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Oh the humanity...

I know you have all been waiting for this moment...

A moment when members of this forum on the left and right could come together under a common cause... I think that day has finally come.

Ladies and Gentlemen, featuring Sonic the Hedgehog, Larry Lovage, the cast of SSX3, and even our esteemed Lara Croft: VG Unity and their amazing hit.."Stand and Choose!"

VG Unity - Stand and Choose!


I've been trying and trying to watch this video... finally figured out that you have to disable your pop-up blocker. Here goes!



I guess they didn’t use any Nintendo characters since that demographic isn't old enough to vote


Tag of Excellence
THAT WAS SO FUCKING BAD. I can't beleive I had to accept cookies for this.

Patrick Star, Chewbacca, WWE characters, Tony Hawk, Crash Bandicoot, Sonic, Mortal Kombat characters, Blood Rayne, UT2K4 characters, Under the skin, Leisure Suit Larry and the girls, Psi-Ops.
impirius said:
Holy crap that was awesome I'm gonna go vote twice

Make sure you play some chess first.. its apparently what you do before you vote..

See isn't it nice that Sonic is there to show you the way!


Red Mercury said:
Make sure you play some chess first.. its apparently what you do before you vote..

See isn't it nice that Sonic is there to show you the way!
i think Sonic wuz winnin b/c he's TOTALLY SMARTER than scopion lolhugz


Tag of Excellence
Red Mercury said:
See isn't it nice that Sonic is there to show you the way!
And Crash Bandicoot was doing yoga, holy shit I'm off to excerise now! SEE YA GUYS!

Nick Scryer seemed so angry after he left the voting booth. Maybe he lost to Sonic, he's a beast at Chess I hear.


There's ANOTHER video on that page for "Ride With Me" using all the characters. What is this?

Why are people messing with the abstract personification of videogames?


This video is from MTV2's new show VideoMods. They take videogame characters and have them perform popular songs. It's not the greatest thing ever but if you take it for the cheesy thing it is, it's fun. The next new episode is due on October 30th(new episodes pop up every other week).



This is the worst thing I've EVER seen. I saw the Daily Show thing last night, and thought I'd just be able to avoid it, but apparently not.
aoi tsuki said:
If i'm not mistaken, Sonic and Tails are the only two Japanese characters in the entire video. Why Sega, why?



Tag of Excellence
They have that little Alien from Under the Skin, that's another Japanese character.

I just saw it again (showed it to a friend) and noticed they had Sam Fisher, that girl from Psi-Ops, Tak from Tak and the power of JuJu, GARRET FROM FUCKING THIEF (ROFL ROFL), Spongebob Squarepants, Nick Kang, etc. The composite job they did at some parts really sucls.

I take it back, it has Garret from the Thief series, that made my day.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I think some of you take everything too seriously, these video mods are just cheesy fun.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
aoi tsuki said:
If i'm not mistaken, Sonic and Tails are the only two Japanese characters in the entire video. Why Sega, why?

The Alien from Under The Skin/Panic Maker is in the video too. Capcom is on the payroll too, it seems.

Also let me say again that Under The Skin SUCKS and should be avoided.


All these western game characters are REALLY generic.
Do you see how stand out the japanese characters are? How easy it is to pick them out? THat's a mark of good design.

This commercial would have been better with the new link, the new dante, master chief, and Viewtiful Joe.
olimario said:
All these western game characters are REALLY generic.
Do you see how stand out the japanese characters are? How easy it is to pick them out? THat's a mark of good design.

This commercial would have been better with the new link, the new dante, master chief, and Viewtiful Joe.

Extremely true. Hence why I don't play many western games. A good deal of it (not everything mind you) simply bores me to tears, and the character designs is a big part of it.
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