What started out as 360 trampling the PS3 has now become a thread with the fanboys going NO MAN NO MAN : ((( IS NOT DEAD YET NO MAN

Of course, 360 isn't dead, and will not die, and will do VERY well this end-year with Gears of War 2 being released. That game will sell like hotcakes and easy hit 3-4 million in 2008.
On the other hand, saying that PS3's YTD lead of ~400,000 is "negligible" is a joke -- against the LTD sales it might be, but against YTD sales it constitutes about a 25% lead over 360. Whatever the confluence of factors, sales are beginning to pick up. Even when you argue that the 360 has almost double the PS3 LTD installed base, the software sales for NCAA and SCIV are split 60-40 towards the 360. That is pretty impressive.
Before I go on, I must say that the Nintendo fans don't even need to step into the NPD thread anymore :lol :lol :lol
I think the general software line up for 360 vs PS3 this year-end for the US leans heavily towards the 360. Gears of War 2, Fable 2 and Fallout 3 with exclusive content leads over Sony's line of Resistance 2, LittleBigPlanet, SOCOM, Motorstorm 2... etc in terms of IP dominance. I think LBP is a wildcard, and even if it proves to be a great selling game it would be one with persistent sales and long legs rather than one with a hit-and-run effect like MGS4. Given all this plus 360's sales drop, I would think that 360 would perform better this end-year, which is crucial since the monthly volume of sales then is typically double or more against the other months..
But who knows?