Just so you know, by 10 PM he actually means he'll be home at 2:30 AM.
ole 2 kills Wellie strikes again
Just so you know, by 10 PM he actually means he'll be home at 2:30 AM.
Never mind, it's tomorrow you tool.
I'll see what I can do tonight LW, no promises. Tomorrow it'd have to be before 4 EST, I work until 10, so it would already be past advance time. :\
Indie GOtY is FTL fool
I bought it for 7.49 during the Fall sale, now it is 5.10. It's my Indie GOTY. I normally loathe TD games, but this one is the best I've ever played. The game starts small in terms of troops and slowly builds up. Plus there is an RPG leveling system for each character you control. Cannot recommend it enough. There is a demo you can play first if you are on the fence. Though I'd say just buy it!
It's cross platform multi player. You can play with people on iOS.
What's on iOS? Gem TD or this Ticket To Ride thing?
I'll jump in if you guys are playing!
Yeah Amazon is getting some killer deals lately for digital games.
Gem TD is just some dumb game Soka recommended.
Ticket To Ride is a cool board game that is also on digital platforms:
Those two versions are compatible online.
Did we 'vance yet?
Why is your game not being simmed?
Seems like a simit to me!
It's not his fault you can't even stay up until 11:30!
Didn't CK stay up u til some ungodly hour to play Cola? And he wakes up early as shit for work!
I woke up at 4 AM. I'm usually up at 5:30 or so.Didn't CK stay up u til some ungodly hour to play Cola? And he wakes up early as shit for work!
I played back to back games with cola since the first froze at the end and ended up not finishing until 1:30 when I had to be up early for class in the morning. Im pretty sure most who had to play him have similar stories.
Except FMT. He just sets it to CPU and plays when he wants!
cry me a riveeeeer!
already talked to cola bout it and he said set him to AP. eat a bag of D's bruh
He said that because you drew the line at how late you are willing to stay up. And seeing about how he probably rather have a higher draft pick at this point in the season, didn't care what happened. Just because he let you off the hook doesn't mean I will. You can't have the whole league trying to fit around his schedule for 2 seasons then take the easy way out yourself.
I played him in season 1 and 2 and was up past midnight both times. Suck a dick. Clearly you don't pay attention to how late everyone has been staying up to play him.lol i've played cola more than you have. his schedule was never like this before. so keep whinin broham
I played him in season 1 and 2 and was up past midnight both times. Suck a dick. Clearly you don't pay attention to how late everyone has been staying up to play him.
Shit....I can't play tomorrow afternoon Crow. I'm taking my daughter to the mall to see Santa and take pictures tomorrow afternoon! I have no idea how long it's going to take and if my wife wants to do other things right afterwards.