By the way, I was just using stupid stereotypes to point out what you wish you were, an official "drug dealin', freewheelin' boy in da hood" as opposed to what you actually are, a fucking poser who thinks that being black is something that officially tells you are a cool, menacing figure whose sex-appeal will be awfully hard for chicks to bear with, even with those godawful shoes in your feet. Oh and by the way, I'm from Quebec, Canada, which is about as far as a country can be from a freakin Red State mentality. I'm not RACIST, as you think I might be, I'm just against idiots, white, black, red, blue, fushia, every kind of idiot. And you fit the bill perfectly.
P.S. What I don't like about some black people is the same thing you black people despised back in the days : some people are just too proud of their skin color for my taste. Being black isn't automatically being cool, or being sexy, or being a fucking stallion (how clever is that nick...), as being white never was being a superior race. Those KKKs dumbasses were awfully wrong, those nazis were awfully wrong, and in a lesser kind of way, you are wrong. I have black friends, I have latino friends, I have white friends, and when I think of them, I don't think of 'em as being of any color except cool. They're all cool, and you're not. Wake up. And please, get rid of those shoes.