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Official March 2008 NPD - There are no words. Almost $1B in SW sales


Super Member
viciouskillersquirrel said:
Fixed according to who will be the eventual winners.

Hillary = PS3 = Candidate who, coming off a successful predecessor, was thought to be the inevitable successor, but failed. Represents old school of thought.

McCain = 360 = Candidate who looks to be successful, but not successful enough to ultimately win. Is practically a physical embodiment of the old school of thought.

Obama = Wii = Outsider candidate who nobody gave a second thought to who suddenly came from behind and became massively popular. The old school of thought really hate him and see him as a massive threat to the point of supporting a rival candidate to see that he doesn't get on the ticket. These attempts failed.
Except everyone thought McCain's campaign was DOA and Hillary/Obama are still fighting for their party nomination

different views I guess
sprocket said:
lol at all the 360 fanboys in this thread.. its less than a 10 k difference!
I know.

I mean, 360 has teh games and teh lower price tag, but it obviously doesn't have teh sales.

Oh and DAYUM at Wii and DS! Nintendo came back in a big way this gen, although I have to admit the Wii is by far my least played system ever so far =/


sprocket said:
lol at all the 360 fanboys in this thread.. its less than a 10 k difference!

odd when ps3 is on top there is like super pandemonium in these threads. Well you lose some don't you.


DeadGzuz said:
Sony annouced a yet to be released bundle (and older 80GBs are gone), what is the 360's excuse for low sales, shortages?
I don't think the announcement of the mgs4 bundle had any significant impact(maybe like 10k? pure guess), and the 360 hasn't had shortages since mid-late Feb. It's just a slow time of the year. I mean, look at ps2, it went down a lot from last month as well.


you can't put a price on sparks
omg rite said:
360 software sales are just insane.

Hey where are the "see!? PS3 outsold 360 in January and February when 360 was having supply issues! PS3 WINNING FROM HERE ON OUT" people?

These sales pretty much go with what the smart people were saying: 360 very supply limited in January + first two weeks of February, slowly started getting better the last two weeks of February. First week or so of March, supply was regular again with VERY few areas being supply limited.

What will be the final telling of this is what 360 vs. PS3 sales are in April combined with GTA4 end up being.

360 sales only increased by 20 or 30k from the last month... it wasn't that big of an increase at all. They may have been supply constrained in some areas, but really, its not that big of a difference from the last month to be calling out all those people who said "PS3 will win from here on out"


Junior Member
reilo said:
That makes no damn sense.

It makes perfect sense if you don't let your politics get in the way. On one side you've got the sexy HD consoles battling it out. With one of them *cough* Obama 360 *cough* being the clear winner, and the other *cough* PSHillary* winning a few months here and there thinking they can win.

Then you've got the Wii sitting back making money.

What's not to get?


omg rite said:
360 software sales are just insane.

Hey where are the "see!? PS3 outsold 360 in January and February when 360 was having supply issues! PS3 WINNING FROM HERE ON OUT" people?
Thay are acting like they always stated it would be a tie in March, probably with 360 having the slight edge.


Striker said:
Comparing one exclusive game's sales to another game's sales that reaches multiple platforms? It outsold Halo 3 if you include all consoles and everything else, if that's what you mean.

And apparently it was further behind in 360-only sales than I thought. Looks like it won't catch Halo 3.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
davepoobond said:
360 sales only increased by 20 or 30k from the last month... it wasn't that big of an increase at all. They may have been supply constrained in some areas, but really, its not that big of a difference from the last month to be calling out all those people who said "PS3 will win from here on out"

360 sales actually decreased by week to week. Remember, an additional week was counted for March.


viciouskillersquirrel said:
Fixed according to who will be the eventual winners.

Hillary = PS3 = Candidate who, coming off a successful predecessor, was thought to be the inevitable successor, but failed. Represents old school of thought.

McCain = 360 = Candidate who looks to be successful, but not successful enough to ultimately win. Is practically a physical embodiment of the old school of thought.

Obama = Wii = Outsider candidate who nobody gave a second thought to who suddenly came from behind and became massively popular. The old school of thought really hate him and see him as a massive threat to the point of supporting a rival candidate to see that he doesn't get on the ticket. These attempts failed.

I might be Obama fanboyish, but this I can agree :D


And even i am moderately surprised
lol at all the 360 fanboys in this thread.. its less than a 10 k difference!

yet, it's 2 months since 50k or up for the PS3 apparently meant that PS3 would be soon the new master and that the X360 was finished.

It's amazing that a reversal in fortunes suddenly makes you all rational again.


samus4ever said:
Wasn't Easter in march? Isn't that considered a mini Christmas? Could that explain the huge sales number of the Wii?

Maybe, but i think its most due to the release of Super Smash Brothers Brawl. I guess Nintendo supplied more Wii consoles than usual because of the release of this game, or have Nintendo increased their Wii console production?

EDIT: I think Wii would have sold 721k even if Super Smash Brothers Brawl wasnt released, but what i ment is that i think that they supplied extra Wii consoles for March due to the release of Super Smash Brothers Brawl :)


Bish loves my games!
Ha ha ha. This is the kind of NPD I like.

The real winner - the videogames industry!

That's a lie. The real winner is, of course, Nintendo.


Chiggs said:
"Of course they're desperate, they can smell their death, and the sound they'll make rattling their cage will serve as a warning to the rest."


What can be said about the Wii and the DS, out of this fucking world. Fantastic PSP numbers. TOM CLANCY'S RAINBOW SIX: VEGAS 2 completely through me off in the software prediction thread.

Any chance you can share SMG, Twilight Princess Wii or Halo 3 numbers, sonycowboy?
Oh great politics in the NPD thread, just what we need.

   	   	         P   	GD  	PTS
1 	Man Utd 	34 	54 	80
2 	Chelsea 	35 	36 	78
3 	Arsenal 	34 	35 	71
4 	Liverpool 	34 	34 	66
5 	Everton 	35 	21 	61
6 	Portsmouth 	34 	14 	57
7 	Aston Villa 	34 	18 	55
8 	Man City 	34 	-1 	52
9 	Blackburn 	34 	2 	51
10 	West Ham 	34 	-6 	44
11 	Tottenham 	34 	6 	41
12 	Newcastle 	34 	-18 	39
13 	Middlesbrough 	34 	-17 	36
14 	Sunderland 	34 	-19 	36
15 	Wigan 	        34 	-17 	35
16 	Reading       34 	-26 	32
17 	Birmingham 	34 	-13 	31
18 	Bolton 	        34 	-21 	29
19 	Fulham 	        34 	-24 	27
20 	Derby 	        34 	-58 	11


MS and Sony need to merge console operations. It's apparent the market cannot sustain 2 high-end systems.

Wii for casuals and games that are fun when drunk

PS460 for real games


Captain Smoker said:
360: 9.899.956
Wii: 8.796.959
PS3: 4.050.286

When I see stuff like this the fact that people still somehow believe PS3 will pass 360 in north america becomes even more confusing. Its just not going to happen.


LiquidMetal14 said:
Price drop and those key exclusive Sony has finally coming out. Don't you worry, things will work themselves out.

Sony has the exclusive rights to the PRICE DROP apparently.

Surely 360 won't do it as well.



mildewproduction said:
It makes perfect sense if you don't let your politics get in the way. On one side you've got the sexy HD consoles battling it out. With one of them *cough* Obama 360 *cough* being the clear winner, and the other *cough* PSHillary* winning a few months here and there thinking they can win.

Then you've got the Wii sitting back making money.

What's not to get?

by making money, what do you mean, politically ?


Junior Member
DayShallCome said:
Actually, by all accounts, Wii software has been greater than 360 software since December. Of course, that counts Wii Play, but still, it's worth noting.
In December, if you removed Wii Play's sales, Wii still outsold the 360. Still had a higher attach rate. Still beat the 360. I'm guessing if the Wii outsold the 360 this month, it would be by more than 400K. That excuse needs to die.

And it's a decent game. Close to Wii Sports in fun.

Guy Legend

I wonder if we're going to get that XB360 price drop in North America prior to GTA4, or will they try to ride out extra profit instead of units sold...

inner-G said:
I attribute the low PS3 sales to supply constraints on the 80GB model.

I think a lot of people, certainly hardcore gamers are waiting for it. I've heard a lot of people say they are being told about it at Gamestop.

It may hurt sales for now, but I still applaud Sony for letting gamers know that it's coming. I would hate to be in a position of settling for a 40gb, then finding out what you really wanted was coming out later after all.


I hadn't realized how much the PS3 fell this month. It went from doing 70k a week in February to about 50k a month in March. The 360 went up in overall sales, but it actually dropped on week-to-week sales.

Edit: actually everything dropped, save for the Wii. Even the DS is slightly lower.
One of the most surprisingly amusing things about this NPD thread to me is how politics somehow got dragged into it. :lol

Obama is definitely the Wii, at any rate.


DCharlie said:
yet, it's 2 months since 50k or up for the PS3 apparently meant that PS3 would be soon the new master and that the X360 was finished.

It's amazing that a reversal in fortunes suddenly makes you all rational again.
To be fair, it's not like the 360 rebounded in any huge way. If anything the PS3 stumbled heavier than the 360 did.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Chiggs said:
PS3 and Xbox 360 fans are just full of bitterness and antipathy.

The battle for the first loser is a lot more entertaining than the battle for first, no?


when is my burrito
[U]System[/U]      [U]March 2008[/U]    [U]March 2007[/U]
Wii         721K  +178%       259K
NDS         698K  +37%        508K
PSP         297K  +65%        180K
360         262K  +32%        199K
PS3         257K  +97%        130K
PS2         216K  -23%        280K

Some perspective. 2008 is going to be a historic year as far as console sales go.
Perhaps the Blu-Ray bump from winning the format war is fading a little for PS3. It's really what put it over 360 the first two months of the year. 360 needs to price drop soon imho.


Uhh. 700k+ for the Wii. In March. And DS dominating.

Time for me to pick up a Wii!

PS. GoW sales are awesome. Nice job RaD! Hope this one has legs!


tanod said:
[U]System[/U]      [U]March 2008[/U]    [U]March 2007[/U]
Wii         721K  [b]+178%[/b]       259K

My God.
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