Haha, I like this code.
I.E. I'm glad Rinse can't make the draft so I can take him!
I think I'm going to make it...
wonder what CPU would've done, given me the PDP #1?
All that talk about Wendy's a couple pages ago is making me want some. Might just stop by today after the gym and pick up 3 or 4 spicy chicken sandwiches. Eat big to get big!
I picked it up after I got the games yesterday. A medium Asiago Club meal with a spicy chicken filet. It was amazing.
Eznark, how can you not like Jim Sterling?
What about the bacon portabella melt? I might just replace one of the spicy chickens with one. You know, so it's a more balanced meal.
Eznark, how can you not like Jim Sterling?
Eznark is tired of Jim Sterling showing off how skinny he is for a Sconi.
Eznark, how can you not like Jim Sterling?
I think it's funny Jim Sterling is weighing(a ton) in on this. You can never believe his reviews for entirely different reasons. He trolls with his reviews so you never know when he is being sincere on not. HE'S A STUPID HEAD.
Gertsmann used to be hated. Now everyone washes his balls. No one will care in a year. Plus, being a female means she gets an automatic defense force and accusations fly about critics being sexists as they already have. She's fine. Plus schilling is part of gaming "journalism."MrBob3894408 said:I also love that Wainwright is now being used as an adjective. Reviewers are now Wainwrighting games. It's amazing how quickly things fell apart after an attempted cover up. She better find a new avenue of work, because she is done in gaming. This isn't going away.
That was sarcasm. I was ready to eat 3 spicy chickens so the thought of eating healthy was no where on my mind.You can't go to Wendy's and choose to eat healthy. You either go all in or don't go at all. That's like going to a casino to gamble vicariously.
hmm. Might just get two of those instead of the bacon portabella melt.The value menu cheesy cheddarburger is pretty awesome for a buck.
I think it's funny Jim Sterling is weighing(a ton) in on this. You can never believe his reviews for entirely different reasons. He trolls with his reviews so you never know when he is being sincere on not. HE'S A STUPID HEAD.
That was sarcasm. I was ready to eat 3 spicy chickens so the though of eating healthy was no where on my mind.
hmm. Might just get two of those instead of the bacon portabella melt.
His trolling reviews are the best, though! Too many reviews are too serious. He realizes its a sham, anyway! Plus his one true love Dynasty Warriors which make him LEGIT.
That was sarcasm. I was ready to eat 3 spicy chickens so the though of eating healthy was no where on my mind.
I have no idea why McNeily thought a portabella melt would be healthier than a spicy chicken sandwich anyway, what's up with that?
I don't think you were joking. You were serious. Completely.
some OL in past madden drafts have been incredible. I recall a RG named Derail Gatewood, instant three or four yard runs behind him. It would be foolish to disregard lineman in the first round.
Max Younger was the best OL of all time!
what time is the draft tonight?
what time is the draft tonight?
Saturday 10 am pst
Max wasn't even the best OL in his draft, at his position. I picked up the #2 C that year who I had scouted as better than Younger and I was right, luckily. His name was Brandon Atkinson, and he was a complete monster. He progressed passed Younger. Running dives between Atkinson and Chris Snee in Madden 10 was money in the bank.
Welcome to the club!Guess who's the proud owner of a PS VITA. Maybe proud isn't the right word
Guess who's the proud owner of a PS VITA. Maybe proud isn't the right word
Seems like it runs at 20fps or something, I only played it for like 5 minutes though
Seems like it runs at 20fps or something, I only played it for like 5 minutes though
It's beautiful. The vita is actually a lot lighter than I thought it'd be. Ragnarok Odyssey is downloading now, I can't wait to be underwhelmed!
It's beautiful. The vita is actually a lot lighter than I thought it'd be. Ragnarok Odyssey is downloading now, I can't wait to be underwhelmed!
I never understood 10am. I'm willing to wake up half dead for the league.
Wait its actually cause of a karate class? I thought you guys were joking