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Oficial Ping Pong club = best anime ever thread

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Seriously. You have no funny bone in you at all if you can't watch those show and laugh your ass off and be completly disgusted at the same time.


I'd look for more pics but the best ones definatly aren't work safe.. :p

ANyone else buy the box set and watch the whole damn series ?


a scene from the manga:

the two protagonists dress up as schoolgirls so they can enter the girls' ping-pong team

however, at the tournament, they chicken out and go to a convenient store

in walks a blonde, male foreigner

so they lift up their skirts, flail their nostrils, and scream "FUCK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11" in English.
ANyone else buy the box set and watch the whole damn series ?

I've loved the show since the original VHS release, so I started picking up the single DVDs since they started releasing the episodes that didn't have a VHS release first... so I got screwed out of getting the box set. But I have all the single DVDs.

Any Make Way for the Ping Pong Club and Golden Boy fan should also check out Colorful. It's a series of perverted shorts and very funny. Not quite as good as Ping Pong or Golden Boy, but it's still really fun. And the DVD is a great value since you get the entire series on one disc and some nice extras to boot.


colorful you say ? Never heard of it actually but I'll have to check it out if its similar to golden by which is prolly my second favorite comedy.
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