OP, Sony didn't kill SEGA.
SEGA killed itself.
Oh I realize that NOW. Nothing could have saved Sega save MAYBE the DC having a 20:1 attach rate. That wasn't happening. That still didn't help me. Plus I was REALLY annoyed at the PS2 hype of the time. Especially as from everything I heard the machine was a pain in the ass to program for, the excuse that devs gave for no wanting to program on Saturn. I came to peace with it many moons ago, but back then, PS2 was not on my list. I could also afford to not buy one as my roomate grabbed one a year or so later.
I still have my copy of Gunvalkyrie aka the most underrated game of all time, just waiting for some emu
Preach on my brother! Gunvalkyrie was just flat out awesome, but it took me a while to realize HOW to really play it. I image most reviewers didn't even bother.
The lack of Phantom Dust in the OP is disturbing.
Same. Fit my hands perfectly. Damn you, malformed hand population!
The X-box 180 is probably my favorite console of that generation. FF12 may be on PS2, but everything else I enjoyed that generation was on X-box.
PS2 also had MGS3, Ys VI, and a few others, but it was also an era where a lot of the JRPGs were being crushed under the weight of their own ridiculousness. Grandia 3 broke my heart.
As for the lack of games, it was late, and I was going off of my memories. There were a few I knew I missed picking up back in the day that I was planning to grab, the Otogis, Phantom Dust, but very soon after I got my 360 my OGs hard drive died.
I just bought another one since the backwards compatibility on 360 sucks really.
amazing system. I loved the half time show in nfl2k with highlight footage, while the ps2 only had photos. Loved that hdd.
Backwards compatibility really did suck for most games. At least NGBlack played perfectly.
OG means original gangsta, or old git (apparently if you're british). It's just the way to label the first Xbox as Microsoft's naming scheme has really screwed things up. Hell, looking for information on the damn thing got a lot harder after May this year.
Such an amazing series, where's the third title/reboot dammit?
That looks awesome! Need to find it.
Also, anyone want to do a little write-up on their favorites, I'll add it to the OP.
Not to mention if anyone knows about the hacking scene. Never modded my Xbox, so I don't know a lot about it. I do know it had a ridiculously large homebrew/media player/emulator community.