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Oh no. FREDDY vs JASON vs... MICHAEL MYERS? Say it ain't so!

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Hollywood Square
As read at Creature Corner...

by Dave Dreher

Source: Bloody-disgusting.com
11.05.2004 -

Bloody-disgusting.com has reported some of the craziest news I have heard in a while. It seems that they found a video clip of Robert Englund talking at some movie premiere about a "back-up" plan to the Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash film that we all know now is kaput. If you're to believe what you hear on this clip it seems that a Freddy vs. Jason vs. Michael Myers film was or is being discussed. He mentions Jamie Lee Curtis as possibly being involved.

It really is quite cool. The clip is hosted on a site called IESB and you can view it by clicking right here. The clip requires Windows Media Player, so keep that in mind before you click.

This idea has been thrown around before and it is horrible idea. If you were to rank horrible Hollywood ideas on a scale of 1 through 10, it easily ranks an 11. Michael Myers, albeit more famous than Jason or Freddy, isn't even in their league in terms of mystical, whacky bullshit. Not only that, if we're to believe the current Halloween continuity, then all the "Thorne" druid cult bullshit has been tossed away, meaning Michael Myers is nothing more than a slick serial killer (with no teleportation and druid shit!).

Also, Jamie Lee Curtis? I'm pretty sure they killed her off for good.


being watched
Jeezbus. How many times can you possibly kill Micheal Myers.

And yeah Curtis looked comprehensively deaded last time around...the shit cam movie with that lame rapper dude.

Freddy vs Jason vs Candyman would be a better bet.

Or Freddy vs Jason vs Chuckie.

Or Freddy vs Jason vs Entire Charles Band back-catalog.


Hollywood Square
Jeezbus. How many times can you possibly kill Micheal Myers.

Well, if you are to believe current post-H20 continuity, Michael Myers has never died. Never been killed.

If you are still one of those people that prefer the continuity set by the post-Carpenter/Hill films (Halloween 4 through 6), he's some kind of super demon druid cult bullshit that can be resurrected and healed. Lame!

And yeah Curtis looked comprehensively deaded last time around...the shit cam movie with that lame rapper dude.

We can only hope Busta Rhymes is sodomized by Freddy and Jason to make up for his lame antics. I was really afraid that Destiny's Child chick would follow suit in Freddy vs Jason, but pleasantly surprised that the dynamic duo did her in good.

Freddy vs Jason vs Candyman would be a better bet.

Or Freddy vs Jason vs Chuckie.

Or Freddy vs Jason vs Entire Charles Band back-catalog.

Candyman would be a better bet, but his films, like the Halloween franchise, are too serious. Clive Barker really doesn't go for the whole "campy slasher" thing.

I'm not quite sure if there's a decent alternative to Ash and I'm beginning to wonder if they should leave this series off at one film.

And for the love of God, no Leprechaun, Pinhead, Wishmaster, Scream, Pumpkinhead or any other shitty second-tier villain crossover ideas.

evil ways

How about just simply Freddy vs Jason 2, bring back Heather Langenkamp, John Saxon and Corey Feldman as Tommy Jarvis.


Hollywood Square
evil ways said:
How about just simply Freddy vs Jason 2, bring back Heather Langenkamp, John Saxon and Corey Feldman as Tommy Jarvis.

Lagenkamp is such a prude now, but she still makes my crotch itch.
Michael Myers is nothing more than a slick serial killer

No he's not. He's the shape, the boogeyman...in other words, pure evil in human form. As Loomis says, "This isn't a man." And the only Halloween lore I go by is the original. Halloween II was just a forced sequal with zero heart behind it.


Hollywood Square
Spectral Glider said:
No he's not. He's the shape, the boogeyman...in other words, pure evil in human form. As Loomis says, "This isn't a man." And the only Halloween lore I go by is the original. Halloween II was just a forced sequal with zero heart behind it.

Loomis says a lot of things. By Halloween 6 he's a bumbling crackpot with hints of pedophilia. I can't take him seriously.

He's a serial killer, through and through.

Current Halloween continuity follows only Halloween, Halloween II, Hallowen H20 and Halloween: Resurrection.
Willco said:
Loomis says a lot of things. By Halloween 6 he's a bumbling crackpot with hints of pedophilia. I can't take him seriously.

He's a serial killer, through and through.

Current Halloween continuity follows only Halloween, Halloween II, Hallowen H20 and Halloween: Resurrection.

That was one of the things that sucked about Halloween II, it was the beginning of the Loomis characiture, where they had him spouting off all that crap about Sam Hain. His performance was pure comedy. And then they drummed up that nonsense about Laurie Strode being his sister. Don't buy into any of that.....Carpenter imagined the original as being one film and that was it. That's why he's pretty much distanced himself from the series and tried to force them into a different direction with the third one. HII and H20 are what the Akkaad's would like you to believe now, but I really don't care.


Count of Concision
Willco said:
Current Halloween continuity follows only Halloween, Halloween II, Hallowen H20 and Halloween: Resurrection.

How do you figure? I thought that only Halloween 3 was a side-story (blech), and the rest were continuous, no? Well, that guy repeatedly hits him in the head in part 6, supposedly killing him, but I just figured he got resurrected again. :p

Btw, Michael Myers is easily the scariest and most kick-ass of all the baddies. I love it in Halloween 5 how Loomis and the sheriff return to the police precinct only to find like 10 cops dead by Michael's hand-- cool shit. :D

EDIT: Oh, you mean the whole "Jamie Lee Curtis is his sister" stuff? Yeah, I guess I can see that-- after all, if that's the case, then why does he totally ignore her for the middle of the series while going after that little girl? So I guess they did sorta fabricate the Laurie Strode is Myers' sister stuff.


Hollywood Square
Loki said:
How do you figure? I thought that only Halloween 3 was a side-story (blech), and the rest were continuous, no? Well, that guy repeatedly hits him in the head in part 6, supposedly killing him, but I just figured he got resurrected again. :p

Dimension Films no longer considers Halloween 3 through 6 as part of the "mainstream" Halloween series after Halloween H20. Since Halloween H20, the franchise has completely disregarded the middle part of the series and recognizes only Halloween, Halloween II, Halloween H20 and Halloween: Resurrection as official Michael Myers canon.

This was mainly due to the fact that the genre fans were pretty outraged with the druid cult direction the series had headed into and the debacle that was Halloween 6. I'm not sure if you've ever heard how that movie was butchered. I'm not sure that movie could've came out any good either way, though.

I'm one of the fans that embraces the new, reformed continuity because I think that "Thorne" curse bullshit is just that -- bullshit.

Btw, Michael Myers is easily the scariest and most kick-ass of all the baddies. I love it in Halloween 5 how Loomis and the sheriff return to the police precinct only to find like 10 cops dead by Michael's hand-- cool shit.

Oh, I agree. But I think Michael Myers works because in the end, he's human and not some super zombie thing that Vorhees is or a dream demon that spouts one-liners, like Freddy.

EDIT: Oh, you mean the whole "Jamie Lee Curtis is his sister" stuff? Yeah, I guess I can see that-- after all, if that's the case, then why does he totally ignore her for the middle of the series while going after that little girl? So I guess they did sorta fabricate the Laurie Strode is Myers' sister stuff.

Because the little girl is his neice according to the continuity set by Halloween 4 through 6, and Laurie Strode is reported as dead. However, as previously stated, this continuity has been completely disregarded and Halloween 4 through 6 exist only in some kind of parallel universe, similar to Halloween III.
How do you figure? I thought that only Halloween 3 was a side-story (blech), and the rest were continuous, no? Well, that guy repeatedly hits him in the head in part 6, supposedly killing him, but I just figured he got resurrected again. :p

After the success of Friday the 13th, the producers demanded a sequal. II was supposed to wrap up the storyline.

III was an idea by Carpenter and Hill to produce a series of films all taking place around the holiday of Halloween. After III bombed, the idea was scrapped of course.

Cut ahead years later with Jason and Freddy achieving cult status and there is much demand from horror fans to bring back the Shape.

Halloween 4 brings him back, but they decide to have the "surprise" ending in which Micael's niece would become possessed by the force and take over the killing by offing her step sister. Fans don't like it.

Halloween 5 just brushes off the ending of 4 and that the niece didn't really kill anyone. She's just wacko and is somehow psychically linked to Michael or something. Then they introduced some mysterious stranger who busts Michael out of prison at the end.

Halloween 6 explains the mysterious stranger as being the head Dr. of the sanitarium that originally kept Michael as a boy. Turns out the Dr. is a spooky leader of some druid cult that wants the power of Michael, who is cursed by Thorn or some shit, to, oh, I dunno, take over the world or something. I dunno, I only saw the movie once and swore never to watch it again.

H20 takes place as if parts 3, 4, 5 and 6 never happened. Which is fine, but then they release part 8 which has Michael just being mad cause somebody is in house. The series really does suck after the original. Which is why I only acknowledge the original as the true story of Michael...the rest is just nonsense.


Hollywood Square
Yeah, the only inconsistency with the new continuity is that if his motive is to kill his family members, then he should've been off hacking away at Josh Jartnett instead of playing BlairWitchProject.com with Busta Rhymes.



Google Ads hates you, Federman!


Id rather have this than vs Ash, since the above mentioned franchises are dead and buried, while Evil Dead series is as close to horror perfection one can get,.
I've only seen the original Evil Dead, but isn't Ash like the big hero in all those movies? I don't see how pitting him against them makes sense because there would be a natural tendancy to make him the victorious one no matter what occurs. The whole point of having two or more bad guys, I would think, would be to keep an audience guessing as to an outcome.


Hollywood Square
Spectral Glider said:
I've only seen the original Evil Dead, but isn't Ash like the big hero in all those movies? I don't see how pitting him against them makes sense because there would be a natural tendancy to make him the victorious one no matter what occurs. The whole point of having two or more bad guys, I would think, would be to keep an audience guessing as to an outcome.

He's the hero, but Ash always gets beat up and then beats the shit out of the bad guys at the end. The funny part is having him get beat up.

The whole point of having two or more bad guys is finding out who will win. We've covered that, so the twist of having a guy you can root for against two horror juggernauts is not just an intriguing idea, but a brilliant one as well.


Count of Concision
Thanks for the info, guys. I already knew most of the stuff (I've seen each Halloween about 10 times, with the exception of the wretched third installment-- "happy happy halloween, silver shamrock! :D), but I never knew that Laurie was supposed to be dead during 4-6; since she was supposed to be, then they brought her back with H20, I can see why they'd ignore the middle chapters. :p

Willco, yeah, I know that there were two versions of 6 originally; in fact, I saw it once when I was 16-17 or so-- somehow a friend of mine had gotten a hold of the bootleg cut of the unreleased version. Don't really recall what it was like, as we watched it bleary-eyed at like 3 AM, and I was half asleep.

You guys didn't like the whole druid twist? I happened to like it for the most part, although it got a bit too outrageous after a while. The scene in 6 where Michael goes into the operating room and carves up his "superiors" was great. :D And seeing Michael in the jail cell at the end of 4, even for a brief time, was great-- he looked so helpless. Why wouldn't they have just chopped his head off or something? :lol "We're transferring him to a federal prison"-- err, yeah...if ever there was a clear case for capital punishment, that was it guys. :p

The Halloween soundtrack owns you. Still gives me chills. Hah, you know what was a funny part? The part in 5 where Michael is chasing the two kids through the forest in the car, and they keep cutting to the view from Michael's eyes, and you can see all these trees that there was NO WAY the car could weave through, but somehow it just kept making insane maneuvers to catch up with the kids. :D


Loki said:
And seeing Michael in the jail cell at the end of 4, even for a brief time, was great-- he looked so helpless.

I think you've got 4 and 5 reversed...'cause I know 5 ended with shotty laming and the old man, THEN THE LITTLE GIRL REPEATS THE CYCLE OMG WTF


Hollywood Square
I don't care for the 80s Halloween continuity, with its drudic cult stuff, but that doesn't stop me from watching 'em every year when they're on AMC.

I think Halloween 6 probably had one of the best setup for a Halloween flick, the best cinematography, the best setting, etc. It had so much potential that is ultimately just ruined. You've got a character returning from the original, Halloween is banned (I always dug this idea!), arguably the best iteration of Haddonfield since the original and just some great visuals from a technical aspect. All of it horribly butchered.

Halloween 4 and 5 bother me, not scare, but bother me. Upsetting is probably a better word. They're so gray. So cold. So very sterile. Whereas I always saw Haddonfield in the first two Halloween films as a recognizable suburb, the Haddonfield of the 80s was always so gray, empty and much, much smaller. It seemed like some rural town more than a suburb, where it was always a bit detached from reality. Didn't care for that at all.
Willco said:
He's the hero, but Ash always gets beat up and then beats the shit out of the bad guys at the end. The funny part is having him get beat up.

The whole point of having two or more bad guys is finding out who will win. We've covered that, so the twist of having a guy you can root for against two horror juggernauts is not just an intriguing idea, but a brilliant one as well.

I dunno, I guess. It's just that the movies had become so formulaic, that the bad guys had become the guys to root for. Bringing in a set good guy, to me, takes away the intrigue. It goes from being a "who will win" to "how does Ash get out of this?" movie. Of course, they took the cheep way out with the first FvJ ending, so I guess it doesn't much matter anyway.

You guys didn't like the whole druid twist? I happened to like it for the most part, although it got a bit too outrageous after a while. The scene in 6 where Michael goes into the operating room and carves up his "superiors" was great. And seeing Michael in the jail cell at the end of 4, even for a brief time, was great-- he looked so helpless. Why wouldn't they have just chopped his head off or something? "We're transferring him to a federal prison"-- err, yeah...if ever there was a clear case for capital punishment, that was it guys. :p

The operating room scene was cool, but one good scene doesn't save an abomination of a story line. And the prison thing is just one minor example of how fruity the whole thing was getting. One of my favorite corny lines from part 4 is with the renegade rednecks, "The phone don't just ring at a police station, no way, no how. "

I think you've got 4 and 5 reversed...'cause I know 5 ended with shotty laming and the old man, THEN THE LITTLE GIRL REPEATS THE CYCLE OMG WTF

In 4, Mikey gets blasted down into the well by the police and renegade rednecks where, of course, they just walk away and leave him. Then the little girl puts on the clown mask and supposedly hacks her step sister up with a pair of scissors. Then, part 5 starts with Mikey washing up with the blind guy.


Hollywood Square
Yeah, Michael's niece kills her stepmom or whatever at the end of Halloween 4 and Loomis goes into his creepy, pedo act going, "NO NO NO NO NO no no no non on onononono argh get in my coat children!"


Spectral Glider said:
In 4, Mikey gets blasted down into the well by the police and renegade rednecks where, of course, they just walk away and leave him. Then the little girl puts on the clown mask and supposedly hacks her step sister up with a pair of scissors. Then, part 5 starts with Mikey washing up with the blind guy.

Arg, typo on my part, I meant 4. :p
Willco said:
Yeah, Michael's niece kills her stepmom or whatever at the end of Halloween 4 and Loomis goes into his creepy, pedo act going, "NO NO NO NO NO no no no non on onononono argh get in my coat children!"


Loomis may be just as evil as Michael cause he came back almost as many times. He survived the hospital explosion in II. He was supposed to be dead at the end of 5....but was somehow back in 6.

They need a guy to replace Loomis....they should have brought somebody new on board in part 8. While they turned him into a screaming freak, he at least was something that seperated the Halloween series from Freddy and Jason a little bit.


Hollywood Square
I was always keen on those fan rumors that they'd introduce his son, some sort of agent for whatever law force they wanted to use, who'd be obsessed with Myers since he kind of wrecked his family. Y'know, Loomis had a kid and a wife, but lost both because he became so obsessed. And in a vicious cycle, so did his son.


They could dig up Donald Pleasance's corpse and wiggle his arms a bit while flapping his jaw while moaning eerily!

That'd outplay his parts in 5 and 6!
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