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Official Ridge Racer DS Thread











Newbie said:
lets just hope there is an option to use the directional pad


And another one to use filtering on those "textures".

Actually, maybe switching backlight off would do. And frontlight too, just to make sure.

Actually let's just hope you can play it keeping your DS closed.

No, seriously, no need to worry; there's still a few weeks left before launch.
It might always get canned.


Hey, I was right about the wheel...

Looks nice, I want to play this, for my experience with DS could work quite nice.

By the way, Duke Juan, I find that pic quite disgusting more than other thing, but is just my opinion.
Speevy said:
This is easily one of the best looking DS games yet. What is everyone's problem?

This isn't impressive at all. Asphalt GT is the racer showing that the DS has some very nice 3D capablities when it comes to the genre.


Why does NST have to ruin everything? Seriously, would ity have been so hard for Namco to slap together a Rave Racer port? :(

Oh and SSX, where are the Asphalt GT pics? I've seen the nGage version, does the DS relerase look similar?


people have to accept that the DS will never look as good as the PSP.

Atleast these are first generation DS graphics. In a year or so we will se better looking games. It happens with every new console. Even the GBA.

that said, the DS can do much better than shown here.


Looking back at screenshots from PS1 era, DS is actually sharper. So whatever.

I use a tablet for pretty much everything on the PC, including gaming (where it's supported; Halo for instance is ultra-sensitive to it), and I think a racer like this could work excellently if you use one hand for precise analogue control and the other for simple keypresses (d-pad, in this case). The big advantage with the stylus here is that you can keep your stylus/finger steady on a certain position for exact pressure, whereas I always have trouble doing that with analogue sticks as there seems to be a very small threshold between "walk" and "run" in most games.


Will start substantiating his hate

> Looking back at screenshots from PS1 era, DS is actually sharper. So whatever.

That's because most screens from back then are video grabs. DS screen otoh are framebuffer grabs.


if this is all that the DS is going to provide is a useless panel of information, then I really don't see the 'innovation' that the DS suppose to have.

two screens is a novelty.


element said:
if this is all that the DS is going to provide is a useless panel of information, then I really don't see the 'innovation' that the DS suppose to have.

two screens is a novelty.

you might want to check out the advance wars thread, then.


element said:
if this is all that the DS is going to provide is a useless panel of information, then I really don't see the 'innovation' that the DS suppose to have.
Good thing Ridge Racer DS isn't the only software to judge that, huh?


element said:
if this is all that the DS is going to provide is a useless panel of information, then I really don't see the 'innovation' that the DS suppose to have.

two screens is a novelty.

Um, have you read the info on this game. The second panel is suppose to allow touch control. I'm guessing that happens through the steering wheel in the second panel.


Main Entry: 1nov·el
Pronunciation: 'nä-v&l
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, new, from Latin novellus, from diminutive of novus new -- more at NEW
1 : new and not resembling something formerly known or used
2 : original or striking especially in conception or style <a novel scheme to collect money>
synonym see NEW

Cool, less of the same old! :)

Considering the developer it's to be expected, but they seem to have outdone even themselves.

Steering seems to use the stylus (And not the thumb). The problem I have with this is if it requires the stylus, your index finger can't be used for the shoulder button and it's more like writing than playing. And worst of all, control isn't dependent on where the stylus actually is, it's how far you scribble across the screen. Need a hard turn? Scribble long strokes.


Very simply, they need to adjust it so you control the wheel with the stylus...and even then it might be fucked.

Is this a LAUNCH game though? Yikes.
Looks fucking great. RR64 was one of my favorite N64 titles, and this captures that same aesthetic. I can't wait for this. It better be a US launch title.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
That's retarded. I'm sure they'll but in D pad controls though, surely as it's being made by NST who've already put multiple control schemes in Metroid.

What the hell is wrong with NST? They always get it wrong early on, and then the media shout at them for a while and about a month before release, they change things as we wanted.


The game also runs at 30fps (compared to Asphalt Urban GT's 60 fps). Namco/NST should just can the whole thing, it's clearly a rushjob to make launch (the game started development after E3). Let Namco Japan do it themselves, and preferably port Rave Racer or Rage Racer instead....


Junior Member
RR DS gay
Styulus control gay
DS gay
Nintendo gay
Future DS owners gay
McDonalds gay
Superbowl gay


The Amiga Brotherhood
Yes, put this bastard thing out of it's misery.

Least there's the PSP one. Although I won't be happy till I get Rage Racer Redux.


The upper screen looks bad as it is, but the checkerboard pattern on the bottom makes it all look even worse. They could at least make the bottom screen an in-car view.


Redbeard said:
The upper screen looks bad as it is, but the checkerboard pattern on the bottom makes it all look even worse. They could at least make the bottom screen an in-car view.

Can't be done. Only one 3D screen at a time.

john tv

NST was such a great idea in theory... I dunno, what went wrong?

I hope this plays better than it looks. Cause it looks awful, and controlling the car with a stylus sounds about as exciting as playing Street Fighter III with a cell phone keypad. Lord...


Mistaken iRobbery!
john tv said:
Cause it looks awful, and controlling the car with a stylus sounds about as exciting as playing Street Fighter III with a cell phone keypad. Lord...

Imagine playing Street Fighter II with a stylus :O
Drawing a half-circle and stylus-ing the character across the screen...


BAD graphics but I hope it plays well. I am obligated to acquire every version of Ridge Racer no matter how good or bad it is.
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