Yo, if someone is fucking you with their QB on scrambles or rollouts, just audible your DE on the side he rolls out (everyone has their preferences [Wellie rolls right like Konex, GCQ dresses left]) just contain your DE on that side or spy him on that side.
If you have slow fucking DEs, just put your back-up LB who should be faster and contain/spy with him.
Also, if you're playing someone who rolls right and throws to their TE a ton, just hook zone the DE/LB over the TE, slide your Line to the strong side, move your DE to DT.
So now in a 4-3 you have this as your front four.
LB goes into a hook zone and takes away the first read for the QB at TE, LDE either spies or contains, reblitz the DT down and let the RDE rush.
You could also spy with the RDE so you're really only rushing 1, but the middle of the field feels more clustered and scary to throw into.