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Oh yes. Beautiful. IGNPC reviews Spiderman 2!


Scathing reviews are funny sometimes!


Closing Comments
I guess Activision and Fizz didn't listen to Spidey's mantra. With great power comes great responsibility. Unfortunately, there will be little culpability to go along with that. Even Tobey Maguire sounds bored and horrified during most of his cutscenes, even though his part was almost positively done before he ever saw the game. Maybe his Spidey-senses were tingling.

I could probably say more bad about the game and go into detail about the bad and some of the "high points" but what's the point. Spider-Man 2 for the PC is a piece of crap. If you want a real Spider-Man 2 game, go pick up one of the console versions. If you don't own a console then consider yourself out of luck. You won't find any amount of web slinging fun that could come close to matching the fun and frolic of the movie. After three hours (if you can make it that far) of crappy controls, mediocre visuals, and boring and generally unimaginative gameplay, you'll actually be glad to have finished the game so you can return it or burn it and move on with your life.

-- Dan Adams

LOL. What the heck is Activision thinking by trying to trick the PC consumer?!?! The final stats:

4.0 Presentation
Story? Who? I know there's folks in costumes... something about Doc Ock... eh, who cares about presentation?
6.0 Graphics
Almost entirely unimaginative or artistic. Not technically good at maximum settings. Bad at the lowest settings. Choppy at times to boot.
5.0 Sound
Sound is boring, boring, boring. Mysterio sounds alright as does Rhino... I guess. Tobey sounds like he wants out.
4.5 Gameplay
How simplified can you make a product? Ask Fizz Factor, they have it down to a science. Too bad that formula moves this game towards the opposite of good.
2.0 Lasting Appeal
Three hours to finish without looking for the extra crap. Why would you want to look for crap?
(out of 10 / not an average)

Is the real Spiderman 2 ever coming to the PC?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I, for one, really couldn't care for this game on PC. But I do find it interesting that the PC version is getting such terrible reviews.

PC is for shooters and RTS mostly.

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
teh_pwn said:
I, for one, really couldn't care for this game on PC. But I do find it interesting that the PC version is getting such terrible reviews.

PC is for shooters and RTS mostly.

Such inspired commentary from such an eloquent poster. Why am I not paying for this?
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