Gary Whitta said:Sales no doubt destined to reflect its status as a poor runner-up to Gears of War 2.
jgwhiteus said:Additional numbers:
Wii Music - 81K
Loudninja said:How many platforms were GHWT release on?
dirtmonkey37 said:Its sales weren't measured for more than several days on October's NPD figures and it still amassed well over 200K in terms of sales.
If I remember correctly, MGS4 did about 750K in three weeks time.
That is fucking BULLSHIT and you know it.Relix said:Can you come up with a nice response except of laughing? Think of something and reply, ":lol :lol :lol "'s don't do a thing. There is a fact, the 360 is beating the PS3 for second year in a row, WORLDWIDE, and is gaining momentum on Japan and Europe. The PS3 doesn't have many hard hitters coming next year aside from KZ2 and maybe MAG. The 360 has a lower price tag. Everything on 2009 is to the advantage of the 360, like it or not. Oh, and Xbox has FF13 on USA, that has to count for something: one less heavy hitter for the PS3 (exclusive-wise).
I am not a system fanboy, but the results are clear now. The PS3 is the GCN of this gen.
BigBlackGamer said:RB came out in September. It charted for the September NPD back in October. GHWT LTD is on ALL platforms. Which means every platform probably sold about 90-120k
WrikaWrek said:Just wanted to say that not all hope is lost.
Wi music bombed.
Loudninja said:How many platforms were GHWT release on?
If you think Wii Fit is minigames, then you might aswell think every casual game is minigames and the other game I was referring is Mario Kart Wii, not Wii Play.Zachack said:Wii Fit and Wii Play aren't minigames?
TheOddOne said:Its still the year of the PS3!
/looks at numbers
Additional numbers:
Wii Music - 81K
GHWT (all SKUS) - 534K
RB2 (LTD) - 600K
Relix said:There is a fact, the 360 is beating the PS3 for second year in a row, WORLDWIDE,
Count Dookkake said:Too bad for Nintendo that Wii Music doesn't appear to be a system seller.
Haunted said:That is fucking BULLSHIT and you know it.
The Gamecube was profitable for Nintendo.
BigBlackGamer said:PS3, Wii, 360, PS2
RB2: 360, PS3
Wii Music: Wii (Obviously)
Relix said:I am not a system fanboy, but the results are clear now. The PS3 is the GCN of this gen.
Haunted said:Yes, that is the true key of Wii's (and the DS's btw) success - sustained software sales. A move away from overly front-loaded sales driving the consoles every month to a select few titles that have unbelievably long legs, unheard of for video games before this generation.
Agent Icebeezy said:Looks like Wii Music was jumping the shark for Nintendo. It had almost seemed like they should just press shit to a disc and people would eat it up because it was made by Nintendo and on the Wii. Maybe their level will be dropped a few notches and go back to making something that isn't Rock band with training wheels.
So this is what NMA looks like in an NPD thread.jett said:I guess there are literally millions of copies stacked on the storeshelves around the world then.
4 (doesn't appear to be on PC). 12 SKUs total (game, game+guitar, band).How many platforms were GHWT release on?
chespace said:We don't need, or want, the Wii fad to end.
Its success doesn't really hurt or change anything.
It's obvious that NPDs are all Nintendo fans have to look forward to anymore.
Just sayin', you know.Relix said:Good point. No wonder the Wii is making Nintendo twice the money :lol
Damn, that might be true, I have no idea how the sales curved back then.Glix said:Unheard of? In the NES and SUPER NES days, tons of the big N first party games had serious legs.
X26 said:By the end of this gen Wii's tie-in ratio is going to be <1
I just replied with a :lol: because I didn't want to get drawn into this childish bullshit. Read up on your facts (particularly about PS3 software in 09 and also the numbers/momentum for 08 on the two consoles worldwide, particularly Europe) and then get back to me.Relix said:Can you come up with a nice response except of laughing? Think of something and reply, ":lol :lol :lol "'s don't do a thing. There is a fact, the 360 is beating the PS3 for second year in a row, WORLDWIDE, and is gaining momentum on Japan and Europe. The PS3 doesn't have many hard hitters coming next year aside from KZ2 and maybe MAG. The 360 has a lower price tag. Everything on 2009 is to the advantage of the 360, like it or not. Oh, and Xbox has FF13 on USA, that has to count for something: one less heavy hitter for the PS3 (exclusive-wise).
I am not a system fanboy, but the results are clear now. The PS3 is the GCN of this gen.
CoG said:That makes the 360... The Xbox of this gen?
Something to be proud of?
djblackice said:Any source for this? I'm asking legitimately, because the NA YTD lead for the 360 is 18,000 units according to a prior post, but I don't know any worldwide numbers.
Frillen said:The problem is that sales are front loaded, especially when it comes to games. The only games that sell well over time, are either a) Nintendo games, b) casual games or c) games included in bundles. So Sony either has to hope that they can catch the casuals with LBP or they could go the easy route and put LBP in a bundle.
There's hasn't been a PS3 title yet with decent legs, except the ones that are bundled.[/QUOTE]
well, all of PS3's titles were bundled in one country or another.... hence sales of all sucked, eh?
Ysiadmihi said:Wow at Fable 2!
Glad to see Mario Kart Wii still going strong.
:lol at Dead Space. Hey guys, buy this game! It has no HUD and is therefore awesome!
Relix said:Good point. No wonder the Wii is making Nintendo twice the money :lol
WrikaWrek said:Just wanted to say that not all hope is lost.
Wi music bombed.
dirtmonkey37 said:Its sales weren't measured for more than several days on October's NPD figures and it still amassed well over 200K in terms of sales.
If I remember correctly, MGS4 did about 750K in three weeks time.
djblackice said:I love this gen. Brings out the true gamers, really.
plovie said:Well, Wii Music's failure is our victory. Now hopefully Nintendo will take a hint.
:lolSpeevy said:One of the best games ever (LBP) outsold one of the worst (Wii Music).
Stoney Mason said:This better be a shot at marketing and not a freaking awesome game!