or whatever the kind of rhetoric is around that), do you believe that wives of men who did wrong should go to hell?

Surah 37:22/23


Oh, and don't get me wrong, I'm not picking on just Islam, as an Interpretive Christian I believe that all literalists of all religions are...well either:

1) Not really literalists
2) Insane


well maybe you should wait for them to reply, but I'll say one thing.

how do you take literal something that is metaphor? There are tons of metaphors in the Quran. Although I suppose Wahhabi's find a way... (not dissin wahabis, just sayin... :p)

And Surah 37:22/23, really? What week is it? get stuff off anti-islamic websites and anti-religious website week?

You're right. There is no answer to this. There is no response. Those stupid Muslims... :p


I asked a question and qualified it with my opinion. We're all adults here and I just asked a question. I'm not anti-Islam, I believe that whatever belief systems people have, if well thought through and rational (as well as non-misogynistic etc) are valid, and Islam can be valid too.


I asked a question and qualified it with my opinion. We're all adults here and I just asked a question. I'm not anti-Islam, I believe that whatever belief systems people have, if well thought through and rational (as well as non-misogynistic etc) are valid, and Islam can be valid too.

I wasn't criticising you.


You seem to be thinking that I go on anti-Islamic websites and am trying to show up Muslims but I'm not. Simply trying to learn different perspectives.

Again, I wasn't criticising you. I know you from the politics thread meadows. You're cool with me.

edit: One second, let me demonstrate... and these are just two amongst the last few...


It's just this week I think. Maybe Iran being in the news or something...

edit:There are legitimate criticisms, as you can see on this very page...




yeah I'll just get out of this thread, maybe discussion will flourish then... apologies meadow, didn't mean to come across as condescending....
I hate fundies who decide who goes to hell and who goes to heaven. That is blasphemous. That is Allah's job and no one else's, yet all these fundies think they have the right to judge.


I hate fundies who decide who goes to hell and who goes to heaven. That is blasphemous. That is Allah's job and no one else's, yet all these fundies think they have the right to judge.

have you watched the 'power of nightmares'?

and this goes Tideas too. Interesting viewpoint.


I'm nearly finished reading "The Media Relations Department of Hizbollah Wishes You a Happy Birthday - Unexpected Encounters in the Changing Middle East" by Neil MacFarquhar. He was a journalist who covered the Middle East for years and the book is about his life there.

This isn't a book about extremism or terrorism or suicide bombs. This is a book about the regular people going about their lives within an Islamic community. There are lots of challenges ahead before the Middle East becomes in any way fair or equitable - never mind democratic.

I was fascinated by the chapter on fatwas. Not the big 'calling for death' fatwas like Salman Rushdie but the everyday 'getting through life being a pious muslim' fatwas of which any given country will issue thousands a day. That entire system is basically fucked to hell and prevents any society from developing thinking, analytical people.

The spread and extent of Wahabbi ideas is also explored and that shit is just plain daunting to read about. Thanks to Saudi oil and the fact that many Middle Eastern countries have neglected their public education system, the Wahabbi madrasas have flourished in the region over the years. This is why many Middle Eastern countries are becoming more strict and intolerant in their outlook. Wahabbi - amongst other things - teaches that non-Wahabbi are evil, corrupted, and essentially sub-human. These ideas are simply not compatable with a modern, interconnected world.

It's a good read and while the author remains optimistic I have serious doubts.


Why hasn't the Islamic coutries have gone through the whole gender equality thing like that of other countries?
I don't know Bangladesh has had various female heads of state for a while now. However imo women have it way better over here while we never had a female leader.


If there isn't a single "correct" Qur'an then how can you trust it as your entire belief system/the book upon which you live your life?

What if Allah's true word was given in a different version from the one you're reading and you got your entire belief system from the wrong book?
If there isn't a single "correct" Qur'an then how can you trust it as your entire belief system/the book upon which you live your life?

What if Allah's true word was given in a different version from the one you're reading and you got your entire belief system from the wrong book?

where did you find different version of quran?


where did you find different version of quran?

One says that the wife of a sinner should go to hell with him and another says a man and the things he worships.

Well I meant different translations not different versions since (I think I'm right in saying) that most people can't understand the original text because it's not written in a language that most can speak. So how can someone base their lives on a different interpretation of a base document?


If there isn't a single "correct" Qur'an
Like crazy pointed out, there is just one Quran. The meaning of certain words are ambiguous though.

From where I sit there are two ways of resolving this. One way is to go everything isn't precisely set in the Quran so we have to go to the Sunnah to figure out what we need to do and if it's not there either then we have to use either our own reason (ijtihad) or rely on the reasoning of a scholar (taqlid) to figure out what to do.

My resolution is that we don't need to get everything nailed down exactly. I don't believe God has any issues with people having different interpretations of some of the verses in the Quran as long as they do so with good intentions and have mutual respect. Something that the bombers yesterday in Afghanistan did not have for example.
One says that the wife of a sinner should go to hell with him and another says a man and the things he worships.

Well I meant different translations not different versions since (I think I'm right in saying) that most people can't understand the original text because it's not written in a language that most can speak. So how can someone base their lives on a different interpretation of a base document?


this might explain. And yes you used wrong wording. I can give you my personal example and consider religion to be very personal thing. I studied quran in 3 different language. If i did not understand I usually found out by asking around. I am very satisfied with my own learning.



this might explain. And yes you used wrong wording. I can give you my personal example and consider religion to be very personal thing. I studied quran in 3 different language. If i did not understand I usually found out by asking around. I am very satisfied with my own learning.

Apologies for my incorrect wording, didn't mean to offend anyone.

Here's something else I was wondering about:

The Qur'an says, multiple times, that hypocritical people will be punished (by hell/fire etc), but the Qur'an is hypocritical in many places (as any book as long as that would be). What do you make of this?

One example is that in the Qur'an, it is said that Earth was created after heaven, but in another chapter that heaven was created first.
These ideas are simply not compatable with a modern, interconnected world.

It's a good read and while the author remains optimistic I have serious doubts.

I dont agree. What Qatar, a conservative Sunni monarchy, is doing in Doha, with its education city, is fascinating and extremely ambitious. The Emir of Qatar is an Islamist to the core, but he supports political Islam in parallel with modern development and technology.


Apologies for my incorrect wording, didn't mean to offend anyone.

Here's something else I was wondering about:

The Qur'an says, multiple times, that hypocritical people will be punished (by hell/fire etc), but the Qur'an is hypocritical in many places (as any book as long as that would be). What do you make of this?

One example is that in the Qur'an, it is said that Earth was created after heaven, but in another chapter that heaven was created first.

Do you mean hypocritical or contradictory? that example is an example of a contradiction not an example of hypocrisy. I think. right?


Do you mean hypocritical or contradictory? that example is an example of a contradiction not an example of hypocrisy. I think. right?

To make a mistake and then claim that God can make no mistake and that this is the direct word of God is hypocritical. Sorry I should have been clearer.
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