first things first...some nutbar puts a bounty on an opposing player's head....HEY DRENSCH WE BETTER SUE
and Mark Cuban weighs in on the NHL debacle....wonder what side he's on! Let's guess.
Motor City Mechanics coach Steve Shannon was suspended by the United Hockey League for the rest of the season for offering his players $200 to take out Flint Generals forward Kevin Kerr. UHL commissioner Richard Brosal said Shannon never admitted to offering the money, but a league investigation found that he placed the bounty on Feb. 2 when the Mechanics played the Generals in Flint.
Before the game, Kerr criticized NHL players who had joined UHL teams, saying they were taking time from minor league players. Chris Chelios, Derian Hatcher and Kris Draper of the Detroit Red Wings joined the Mechanics on Feb. 1. Another Red Wings player, Jason Woolley, recently signed with the Generals. Brosal confirmed that the bounty was $200, but said the amount wasn't important.
"I don't care if it was $5. You do not put a bounty on another player's head," Brosal said
and Mark Cuban weighs in on the NHL debacle....wonder what side he's on! Let's guess.
Its not easy to lose a billion dollars. Its even harder for an individual to lose $1,000,000,000.00 Sure, there have been moves made by individuals that have cost more than a billion in stockmarket value, but how many can actually stand up and shout to the world that they let a BILLION DOLLARS in cash disappear into thin air? I couldnt name one off the top of my head that has lost cash money of 1 billion dollars or more, until today.
Congratulations Bob Goodenow, President of the NHL Players Association. You turned down 30 teams paying what would probably average out to 35mm dollars in salary per team for this year. Thats more than $ 1,000,000,000.00 in cash that would have been paid to NHL players this year. Thats 1 Billion dollars that NHL players will never, ever, ever collect. Because of you. That puts you in rarified air. All you had to do was come off your high and mighty no salary cap horse in July rather than February. Whats ironic is that a Billion dollars is more than NHL teams will earn collectively over the next 25 years, under any deal.
The good news is that the NHL stuck to its guns. A strong financial foundation will make the league more viable in the short and long term. That will benefit NHL players far more than anything the NHLPA has done. Why was it so tough for Goodenow to realize that businesses that are at least breaking even can pay more money to more employees than businesses that are losing money?