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Official Ridge Racer DS Thread


snapty00 said:
Why *is* NST still around? Have they really made Nintendo any significant amount of money? It seems like if they were willing to get rid of someone like Rare for not significantly contributing to their bottomline, NST would've been gone years ago.
I don't know how much they contribute to the bottom line, but NST has been outselling Rare for years now. :p

I don't know why people bag on NST so much. Are they as good as EAD and other Nintendo divisions, no they're not. But they're still alot better than most other developers out there. Sometimes I wonder if some people hate them simply because the original Japanese teams aren't working on the games. Gaijins can turn out good games every once in awhile, even NST. :p Some of the comments against Mario Vs. Donkey Kong verged on the asinine. :p "OMG! I hate rendered graphics! NST sucks! The game doesn't play exactly like the 1980 arcade game! NST sucks! NST introduced new gameplay elements! We want only old stuff!"


MASB said:
I don't know how much they contribute to the bottom line, but NST has been outselling Rare for years now. :p

I don't know why people bag on NST so much. Are they as good as EAD and other Nintendo divisions, no they're not. But they're still alot better than most other developers out there. Sometimes I wonder if some people hate them simply because the original Japanese teams aren't working on the games. Gaijins can turn out good games every once in awhile, even NST. :p Some of the comments against Mario Vs. Donkey Kong verged on the asinine. :p "OMG! I hate rendered graphics! NST sucks! The game doesn't play exactly like the 1980 arcade game! NST sucks! NST introduced new gameplay elements! We want only old stuff!"
Well, I'd say the simple fact that pretty much none of NST's titles have really outdone the originals (for me anyway) is a good enough reason. I'd rather play RRR than RR64. I'd rather play WR64 than Blue Storm. I'd rather play DK '94 than Mario Vs DK. I'd rather play Tetris Attack than Pokemon Puzzle League.

That and the fact RRDS looks like ass well... pardon me for a little harsh criticism.


What I really want to know, and what I don't see a clear answer to, is whether or not there's an option of controlling the game in a more traditional manner. Stylus only control is a deal breaker to me. Might make this the first, and hopefully only, RR I don't buy.


SolidSnakex said:

I don't get the joke here. Can someone explain? It's just a pic that says New Ridge Racer....so?


isamu said:
I don't get the joke here. Can someone explain? It's just a pic that says New Ridge Racer....so?

did you read the post right before it? The person made mention that there was no indication that the PSP RR was a new RR, Than SSX posted a screen that said New Ridge Racer like 10 seconds later....it was funny at the time.


kpop100 said:
did you read the post right before it? The person made mention that there was no indication that the PSP RR was a new RR, Than SSX posted a screen that said New Ridge Racer like 10 seconds later....it was funny at the time.

You gotta fucking kidding me. That's IT? *YAWN*

Sheesh...the things you guys find funny these days :rolleyes:


isamu said:
You gotta fucking kidding me. That's IT? *YAWN*

Sheesh...the things you guys find funny these days :rolleyes:

like I said it was all in the timing...I didn't say the shit was Eddie Murphy Raw for cryin' out loud


kpop100 said:
like I said it was all in the timing...I didn't say the shit was Eddie Murphy Raw for cryin' out loud

yeah but going by the reaction you'd think it WAS Eddie Murphy Raw.


It's ok, I didn't get it either.. :p
jett said:
This isn't even a matter of opinion. You're just a goddamn blind fanboy.
Yes, because anyone who thinks a game looks good must be a blind fanboy of said game.


Grubdog said:
It's ok, I didn't get it either.. :p

Yes, because anyone who thinks a game looks good must be a blind fanboy of said game.

Well in the case of RR DS who ever thinks it looks good is just blind period.
jett said:
This isn't even a matter of opinion. You're just a goddamn blind fanboy.
Nope. You're just a goddamn witch who needs a kick in the nuts. Is it so easy to call anybody you wish a fanboy? I simply linked my friend to this thread to show him the screens of the game and we both agreed it looked like a lot of fun. Aesthetically similar to the first two games on the PSX. Is there anything wrong with that. But damn, for the untrained GAF-nerd, he was amazed at just how rediculous everyone acts here. I tend to agree, but I've been here far too long to see it from an objective perspective.
jarrod said:
Not at all... in fact all the Ridge Racer fanboys are pretty pissed. ;)
Shit, I've owned every RR game from the original up to the horendous depature that recently went multiplatform and I'm not bitching. The best in the series still remains Rage Racer and R4, but RR64 definitely catpured the appeal of the series. In fact, fans of the series should be happy the game has returned to its arcade roots, instead of that pile of steaming ass shit Evolution.
kpop100 said:
Well in the case of RR DS who ever thinks it looks good is just blind period.

"On the positive side, the game has good visuals and a solid array of racing options"

I guess Gamespot is blind then :(


seismologist said:
wait for the Xbox version.

wouldn't do me any good I don't have one.

anyway what IGN said about the control scheme is what you should be worried about more than the craptastic visuals.

"The Nintendo DS version showed off many elements to the game's design. First of all, it put to use the unique ability to control the game using the touch screen, manipulating a steering wheel for analog control. I can honestly say that, in the few minutes that I played the game, I didn't like it one bit...at least the way it was implemented. The device more looked at how much of the screen the stylus was being dragged across to rotate the steering wheel, instead of looking at the position of the stylus on the screen itself. I found myself slamming into corners simply because you needed to make sure you moved the stylus across as much screen as possible to take sharp turns. It's similar to driving with a mouse on the PC...which seems to work in FPS games as proven with Metroid Prime Hunters. But for driving, this is NOT intuitive."


seismologist said:
good thing you can steer with the d-pad.

yeah but that takes away the edge of having it on the DS no? The DS obviously wont beat the PSP in visuals, so different gameplay variations seem to be it's key advantage (touch screen and such). If those don't pan out there is nothing left.


kpop100 said:
shit I have my own eyes, I don't need Gamespot to form an opinion for me. it looks like ass.
kpop100 said:
anyway what IGN said about the control scheme is what you should be worried about more than the craptastic visuals.[/B]"
You have your own eyes, but not your own opinion? Oh i see.


Grubdog said:
You have your own eyes, but not your own opinion? Oh i see.

The graphics I can see in videos and pics, if I haven't played it of course I have to go on opinions for gameplay. I mean c'mon now not that hard is it?


Fair enough. If the controls are indeed really bad, there's hope that they could be corrected before the final product comes out, Nintendo seem to actually be listening to criticism now and responding to it, there is hope for this title!
kpop100 said:
yeah but that takes away the edge of having it on the DS no? The DS obviously wont beat the PSP in visuals, so different gameplay variations seem to be it's key advantage (touch screen and such). If those don't pan out there is nothing left.

well the other advantage is that you dont have to buy a PSP. :D


As a huge Rage Racer fan, I have to say that these screens look absolutely pathetic.

I am appalled that Namco would allow something like this to happen!


Goddamn, I can't believe some people are actually defending the graphics of this garbage.

P.S.: RR64 was crap, no real fan of the series is happy that this is a port of said game. :p
Fight for Freeform said:
As a huge Rage Racer fan, I have to say that these screens look absolutely pathetic.

I am appalled that Namco would allow something like this to happen!

As a fan, which it seems clear you're not, then you would've been appalled by Namco A LONG time ago with every shitty ass release they've put out. If one Japanese company is going to go down first, it'll be Namco. I guess being a Ridge Racer fan you remember and LOVE Evolution, right? No Ridge Racer fan would be appalled at the fact it was whored out to every system and ended up sucking balls anyway, right?

Goddamn, I can't believe some people are actually defending the graphics of this garbage. P.S.: RR64 was crap, no real fan of the series is happy that this is a port of said game. :p

What the fuck? I'm so sick of hearing this. So I'm a fanboy if I like the visuals or I'm no fan at all? You're full of shit. We can form our own opinions. And I don't appreciate someone talking shit about me in the manner you did simply because I enjoy the visuals of a game. If you go around talking like that in real life you'll get your face broken-in and pissed on. And just for the sake of drawing this stupid argument out further RR64 was fucking fantastic. Honestly, one of my most played racers next to Rage Racer and R4. RV sucked. So did evolution. Don't need to be a fan of the series to realize that. You people are just bitter witches that suck the fun out of everything.


evilromero said:
And just for the sake of drawing this stupid argument out further RR64 was fucking fantastic. Honestly, one of my most played racers next to Rage Racer and R4. RV sucked. So did evolution. Don't need to be a fan of the series to realize that. You people are just bitter witches that suck the fun out of everything.



evilromero said:
What the fuck? I'm so sick of hearing this. So I'm a fanboy if I like the visuals or I'm no fan at all? You're full of shit. We can form our own opinions. And I don't appreciate someone talking shit about me in the manner you did simply because I enjoy the visuals of a game. If you go around talking like that in real life you'll get your face broken-in and pissed on. And just for the sake of drawing this stupid argument out further RR64 was fucking fantastic. Honestly, one of my most played racers next to Rage Racer and R4. RV sucked. So did evolution. Don't need to be a fan of the series to realize that. You people are just bitter witches that suck the fun out of everything.

Best post i've read in a long time, I agree completely.
jett said:
Goddamn, I can't believe some people are actually defending the graphics of this garbage.

P.S.: RR64 was crap, no real fan of the series is happy that this is a port of said game. :p

"OH NOES. People with different opinion!! I'M SCARED!!!"

This is soooo immature and dumb. Why do you need to make sure everyone hate the game only because YOU don't like it? I just don't understand. You can post your opinion, but you're not supposed to call people "no real fan" because they liked a game and you didn't.


Will start substantiating his hate
The graphics could have been arcade perfect and the game would still suck. Daytona 4ever!


Tag of Excellence
Goddamn, the hell happened in this thread?

Well for the sake of argument I'm a pretty big RR fan myself. Of course I don't consider myself HARDCORE but I do like the series a lot! The N64 RR wasn't that bad, I don't understand why people consider it such a terrible title. I actually did enjoy it quite a bit although my memory is quite lacking so I can't recall just how good it was.

I'm hoping that Namco takes the DS more seriously than it has so far in regards to graphics and their top titles. Sure Mr. Driller is a godsend and I'm very happy with that but RR just seems like a port with some extras being worked on by NST instead of Namco themselves. I was hoping for more out of Namco, that's all.


Actually, as far as racing games go last-gen, I thought RR64 held up pretty well. Was it as good as Rage Racer or R4? No. But I'd say it came pretty close to them, and it's definitely one of the best racing games of that PSone/Saturn/N64 era. It was really fast for one thing, and it looked great on the N64. Controls were spot on, sliding was recreated well... I don't know what the deal is. I saw someone say NST screwed up the collision detection, and I do actually remember a couple times when I came to complete stops and shit when I hit a wall, which must mean I was unbelievably frustrated at the time, but I still have almost nothing but found memories of the game. I just can't understand why Nintendo or NST would push RRDS out the door at launch. I'd rather they delay it until after Metroid Prime Hunters, let them focus on that, and then fix this up and make it respectable. Let's hope it happens. I'd look forward to it, if not for the underwhelming graphics and questionable control.


evilromero said:
In fact, fans of the series should be happy the game has returned to its arcade roots

Littleberu, I didn't start this "fans of the series" bullshit. :p

Originally Posted by evilromero:
What the fuck? I'm so sick of hearing this. So I'm a fanboy if I like the visuals or I'm no fan at all? You're full of shit. We can form our own opinions. And I don't appreciate someone talking shit about me in the manner you did simply because I enjoy the visuals of a game. If you go around talking like that in real life you'll get your face broken-in and pissed on. And just for the sake of drawing this stupid argument out further RR64 was fucking fantastic. Honestly, one of my most played racers next to Rage Racer and R4. RV sucked. So did evolution. Don't need to be a fan of the series to realize that. You people are just bitter witches that suck the fun out of everything.

RR64 is "fucking fantastic", but RRV sucked? This is bizarro world. Anyway...maybe calling you a "goddamn blind fanboy" was too much, but seriously...this game looks just bad. How can you think it looks great? This argument isn't going anywhere anyway, you think RRDS looks great, you like RR64 and you hate RRV. Your opinion is the complete opposite of mine...and of most people too. :p

Second time you call me a "witch". WTF is up with that? :p Also, you seem a little bit angry. Relax.

Evolution is NOT a RR game, btw. :p


This is pure garbage Nintendo! Where is the gameplay revolution? Playing racing games with a stilus throws me back to the era when flash games became popular.

DS is d00med.


If I had to rank the console RRs...

01 Rage Racer
02 Ridge Racer V
03 Ridge Racer Revolution
04 Ridge Racer
05 Ridge Racer 64
06 Ridge Racer Type 04
07 R: Racing Evolution
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