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Official Jan 2008 NPD Thread - HW Shortages + Spectacular SW


B-Rad Lascelle said:
I just vomited a little in my mouth reading that.

Just for you. With love. :D
Vote for me!

Absinthe said:
They started doing it in October or so of last year and it is still continuing. In fact, they've remodeled their whole store and have taken Gamecube games off the shelves in order to make room for Wii games. The PS2 has been downsized as well.

Now I'm starting to wonder where you live. It sounds a lot like the same thing down here. We still have a section for Gamecube and Xbox, but they have been dramatically scaled down. PS2 sections have only shrunk a bit. Now just two racks instead of three, if that. I'm sure they will scale it down even more in the next few months.


guys theres no shortage. Absinths EB Games store has "stacks" of all consoles except for Wii's.

what makes his comment so believable is that its the first time EVER me hearing that EB/Gamestop keep consoles in the middle of the store. it simply HAS to be true.


Basch said:
Just for you. With love. :D
Vote for me!

Now I'm starting to wonder where you live. It sounds a lot like the same thing down here. We still have a section for Gamecube and Xbox, but they have been dramatically scaled down. PS2 sections have only shrunk a bit. Now just two racks instead of three, if that. I'm sure they will scale it down even more in the next few months.
Ps2 wont scale down for a while... as a matter of fact the psp gamecube and xbox are the targets for a scale down.


Jirotrom said:
We dont stack our consoles in the middle of the store...those are empty boxes.

I've seen your guys' back room. The shortages are not as great as people are making them out to be. You guys should just come out with it. Seeing 60+ systems of any one type kind of makes you wonder (Best Buy). While Gamestop may not have nearly as many units, what you do have is more than enough for weekly shipments.

Jirotrom said:
Ps2 wont scale down for a while... as a matter of fact the psp gamecube and xbox are the targets for a scale down.

Actually, it already is here. Gamecube is on two shelves now; Xbox on four. PSP has two full racks, but, to be fair, a sixth of them are UMDs (God are those doing terrible). In my opinion, I think the PSP section will scale up over the next year; PS2 down. At least that is how it seems here: Sioux Falls, SD. :D


Originally MS had planned this holiday season to include GTA4 in their BIGGEST HOLIDAY EVAR! So they had to get systems manufactured ahead of time. I'm still amazed by their massive mishap with inventory. It really seems the only way this could have happened is if it were planned.


Wii shortage?

Sure. I rarely, if ever, see one.

360 shortage, though?

It can't be that bad. I, usually, see a couple at each store I visit.


Basch said:
I've seen your guys' back room. The shortages are not as great as people are making them out to be. You guys should just come out with it. Seeing 60+ systems of any one type kind of makes you wonder (Best Buy). While Gamestop may not have nearly as many units, what you do have is more than enough for weekly shipments.
Actually, it already is here.

Gamecube is on two shelves now; Xbox on four. PSP has two full racks, but, to be fair, a sixth of them are UMDs (God are those doing terrible). In my opinion, I think the PSP section will scale up over the next year; PS2 down. At least that is how it seems here: Sioux Falls, SD. :D

listen... Im not lying... through the entire month of January all premiums were gone...elites even before that. In the first 2 weeks we had about to arcades left. Microsoft didn't restock us until February. Its as simple as that... i work there i know how my store is. There was also a shortage on psps for a good while and DS, and obviously wiis. All those systems should have sold much higher... the only systems we never had shortages of were ps2s and ps3s.

I know it has been scaled down we did it in September. Like I sad I am in the Dallas area...gamestop corporate is 20 minutes from my store. Psp though is being scaled down now. I don't think you understand how gamestop runs their business, they scale down what doesn't sell and promote what does. 360 games are going to get more room as well as DS. Wii will stay the same Ps2 probably will live for the rest of the year. look at the from tof the store from time to time and you will see what the company is trying to promote.


non-sanctioned troll
spwolf said:
that iSuppli does a lot better job than what we gave them credit for :lol

Didn't they predict the LTD for the Wii would...decrease? Not really sure how the fuck that happens, but I guess they are good :lol


14 pages later and people are still in denial about 360 shortages? Hilarious. How do you miss a month worth of threads about it? It's not an argument from fanboyism, it's clearly a Microsoft screwup. Everyone knows it's not because they're doing unprecedented numbers like the Wii. They just. fucked. up. Get over it.


squatingyeti said:
Didn't they predict the LTD for the Wii would...decrease? Not really sure how the fuck that happens, but I guess they are good :lol

38 millions < 20 millions CONFIRMED !!!

That explains a lot of thing about your usual nonsense with sale numbers.


I just read the whole thread looking for NMH numbers. I want my half-hour back.

I predict next month will look pretty much the same, with the Wii having its best chance of being beaten so far, since they'll be saving consoles for Smash in March.

Chris FOM

After a fairly boring holiday season, we finally have some interesting numbers. In fact there haven’t been numbers this surprising since August. As a quick overview, the January NPD retail month covers a four week period starting on Sunday, January 6th and extends through Saturday, February 2nd. December was a five week month, so as usual I’ll stick with weekly averages to make the numbers line up. As a quick reminder, here are the December numbers, with weekly averages in parenthesis:

DS: 2,470,000 (494,000)
Wii: 1,350,000 (270,000)
360: 1,260,000 (252,000)
PS2: 1,100,000 (220,000)
PSP: 1,060,000 (212,000)
PS3: 797,600 (159,520)

Also, we’re now far enough past the launches of the Wii and PS3 that numbers from last year are becoming relevant as well, so we can compare this year’s numbers to last year’s and see what changes have arisen. It’s important to note, however, that the NPD retailer calendar is 52 weeks and a year is slightly longer than that, so to compensate last year’s January included an extra “leap week” and was a five week month. Here are the January 2007 numbers, again with weekly averages in parenthesis and systems no longer being sold removed:

Wii: 435,503 (87,100)
PS2: 299,352 (59,870)
360: 293,774 (58,755)
PS3: 243,554 (48,711)
DS: 238,869 (47,774)
PSP: 210,719 (42,144)

So now that we finally have the prelimaries out of the way, let’s look at the January 2008 numbers. As usual, we’ll start at the top of the charts and work our way down.

Wii: 274,000 (68,500): It’s obviously down quite a bit from December, but that shouldn’t surprise anyone. The year-over-year drop, however, is somewhat more surprising at first glance. However, Nintendo was kind enough to clear up this discrepancy for us in their quarterly briefing held towards the end of January. To ship as many Wiis as they did in Q4 calendar 2007, they not only raided their stockpile of Wiis but also air-freighted a number of systems originally scheduled to ship in January. By pushing shipments ahead of schedule rather than taking the normal course they were able to boost supplies in November and December, but the consequences of this move are that they simply didn’t have as many Wiis to ship out in January. Expect sale to again rise above 350,000 in February, if not 400,000 once shipments resume their normal schedule. This month’s drop has nothing to do with demand but rather is simply the result of Nintendo getting as many systems into retailers as they could over the holidays.

PS3: 269,000 (67,250): I don’t care if they’re being bought for games or movies as a result of BluRay apparently winning the HD format war, Sony has to be thrilled to see this number. For the very first time the PS3 has outsold the 360 in the US, which is a huge victory for Sony (even though MS helped them achieve it, but more on that later). It even nearly tied the Wii (and theoretically could have beaten it, since 5,000 may well be within the margin of error for NPD’s algorithms, although I’m not sure about this). The year-over-year numbers are also up nearly 40% when you account for the extra week in January 2007, which is a very nice boost as well. Although not a spectacular month in the larger historical picture, relative to the PS3’s past performance and its current competition this is without a doubt the best month the PS3 has ever had. It remains to be seen if they can hold this momentum into February, but 2008 is off to a far better start than 2007.

PS2: 264,000 (66,000): Insert comment about the PS2 never dying and continuing to sell amazing numbers here.

DS: 251,000 (62,750) Like the Wii, Nintendo pretty much emptied the cupboard on the DS over the holidays, so what you’re seeing here is the re-equilibration of a totally empty channel. Also, whereas the Wii is notably more popular in the US than the rest of the world (still selling at record-setting numbers everywhere, just even more so in the US), the DS’ popularity is more evenly divided, so Nintendo doesn’t favor the US as heavily like they do with the Wii, hence the US getting a lower proportion of shipments. It’s still a decent number with a nice year-over-year rise, but it’s not indicative of actual demand. Like the Wii, expect sales of the DS to rise drastically in February as the channel begins to refill.

360: 230,000 (57,500): MS apparently took a page out of Nintendo’s book. Whereas shortages on the 360 were anecdotal in December, they became obvious in January as stores went weeks without shipments of new hardware and MS eventually sent out a press release saying that an increase in demand was causing severe shortages. However, unlike Nintendo, part of MS’ problem lies in an apparent drastic mishandling of 360 SKU distributions. Elites and Premiums have been nearly as scarce as the Wii over the last 6-8 weeks, while Arcades and Halo Editions have been readily available, but nobody wants them. The net result is that the 360 joins the Wii as the only system to show a decline in year-over-year sales even when accounting for the extra week in January of 2007 (although admittedly the 360’s decline was much smaller than the Wiis at only 1,000 vs. nearly 20,000). Again I question the wisdom of trying to balance multiple SKUs. Put one system on the market (or at most one configuration with multiple colors like the DS) and watch the 360’s shortages either cut down drastically or vanish altogether. MS has nobody to blame but themselves for this situation, as it’s entirely of their own creation.

PSP 230,000 (57,500): The PSP shows a decent improvement in sales compared to last year, but without software selling in any sort of substantial numbers it’s more and more questionable if the system really even counts as a gaming machine. The installed base is pretty good (although not amazing), but that doesn’t mean a thing without software sales. The goal of the market is to move the most software, whether through an enormous installed base (like the Wii) or through crazy high tie ratios (like the 360), but the PSP isn’t doing either. It just keeps moving along without any real direction. Sony really needs to figure out what they want the PSP platform to represent and do a better job of focusing its successor if they don’t want it

Finally, a few brief thoughts of the top 10 software titles. I’m amazed by the continuing legs shown by Call of Duty 4 on the 360. I honestly expected that it would have dropped off by now. Wii Play will never die as long as the Wii keeps moving hardware. Guitar Hero 3 on the Wii also retakes the lead in monthly sales over the 360 version (in total sales the 360 version leads by a good margin, although the attach rate is higher on the Wii). Rock Band making the top 10 is extremely impressive given its own supply issues as well as its very high selling price. Super Mario Galaxy continues to sell well, although it’s dropping off a bit quicker than I expected, but it will continue to sell over the life of the Wii. Burnout Paradise’ debut on the 360 is rather disappoint in light of the titles ahead of it, although not knowing historical numbers for the series I freely admit this could simply be the result of my own misguided expectations. CoD4 on the PS3 also is showing great legs, giving the PS3 what I believe is its first million-seller in the US alone. Finally Mario Party DS is selling well, although not as well as Mario Party 8, but again you can expect huge legs on this one. Mario & Sonic at the Olympics on the DS wraps up the top 10 with a decent but unimpressive debut. Expect this one (and its Wii counterpart) to get a substantial boost during the Olympic Games this summer. Otherwise, I can’t really comment on the software situation. As December demonstrated very clearly, the top 10 is nowhere near adequate to get an adequate view of the full picture.


Jirotrom said:
listen... Im not lying... through the entire month of January all premiums were gone...elites even before that. In the first 2 weeks we had about to arcades left. Microsoft didn't restock us until february. Its as simple as that... i work there i know how my store is. There was also a shortage on psps for a good while and DS, and obviously wiis. All those systems should have sold much higher... the only systems we never had shortages of were ps2s and ps3s.

I know it has been scaled down we did it in september. Like I sad I am in the Dallas area...gamestop corporate is 20 minutes from my store. Psp though is being scailed down now. I don't think you understand how gamestop runs their business, they scale down what doesn't sell and promote what does. 360 games are going to get more room as well as DS. Wii will stay the same Ps2 probably will live for the rest of the year. look at the from tof the store from time to time and you will see what the company is trying to promote.

Yea that's how it was around metro Atlanta as well. In fact the several GS stores I went to told me they haven't received any 360's in the last month besides a couple here and there. They'd usually sell out immediately.

My brother had to resort to going on ebay to find a premium. Some sites were even out couple weeks ago.


Quazar said:
Yea that's how it was around metro Atlanta as well. In fact the several GS stores I went to told me they haven't received any 360's in the last month besides a couple here and there. They'd usually sell out immediately.

My brother had to resort to going on ebay to find a premium. Some sites were even out couple weeks ago.
honestly the big reason I realized this is because I was surprised...360s never sell out...and people were calling frequently asking for elites and premiums. up until late December we had problems keeping psps, DSs, and Wiis in stock. Now we have everything except for Wiis:lol
I'm not going to argue and I don't have to prove myself. I've got friends that work at the local EB Games in the mall and they've confirmed that there is no such thing as a shortage here. There never has been one, except for the Wii, of course. That is here though--it may be different where you live.

There is a lot of copious, bitter tears in this thread. People are scrambling and saying, "Shortages! Sony only got a leg up because of shortages!" but there have been countless people in this thread that have confirmed that there aren't any types of shortages where they live. It all boils down to geography and we most certainly do not have any shortages here. Not at Wal Mart. Not at K Mart. Not at Best Buy. Not a EB. Not at Gamespot. You may where you live, but that isn't the case here. Go ahead and swallow the truth.


sonycowboy said:
We're referring to the SW sales for the month of January so ... no.

$159M 360, $131M Wii, $80M PS3.

Does that mean Wii and 360 basically shifted the same amount of games for the month of January (assuming most 360 games retail for $60 and Wii games for $50)?

If so, that's two months in a row now where Wii software has done on par, if not better than 360 software in pure numbers. I wouldn't expect that to happen so soon. Just think of what March will look like, too...


Jirotrom said:
listen... Im not lying... through the entire month of January all premiums were gone...elites even before that. In the first 2 weeks we had about to arcades left. Microsoft didn't restock us until february. Its as simple as that... i work there i know how my store is. There was also a shortage on psps for a good while and DS, and obviously wiis. All those systems should have sold much higher... the only systems we never had shortages of were ps2s and ps3s.

I know it has been scaled down we did it in september. Like I sad I am in the Dallas area...gamestop corporate is 20 minutes from my store. Psp though is being scaled down now.

Oh, I'm sorry. I must have got off on the wrong foot somewhere. I believe you. I do. I'm not trying to break your back bud. It sounds like you got hit hard. But its just that down here it doesn't seem anything like what people are throwing around on boards. I'm sure its not just here too. I don't think the shortages are THAT bad. I don't believe it could have inhibited their performance any terrible amounts. The Wii is always out of stock. Nintendo blows in regards to their production lines. Sony is very nice, and Microsoft does pretty well keeping up with demand. There's no fighting that. I like you guys a lot. I'm just saying from this side of the fence, I'm sure there are thousands and thousands of people who didn't have a problem with shortages whatsoever. How else did it sell as well as it did. Like I said, 230K is not bad at all for January. Seriously, just take a look at the numbers Chris FOM posted above. I don't think shortages is an excuse for this. It may be a Microsoft f*(c)k up for the ones they did miss, but I'm going to place my bets on the fact that it couldn't have made that much of a difference. All the numbers are extremely close. Again congrats to all. :D By the way, thanks for all the inside info Jirotrom. I always like reading your posts. You really do give us the ins on a lot of the things going on. But really, the PSP section is going to down scale? Right before Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII and God of War: Chains of Olympus? That's a pretty bad idea. I would start suggesting a thing or two to keeping the section alive. You may like the numbers you will see the two doing. ;)
Pai Pai Master said:
Sony's official word:

PlayStation 2 (PS2) also had an excellent month in January with hardware unit sales reaching 264K units. Also, the PS2 sold more software units than any other console on the market.

Money makin'... Money money makin'!

Seriously. PS2 is still selling that much, still no price drop to $99 yet, and selling all that software?


Shepherd said:
The 360 Software number is the real winner here.

That should read PS2, dood.


Basch said:
Oh, I'm sorry. I must have got off on the wrong foot somewhere. I believe you. I do. I'm not trying to break your back bud. It sounds like you got hit hard. But its just that down here it doesn't seem anything like what people are throwing around on boards. I'm sure its not just here too. I don't think the shortages are THAT bad. I don't believe it could have inhibited their performance any terrible amounts. The Wii is always out of stock. Nintendo blows in regards to their production lines. Sony is very nice, and Microsoft does pretty well keeping demand. There's no fighting that. I like you guys a lot. I'm just saying from this side of the fence, I'm sure there are thousands and thousands of people who didn't have a problem with shortages whatsoever. How else did it sell as well as it did. Like I said, 230K is not bad at all for January. Seriously, just take a look at the numbers Chris FOM posted above. I don't think shortages is an excuse for this. It may be a Microsoft f*(c)k up for the ones they did miss, but I'm going to place my bets on the fact that it couldn't have made that much of a difference. All the numbers are extremely close. Again congrats to all. :D By the way, thanks for all the inside info Jirotrom. I always like reading your posts. You really do give us the ins on lot of the things going on. But really, the PSP section is going to down scale? Right before Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII and God of War: Chains of Olympus? That's a pretty bad idea. I would start suggesting a thing or two to keeping the section alive. You may like the numbers you will see the two doing. ;)
oh trust me.. i don't think they should scale the psp down but right now people arent buying psp games and its been like this for a good while. I believe the company doesn't see 2 games all of a sudden saving the whole section... its not a big scale down they are just going to giver it smaller space on the walls. Also about the shortages ofcourse its not every where...but Dallas/Fort Worth is a huge city and Premiums and Elites were hard to find, as simple as that. I don't know about any other states or anything i just know about here, its all anecdotal on my end. Sucks for psp though because the hardware has been selling extremly well, im buying one for crisis core.


Absinthe said:
I'm not going to argue and I don't have to prove myself. I've got friends that work at the local EB Games in the mall and they've confirmed that there is no such thing as a shortage here. There never has been one, except for the Wii, of course. That is here though--it may be different where you live.

There is a lot of copious, bitter tears in this thread. People are scrambling and saying, "Shortages! Sony only got a leg up because of shortages!" but there have been countless people in this thread that have confirmed that there aren't any types of shortages where they live. It all boils down to geography and we most certainly do not have any shortages here. Not at Wal Mart. Not at K Mart. Not at Best Buy. Not a EB. Not at Gamespot. You may where you live, but that isn't the case here. Go ahead and swallow the truth.

I think people 'scrambling' to try and prove there are 'no shortages!!' despite pretty widespread reports are on much the same ground, no? That truth may also have to be 'swallowed'.

And no Gamestop around here would ever put systems in the middle of the floor.

Hell, Gamestop is starting to put locks on their accessory walls. :lol


Absinthe said:
I'm not going to argue and I don't have to prove myself. I've got friends that work at the local EB Games in the mall and they've confirmed that there is no such thing as a shortage here. There never has been one, except for the Wii, of course. That is here though--it may be different where you live.

There is a lot of copious, bitter tears in this thread. People are scrambling and saying, "Shortages! Sony only got a leg up because of shortages!" but there have been countless people in this thread that have confirmed that there aren't any types of shortages where they live. It all boils down to geography and we most certainly do not have any shortages here. Not at Wal Mart. Not at K Mart. Not at Best Buy. Not a EB. Not at Gamespot. You may where you live, but that isn't the case here. Go ahead and swallow the truth.
thats cool and all but a region and or regions can have shortages while others don't... this phenomenon does happen.


This discussion about 'shortages' probably won't get resolved until next month. Till then it'll just be a yes-no contest.


Jirotrom said:
oh trust me.. i don't think they should scale the psp down but right now people arent buying psp games and its been like this for a good while. I believe the company doesn't see 2 games all of a sudden saving the whole section... its not a big scale down they are just going to giver it smaller space on the walls. Also about the shortages ofcourse its not every where...but Dallas/Fort Worth is a huge city and Premiums and Elites were hard to find, as simple as that. I don't know about any other states or anything i just know about here, its all anecdotal on my end. Sucks for psp though because the hardware has been selling extremly well, im buying one for crisis core.

I see. That really does suck for the PSP. It really does deserve to do better than its doing. I'm sure I'm not helping the problem any, though. I do believe those two games will do amazing numbers. And remember those are just two games. Its not like the other games will stop selling. Surely, not anything astonishing, but that coupled with the two stalwarts will really get that money flowin'. I'm picking up Crisis Core as well. Already have my PSP. Haven't played it in a while, though. I need to get playing the original first. I missed out on the experience back in the day. I believe it was the first Final Fantasy our family got back then too. Sad. I played VIII though. Awesome game.

Well, back to topic. Yeah, it does seem some areas were hit really hard. But people here are just confirming the situation in they're area. It helps paint the larger picture. Its necessary to show the whole perspective, not just a part. I believe more and more people will begin to see this shortage being dramatically overacted. The numbers are pretty safe. Glad to hear you guys are stocked up again. Even though the Wii is being a b*tch.


Basch said:
I see. That really does suck for the PSP. It really does deserve to do better than its doing. I'm sure I'm not helping the problem any, though. I do believe those two games will do amazing numbers. And remember those are just two games. Its not like the other games will stop selling. Surely, not anything astonishing, but that coupled with the two stalwarts will really get that money flowin'. I'm picking up Crisis Core as well. Already have my PSP. Haven't played it in a while, though. I need to get playing the original first. I missed out on the experience back in the day. I believe it was the first Final Fantasy our family got back then too. Sad. I played VIII though. Awesome game.

Well, back to topic. Yeah, it does seem some areas were hit really hard. But people here are just confirming the situation in they're area. It helps paint the larger picture. Its necessary to show the whole perspective, not just a part. I believe more and more people will begin to see this shortage being dramatically overacted. The numbers are pretty safe. Glad to hear you guys are stocked up again. Even though the Wii is being a b*tch.
well... what Im wondering is why no one speaks of the psp shortages... I kid you not they have been selling really well... I believe from november through most of January there were selling as fast as Wiis DSs and Guitar hero in my area:lol I honestly don't think they will stick to the psp shrink plan... the thing is my store and a few around here usually gets that info first. Also we tend to get changes to the store before other regions do because we are the "testing" grounds. Crisis core will be pretty big, I need to check the reserve count.


Absinthe said:
That is EXACTLY my point. The shortages are not widespread and I think it's excuse mongering.

If it varies by region how is it possible to tell that they're widespread or not? For every person who will say there's tons in their stores, you'll have someone say they've been sold out forever. I haven't seen a non-Arcade 360 unit in any Walmart, Target, Best Buy, Circuit City, or Gamestop where I live (central VA) since December. One of my coworkers had to order one online because they couldn't find one. Some people are fanboys who will argue to the death, but some people are "excuse mongering" like myself because fanboys on the other side refuse to believe we could possibly be telling the truth, and I basically have to defend the fact that I haven't seen a 360 in a while. This fanboy bullshit is why all the sales threads have gone to shit over the past year or so. 360 fanboys want to argue that PS3 only beat 360 due to shortages, and PS3 fanboys want to claim the first victory due to other reasons. There's probably some truth on both sides but none of them are going to see it, or want to see it.


non-sanctioned troll
bluheim said:
38 millions < 20 millions CONFIRMED !!!

That explains a lot of thing about your usual nonsense with sale numbers.

MY nonsense? Let's recap how utterly ridiculous your statements are.

First, you jump on the Sprocket bandwagon of the 360 selling HALF in 2007 what it sold in 2006. What you, nor him, realized is that you were talking about SHIPPED numbers. The 360 sold MORE in 2007 than 2006. First time you spoke without having a clue.

Second, you quote someone else's post that SPECIFICALLY says US+Japan, and then say the numbers are wrong, I'm an idiot, and there's a big amount missing. No shit, that big amount would have been Europe. Which we weren't talking about, but you decided to jump in with your normal asshatery and talk.

Third, you JUST quoted me. I SPECIFICALLY said the isuppli prediction had the Wii DECREASING in LTD. Then, you say something about 38M < 20M CONFIRMED!!!. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, but if you look at the isuppli prediction, they have the Wii DECREASING in LTD. Do you have a clue what that means? It's not fucking possible!

If you want, I can dig up about 5 other times you've opened your mouth like a complete idiot. Do please go on about MY nonsense of the isuppli prediction saying the Wii would decrease in LTD (which it DID say) :lol

Snah misses you...

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Jirotrom said:
well the shortages seem to be widespread, unless microsoft are flat out lying...

We were talking shortages since December. I could understand if this excuse just happened to fall yesterday. More than a few people here work at retail and they have been saying shortage for the longest. I tried to wait it out for an Elite for 2 months. I couldn't find one. I then looked for an Arcade to buy with the 120GB HDD. I found the HDD in my hometown. I found an Arcade 2 hours away in Indianapolis. My local store got ten the other day though.
January 2008 Software Sales

1. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Xbox 360) -- 330,900
2. Wii Play w/ Remote (Wii) -- 298,100
3. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (Wii) -- 239,600
4. Rock Band (Xbox 360) -- 183,800
5. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (Xbox 360) -- 182,700
6. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii) -- 172,000
7. Burnout Paradise (Xbox 360) -- 144,100
8. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PlayStation 3) -- 140,000
9. Mario Party DS (Nintendo DS) -- 138,500
10. Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (Nintendo DS) -- 133,000

December 2007 Software Sales

1. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Xbox 360) -- 1,470,000
2. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii) -- 1,400,000
3. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (PlayStation 2) -- 1,250,000
4. Wii Play w/ Remote (Wii) -- 1,080,000
5. Assassin's Creed (Xbox 360) -- 893,700
6. Halo 3 (Xbox 360) -- 742,700
7. Brain Age 2 (Nintendo DS) -- 659,500
8. Madden NFL 08 (PlayStation 2) -- 655,200
9. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (Xbox 360) -- 624,600
10. Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (Wii) -- 613,000

Thats why devs cut corners to get games out before Christmas


squatingyeti said:
MY nonsense? Let's recap how utterly ridiculous your statements are.

First, you jump on the Sprocket bandwagon of the 360 selling HALF in 2007 what it sold in 2006. What you, nor him, realized is that you were talking about SHIPPED numbers. The 360 sold MORE in 2007 than 2006. First time you spoke without having a clue.

Second, you quote someone else's post that SPECIFICALLY says US+Japan, and then say the numbers are wrong, I'm an idiot, and there's a big amount missing. No shit, that big amount would have been Europe. Which we weren't talking about, but you decided to jump in with your normal asshatery and talk.

Third, you JUST quoted me. I SPECIFICALLY said the isuppli prediction had the Wii DECREASING in LTD. Then, you say something about 38M < 20M CONFIRMED!!!. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, but if you look at the isuppli prediction, they have the Wii DECREASING in LTD. Do you have a clue what that means? It's not fucking possible!

If you want, I can dig up about 5 other times you've opened your mouth like a complete idiot. Do please go on about MY nonsense of the isuppli prediction saying the Wii would decrease in LTD (which it DID say) :lol

Snah misses you...
Conclusion: Don't attempt rational discussion with bluheim.
Jirotrom said:
there was a shortage her in dallas TX on 360s for about the whole month of January.

There was? I live in Dallas, and I didn't notice a shortage. I was out at a bunch of game stores this month too, with all the stuff coming out and some pre-ordering to do...


So, where are all the PIE CHARTS, GAF?

I come to these threads for the motherf***ing PIE CHARTS!
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