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oh brother should i be worried?

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Whether or not the guys story is bullshit, she's probably better off without him as far as I can tell.


If she asks you for 1500 euros to help her out, you are totally being set up.

(I'm disapointed, by the way)


1.) norinrad, you're an asshole ;-)

2.) this story was a dissapointment, you should've cheered her up with sex or something =P
No sex. i wouldn't have hit it anyway.

I dunno whenever she's miserable, my girlfriend in miserable and in turn i get to sit there and i don't get what i deserve.

She really has no idea where the bastard is. He could probably be in China by now. I have known her for a while now and her history with guys could expand over 6 books. She goes out of her way to do some really really crazy shit for them and yet they never seem to care about her.
Desperado said:
1.) norinrad, you're an asshole ;-)

2.) this story was a dissapointment, you should've cheered her up with sex or something =P

I'd rather be an asshole any day of the week than to fuck my g/fs best friend :)


Tell her to definately forget about the dude. He's either truly bad news or he's creeping with someone else and taking her for a ride.

What is with the attraction to assholes?
Well if he's indeed involved with the local Chinese mob, then she could be in deep trouble as well. I'd advice her to cut all ties with this asshole.


Chili Con Carnage!
Im 99.99999% certain she got punked. Shame.

Thanks for cheering up my tuesday afternoon norinrad, let us know if the guy shows up.


"I didn't bother to ask her if she'd like something to drink[I'm no gentleman]"

"I also told her either that asshole is lying to get rid off of her which made her looked like she was about to wet my whole place with tears"

lol that's what I was getting at...but the real asshole here is the girl's bf...

"What is with the attraction to assholes?"

It's like...women's nature to be attracted to assholes [well alot of women anyway.] Which makes no fucking sense, but still..


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
norinrad21 said:
I'd rather be an asshole any day of the week than to fuck my g/fs best friend :)

no no, you're an asshole for not offering her a beverage. Fuck lazy hosts!


Tell her you'll pay her $25 for a trip to the backyard. She'll have that $1500 back in no time!


The lack of illicit gf's-friend sex is not really redeemed by the out of leftfield appearance of the Chinese mob, but hey it's a good start. I don't need to check back in the thread to say that "Chinese mafia" wasn't one of the guesses.

Poor girl, her ex is clearly a piece of shit. Coming back, hitting her up for a 'loan' and then taking off again is bad enough, but that whole "2 phonecalls in 9 months" is unfuckingreal!


calder said:
The lack of illicit gf's-friend sex is not really redeemed by the out of leftfield appearance of the Chinese mob, but hey it's a good start. I don't need to check back in the thread to say that "Chinese mafia" wasn't one of the guesses.

Poor girl, her ex is clearly a piece of shit. Coming back, hitting her up for a 'loan' and then taking off again is bad enough, but that whole "2 phonecalls in 9 months" is unfuckingreal!

Seriously, this guy doesn't seem like a worthwhile mate. It would suck really hard if he actually brought some of that (if true) mob shit to her doorstep after being treated poorly already.


I dunno if I'm more excited about the NPD thread or what happens to norinrad.

Don't know why but I got a very nice chuckle out of that. Thank you cheering me up before going to work later. Heh.


I would put an end to the whole crying on your shoulder thing real quick. Women are super competitive this will lead to jealousy. This girl is into you. Women only go to men they are comfortable with. Women like to sleep with men there comfortable with. See where this is going? So far you should be able to get out of this but you have to tell this girl it's not cool for her to come to you place. Make sure your girlfriend is aware that you told her:

A: You are glad you could help her out and she could talk to you. Women grade their men with how they treat everybody else just as much as how you treat them. So in weird women world if you were harsh to this girl your girlfriend would think you were just as harsh to her.

B: Make sure your girlfriend is aware that you told this girl that you care to much about your girlfriend to continue this kind of situation. Lay on some drama about you think it's kind of awkward and may make you girlfriend uncomfortable. It's important that you girlfriend hears that even though some distraught women came to you place alone you still thought about her.


Yeah, I get in trouble with the Chinese mob every time I want to ditch a girl.

I mean, damn, does this chick have a functioning brain? Whoever he piped in China is due to deliver in about a month. Her dumb ass just bought his kid diapers and formula.

I'd have FHUTA and then wrote DUMMY in the small of her back.


man i don't think anybody expected that chinese mob story to happen. i mean the odds of that were probably less than her trying to kill him.


well he told her about being in trouble with the local chinese mob and that he had to return to china because he's not really certain about his life over here and what the mob would do to him

Haha. I'll use this excuse to break up with any future girlfriends.



International martial art movies star Jet Li would have killed the triads, challenged the boyfriend to a mortal street combat, and he would have banged the girl, all this in less than 90 minutes.

You, talked with her for 2 hours, then posted about it on the net

shuri said:

International martial art movies star Jet Li would have killed the triads, challenged the boyfriend to a mortal street combat, and he would have banged the girl, all this in less than 90 minutes.

You, talked with her for 2 hours, then posted about it on the net


LOL, but he would need a random black rapper to help him.


Unconfirmed Member
I just wanted to pop in here and say this thread had me dying this afternoon. All the posts in the thread leading up to norinrad's return were golden


norinrad21 said:
I'm thinking about turning on the PS2 and playing some ratchet and clank while she's here, my girl told me she's pretty much into videogames so i figured maybe thats why she's coming over?

hmmmm scratches hear

It's a good thing you didn't do that. Would have surely ended in sex.
That's just the bedtime story I needed to hear. norinrad21, I'm going to go to sleep and try to lucid dream about the whole thing. If it's cool, I'll post about it. If it's not, I can at least offer www.lucidity.com as a reference for techniques on how to have your own lucid dreams.

Why is this relevant to my dreams or dreaming in general? Well, in my case, I'm from a farming community in Texas. There is no way I'd ever hear of any such thing in my area community. Sure, there's the odd story of a guy in town who made his bucks at the local airport smuggling whatever it is that people smuggle in private planes. There's even fanciful tales of wife swapping, but to hear anything close to this: I had to go, gasp, away from home and off to college. From a professor of mine, I learned how some mafia came in waxed the whole family of Texas' official in charge of issuing permits for pari-mutuel betting and gambling. Mob bosses and other crime families applied in every way possible to get betting and casinos in Texas, but the official wouldn't budge. The crime scene where he and his family lie shot to death was pronounced as a murder/suicide by whatever local yokel of the hill country. It really even looked that that’s what might have happened. The only contention is that a deputy noticed that the carpet was vacuumed after everyone in the house was dead. No footprints, not fingerprints, no sign of forced entry....just that the BoogyMan came in and tidied up a bit, post mortem. … Tell me that wasn't some mafia charter bent on getting revenge for non-issue of gambling permits.

Ahh, that's better.

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