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Official March 2008 NPD - There are no words. Almost $1B in SW sales



He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Going into March, some key U.S. retailers were still experiencing the trickledown effect of Xbox 360 console shortages. By the end of March, supply issues had improved and we expect retailers to be fully stocked with Xbox 360 consoles in time for the “Grand Theft Auto IV” launch. According to NPD, 262,000 Xbox 360 consoles sold in March, reclaiming the #2 position in the next-gen console category.
360 + GTAIV 360 sales next month will be EPIC! :D


schuelma said:
Microsoft PR:

Consumers continue to make the ultimate vote for Xbox 360 as the console of choice by investing $9.4 billion to date this lifecycle in the Xbox 360 experience, far outpacing that of other game consoles. (March NPD data)

Going into March, some key U.S. retailers were still experiencing the trickledown effect of Xbox 360 console shortages. By the end of March, supply issues had improved and we expect retailers to be fully stocked with Xbox 360 consoles in time for the “Grand Theft Auto IV” launch. According to NPD, 262,000 Xbox 360 consoles sold in March, reclaiming the #2 position in the next-gen console category.

In just two weeks, Xbox 360 will extend its industry lead with the year’s most anticipated game launch, GTA IV. Launching April 29, GTA IV will be coming to Xbox 360 on day one. GTA IV will feature the first ever online multiplayer for the franchise and Xbox 360 is also the only place you can earn GTA IV Achievements and increase your gamerscore.

Starting this fall, only Xbox 360 owners will have access to exclusive GTA IV episodic content. Whether it’s the results of online polls or data from pre-sells, consumers have made it clear that the benefits of Xbox LIVE and exclusive access to GTA IV episodic content are making Xbox 360 the chosen place to play GTA IV.

Kinda weak

Pretty much as expected, but they're REALLY counting on GTAIV aren't they!


schuelma said:
Microsoft PR:

Starting this fall, only Xbox 360 owners will have access to exclusive GTA IV episodic content. Whether it’s the results of online polls or data from pre-sells, consumers have made it clear that the benefits of Xbox LIVE and exclusive access to GTA IV episodic content are making Xbox 360 the chosen place to play GTA IV.

Man, they just keep nailing it.


neptunes said:
why is the highest selling PS3 game only 224k? According to the amount of people that bought PS3's (December, January, Feburary?) what are they doing?

not buying enough games, they need to become like 360 owners and become software whores.


I would bang a hot farmer!
frankie_baby said:
does anyone know what that makes march sales then?
No idea since I don't remember seeing Jan or Feb Canadian data. Stating that, it would make the 1Q sales for the Wii ~162K in Canada. To compare, 1Q 2007 = ~89K.


VALIS said:
Wow. Year of PS3 ended quickly.

And would someone take Pachter's license away from him already? I used to like him, but he's become ever more wacky. His predictions nowadays are just off the hook.
I don't recall exactly which month it was, but weren't his predictions closer than anyone elses(on GAF/Sims Exchange) a few months back?
Frillen said:
Pretty much as expected, but they're REALLY counting on GTAIV aren't they!

What??! GTA IV is coming out for the 360 on day one? I wouldn't have noticed. I wish microsoft would get the word out.
schuelma said:
Microsoft PR:

Consumers continue to make the ultimate vote for Xbox 360 as the console of choice by investing $9.4 billion to date this lifecycle in the Xbox 360 experience, far outpacing that of other game consoles. (March NPD data)

Going into March, some key U.S. retailers were still experiencing the trickledown effect of Xbox 360 console shortages. By the end of March, supply issues had improved and we expect retailers to be fully stocked with Xbox 360 consoles in time for the “Grand Theft Auto IV” launch. According to NPD, 262,000 Xbox 360 consoles sold in March, reclaiming the #2 position in the next-gen console category.

In just two weeks, Xbox 360 will extend its industry lead with the year’s most anticipated game launch, GTA IV. Launching April 29, GTA IV will be coming to Xbox 360 on day one. GTA IV will feature the first ever online multiplayer for the franchise and Xbox 360 is also the only place you can earn GTA IV Achievements and increase your gamerscore.

Starting this fall, only Xbox 360 owners will have access to exclusive GTA IV episodic content. Whether it’s the results of online polls or data from pre-sells, consumers have made it clear that the benefits of Xbox LIVE and exclusive access to GTA IV episodic content are making Xbox 360 the chosen place to play GTA IV.

Kinda weak

You realize exactly who they're talking about, don't you?
NeoUltima said:
Exactly. That's how much a lot of people play games. They don't see a need to spend more money on a 360/ps3 when they can get their fix with the Wii. Not to mention, Wii is considered "cool".

The Wii is winning because it's the right product at the right time. It didn't overshoot the market, and it favored function and design over technology. It also comes packed in with one of the best and most unique pieces of software this gen. It's entertainment value is unmatched in what is an entertainment (not technology) market.


Well Nintendo wiped away the competion in such a ridicolous way that there are no words although I believe they're winning their own race, a competition with a bigger reward maybe but still a different field in fact there is no impact on PS360 which follow their own path.
I was a bit surprised to see both PS3 and 360 sales going down in weekly sales compared to February in fact I expected both platforms to sell over 300k because of the 5 weeks month which means that my prediction sucked :lol :lol At least GOW and Crisis Core did well.
Next month will be more interesting with GTA4 and GT5P to fire numbers of non Nintendo platforms.


bigmakstudios said:
No, they're playing Wii Sports.
I'm being serious.

I don't doubt it.

I like the Wii, but I still get my real fix from PS3, so it's amazing that people can play just Wii Sports and nothing else for so long. But I guess that's why I'm a hardcore gamer, as opposed to the majority of Wii owners.


Kabuki Waq said:
when i said Smash has a chance of getting more sales than GTA4 everyone laughed.......do you guys think it has a chance now?
Well Smash just earned it self the third highest opening for a console game behind Halo 2, and Halo 3.
GTA I reckon might still beat that number too. I predict 1.9 million on 360 and 1 million on PS3.

Tom Penny

DCharlie said:
yet, it's 2 months since 50k or up for the PS3 apparently meant that PS3 would be soon the new master and that the X360 was finished.

It's amazing that a reversal in fortunes suddenly makes you all rational again.

Except worldiwde it has been outselling X360 by ove 100+ thousand every month this year. PS3 will maybe be even when it's said and done in the US but it will outsell the X360 everywere else.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Gamecocks625 said:
What??! GTA IV is coming out for the 360 on day one? I wouldn't have noticed. I wish microsoft would get the word out.

Commercials this weekend. I expect some movies to have ads as well.


omg rite said:
Sony and Nintendo would do the same exact thing.
No they wouldn't. Sony would mention MGS, they would mention Killzone 2 maybe. Nintendo would have a best of 2 world theme and mention wiifit or mario kart.

MS only has GTA right now.


non-sanctioned troll
VALIS said:
Wow. Year of PS3 ended quickly.

And would someone take Pachter's license away from him already? I used to like him, but he's become ever more wacky. His predictions nowadays are just off the hook.

Well, he did get closest on Wii and DS, but I'd attribute that more to his general crazy, over predictions, and Nintendo managing to somehow stock all that, rather than him being right. He loves him some PS3>360 though. Kinda like how he always has something bad to say about TTWO.


And even i am moderately surprised
To be fair, it's not like the 360 rebounded in any huge way. If anything the PS3 stumbled heavier than the 360 did.

i totally agree - the X360 numbers are turgid too , but the fact that the two are trending in line again means that gap isn't going to close any time soon.

But yeah, Sony fans saw those two months of mild sales victories as an obvious trend upward to ultimate domination.

now it's swung back the other way, they are rational so perhaps X360 on top is good for people's general sanity?

In truth both numbers are poor for this month.
lopaz said:
Tragic. It'd be better if they still played nothing!

Only people who follow games closely on the internet should be allowed to play them. Its more a privelege than a hobby.

Its really great to see the gaming industry thriving in a time when most (all?) other retail is struggling.

Yes Boss!

Captain Smoker said:
Halo 3 first month Can. + US: 3.415.982
Brawl first month Can. + US: 2.900.000


Yeah, Brawl will by far outsell Halo 3 over the life of the systems...that seems pretty given the way DS and Wii games have been tracking worldwide.


DCharlie said:
In truth both numbers are poor for this month.

Yes, I'd expect more people to buy PS3s simply because it's a blu-ray player. I wonder how much marketing Sony will do for GT5:p, as it's not really "GT" yet.

super funk said:
Its really great to see the gaming industry thriving in a time when most (all?) other retail is struggling.

Absolutely true, is the market really recession proof?


Put your snobby liquids into my mouth!
Mithos Yggdrasill said:
Probably arcade-&atari-hardcore gamers said the same thing when the NES launched in the US 23 years ago...
No, what I mean is that the value (for average joe) is pretty low when you compare it with the other two. It goes to show how marketing is everything I guess.


neptunes said:
why is the highest selling PS3 game only 224k? According to the amount of people that bought PS3's (December, January, Feburary?) what are they doing?

Watching Blu-Ray movies and not buying games.
Shadow Moses said:
How? How? Halo 3 is no where to be found on that list but this is going strong.

CoD4 has legs longer then Halo 3, confirmed?

These numbers are amazing.

SSBB has legs longer then Halo 3, confirmed? No PAL release yet? headexplode.gif?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
KGKK said:
This is true sadly. I know a lot of people who were never interested in videogames before ... the Wii and only play Wii sports.
wtf? It's sad that people who were never interested in your hobby before are now interested in it? Are you also the greatest person you know?


Agent Icebeezy said:
It's why my price cut odds are rising.

Microsoft needs to do something to differentiate the 360. Right now the public seems to consider them HD shooterbox brand A and HD shooterbox brand B. They're leeching off each other's sales.
DCharlie said:
i totally agree - the X360 numbers are turgid too , but the fact that the two are trending in line again means that gap isn't going to close any time soon.

But yeah, Sony fans saw those two months of mild sales victories as an obvious trend upward to ultimate domination.

now it's swung back the other way, they are rational so perhaps X360 on top is good for people's general sanity?

In truth both numbers are poor for this month.

Wii can sell as many consoles as it wants, but until major 3rd party companies start making games for Wii first and other consoles next their sales won't mean shit. Sure Nintendo is making a shitload of money but their sales aren't taking away any key games from 360 or PS3 any time soon.


Tom Penny said:
Except worldiwde it has been outselling X360 by ove 100+ thousand every month this year. PS3 will maybe be even when it's said and done in the US but it will outsell the X360 everywere else.

I like how you wont even concede 360 might beat PS3 in north america. The best it can pull is a tie. :lol It also makes the numbers you pulled out of your ass much more believable. /sarcasm


700K in fucking March? Smash 2.7 million in fucking March?

Insane. Gaming is recession proof confirmed?


GH3 Wii numbers are ridiculous still. I bet Harmonix/EA are really kicking themselves in the ass. Hopefully Wii masses won't purchase the watered down PS2 port.


mysticstylez said:
Wii can sell as many consoles as it wants, but until major 3rd party companies start making games for Wii first and other consoles next their sales won't mean shit. Sure Nintendo is making a shitload of money but their sales aren't taking away any key games from 360 or PS3 any time soon.
yeaaaaaaah baby NPD has started :lol


Yes Boss! said:
Yeah, Brawl will by far outsell Halo 3 over the life of the systems...that seems pretty given the way DS and Wii games have been tracking worldwide.

That's quite believable, especially world wide. Smash will undoubtly sell well over 10 Million when everything is said and done.


DCharlie said:
i totally agree - the X360 numbers are turgid too , but the fact that the two are trending in line again means that gap isn't going to close any time soon.

But yeah, Sony fans saw those two months of mild sales victories as an obvious trend upward to ultimate domination.

now it's swung back the other way, they are rational so perhaps X360 on top is good for people's general sanity?

In truth both numbers are poor for this month.

I agree, except of course on the 360 software front. It is still ridiculously good. And that, at the end of the day is the real difference here. This dynamic however will probably not change for a very long time, if ever.


mysticstylez said:
Wii can sell as many consoles as it wants, but until major 3rd party companies start making games for Wii first and other consoles next their sales won't mean shit. Sure Nintendo is making a shitload of money but their sales aren't taking away any key games from 360 or PS3 any time soon.

cept MH3


And even i am moderately surprised
Except worldiwde it has been outselling X360 by ove 100+ thousand every month this year. PS3 will maybe be even when it's said and done in the US but it will outsell the X360 everywere else.

why will it be maybe even though?

it's trending at best on a level with the X360 and it's millions behind.

It would take a massive reversal of fortunes and i just don't see that happening.

100k+ a month outsell.

well, with the X360 only 6 million ahead , it's only going to take another 5 years or so to draw level?

Yes Boss!

mysticstylez said:
Wii can sell as many consoles as it wants, but until major 3rd party companies start making games for Wii first and other consoles next their sales won't mean shit. Sure Nintendo is making a shitload of money but their sales aren't taking away any key games from 360 or PS3 any time soon.

wow, just wow.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
mysticstylez said:
Wii can sell as many consoles as it wants, but until major 3rd party companies start making games for Wii first and other consoles next their sales won't mean shit. Sure Nintendo is making a shitload of money but their sales aren't taking away any key games from 360 or PS3 any time soon.

You tell em son

Iwata's crying himself to sleep at night


mysticstylez said:
Wii can sell as many consoles as it wants, but until major 3rd party companies start making games for Wii first and other consoles next their sales won't mean shit. Sure Nintendo is making a shitload of money but their sales aren't taking away any key games from 360 or PS3 any time soon.

No one wants to take away your games. As for money not meaning shit, well that's what this whole damn thread is about, if it doesn't interest you then why are you posting?


Even though it's true that it would be very impressive (very unlikely) to see Ps3 beating 360 in america, I still think PS3 will end up second worldwide, wouldn't that make sense with what we know of sales in Europe and Japan?


mysticstylez said:
Wii can sell as many consoles as it wants, but until major 3rd party companies start making games for Wii first and other consoles next their sales won't mean shit. Sure Nintendo is making a shitload of money but their sales aren't taking away any key games from 360 or PS3 any time soon.

Why hello mr. obvious.
mysticstylez said:
Wii can sell as many consoles as it wants, but until major 3rd party companies start making games for Wii first and other consoles next their sales won't mean shit. Sure Nintendo is making a shitload of money but their sales aren't taking away any key games from 360 or PS3 any time soon.

Take a look at the OP again.

Now ask yourself: If you were a software publisher, would you ignore the Wii?

PlayStation 2 216K


PlayStation 3 257K


PlayStation Portable 297K


Xbox 360 262K


Nintendo DS 698K


Wii 721K


Super Smash Bros Brawl 2.7mil
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