Makes sense, I wan't particularly hopeful. At least a lot of games had system link support. Which is cool. How's the lag using a tunnel?
One, that game night sounds awesome.
Two, yeah you can tell the BC was ROUGH, and was only done to keep XBL players going as well as compete with the Wii and PS3. It really is shit though, so few games actually play as they were supposed to. Which is a hell of a shame.
It depends on the game. Some games are better at handling the latency than others. Ive played Halo 2 without issue (other than many of the people being foreign causing some lag) and Rallisport 2.
And glad game night sounds good, while you could play Halo 2 at any point the other games are usually empty. I want to play some Midtown Madness 3, never really played it online.