mrklaw said:Windows media connect 2.0
So this new version is faster, supports xbox360. Does it stream video to xbox360?
DaddyZ said:Have all the games gone gold yet? Im sure MS needs time to certify these games..then getting them made.
EGM92 said:Just a quick question, don't know much about the X360, since Sony is going with Blu-ray is MS going with HD-DVD?
EGM92 said:Just a quick question, don't know much about the X360, since Sony is going with Blu-ray is MS going with HD-DVD?
Yusaku said:No, but stupid people blab on about adding HD-DVD later, just like Dreamcast fans talked about a DVD-ROM version. The Xbox is stuck with what it has on November 22nd.
EGM92 said:Curious to add hd-dvd support wouldn't it require a new drive? or is it possible to do it with some sort of firmware update?
Yusaku said:No, but stupid people blab on about adding HD-DVD later, just like Dreamcast fans talked about a DVD-ROM version. The Xbox is stuck with what it has on November 22nd.
Yusaku said:Where did you hear we'll get to change our gamertags?
MetalAlien said:Hey I got to play an XB360 at walmart today.. Kameo.. was in..
Looks GREAT... every bit as good as the FMV we used to get in the intro of PS1/Saturn games and on the covers of the old game mags... except the edges... All the textures look incredible, the lighting, the effects, the models.... everything is wondeful... but the edge of everything still looks as rough as anything this gen... Maybe they will fix this later in the life of the new machines....
You know, back when the 3DO, PS1, Saturn, Jaguar, and Model3 were all new and we were dreaming of what games would look like 10 years from then. I don't think any of us had any idea that the edges of the objects in the game would be the hardest to perfect.
Still can't wait, the games otherwise look like old CGI... that's fantasic!!
MetalAlien said:Ok, got to play the other demos today.. while I was very impressed with Kameo... I'm am not so with the others.. I'm sure they games will improve but Brothers at Arms and King Kong looks more like slightly upgraded XB1 games....
The video settings of the monitor might have something to do with it but the jaggies were pretty bad on all 3...
Yusaku said:I'm sure you mean Call of Duty 2. :lol
I'm suprised people can't tell the difference between an LCD running in a lower-than-native resolution and aliasing. You only notice aliasing on edges, LCD scailing will have more of a universal pixelated look.
Having seen a kiosk actually running 720p NONE of the games have a problem with AA. COD2 is the only game with any real noticable aliasing (mainly because the demo level has more contrast betwen edges than the other demos), and even then you have to really look to see it.
I'm way way more concerned with the aparent lack of AF in Kameo. Fuck that shit.
Interesting. They got a NES in a glass cube on display for some reason.krypt0nian said:Cool vid of Major Nelson demo'ing a 360 for MS MVP's.
DaddyZ said:Have all the games gone gold yet? Im sure MS needs time to certify these games..then getting them made.
Chittagong said:Games go Gold when they pass certification. It's certified to fill a certain (in this case no doubt lowered) set of requirements and a reasonably low amount of killer bugs - then it gets the go ahead to the production of the Gold Master that is used for pressing the discs.
They'll probably need several rounds in cert unless MS has made the process ultra smooth. With manufacturing one week and shipping another, I'd say the final dates to pass cert and make US launch would be around Nov 8th. That's pushing it really tight, so I think actually next week might be the final week to get it through. This weekend will be hell to a poor bunch of testers!
Agent Icebeezy said:
Dave Hasle (Monolith): There's a saying among history types: "Sufficient technology, to the unsophisticated, is indistinguishable from magic." Although game developers are a more cynical lot, the same axiom holds. XNA is the laser-guided bomb of the game industry. The tools that XNA provides keep us from sweating the time-consuming little things (certification requirements, user interface grunt work, etc) and instead focus more of our energy on visuals, sound effects, and outstanding gameplay experiences. XNA shaves months from a production schedule, or more realistically, gives us those months back to do other things to make the game better. With the raised expectations in terms of production values, those shaved months are rolled back into the intense content creation and systems work that next-gen games require.
krypt0nian updated their launch release list and edited down to:
1. Kameo: Elements of Power
2. Call of Duty 2
3. Quake 4
4. Tony Hawks American Wasteland
5. Gun
6. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006
7. FIFA Soccer 2006
8. Need for Speed Most Wanted
9. Madden 2006
10. Live 2006
11. NBA 2k6
12. Perfect Dark Zero
13. Project Gothem Racing 3
14. Amped 3
15. King Kong
16. Dead or Alive 4
17. NHL 2k6
18. Condemned: Criminal Origins
19. Ridge Racer 6
Looks like we are closer to a real launch day list.
krypt0nian said:Oblivion is listed for early Dec now. =(
Yusaku said:You don't need to touch the monitor. Set the 360 to 720p from the dashboard.
That's probably why I'm not going to buy it at launch. With four or five other games, Oblivion will just be too much. I might just wait until there's a lull in releases to pick it up and dedicate a lot of time to it.Speevy said:Can you imagine how long X360 owners will be playing Oblivion? What a holiday launch game. Longest RPG ever.
MetalAlien said:I'll try it tonight and report back..
oh my that'd be hot.8bit said: