Thinking of changing my profile to this as my current one is incredibly dry in comparison:
My self-summary:
I'm like a sword, I cut through the bullshit. [do better, this should be filled with stuff that can get across what your general attitude is. you put something like this in your profile and you come off as stand-offish and possibly rude, who wants to hang around with that?]
What I'm doing with my life:
Constantly self-improving under the guise of self-imprisoned enterprise. Basically I excercise daily and I try to read a fuckton of books(1-2 weekly, so much OMG!) and watch atleast 1 movie(a week) so I can get some goddamn culture in me. [watch the language, it helps. also saying that you get most of your culture from movies could be a red flag, do you go out? do you see movies with friends? what are you doing to make your life better and exciting? if you're just sitting around watching movies and reading books, while 2 great activities on their own can sometimes be misconstrued as "I want to be left alone"]
I'm really good at:
Common Sense
Untangling things
Fixing your computer
Trying new foods
Banging out a 100 sentences
[like it was said earlier, burn "oral" out of the list. let them find that out themselves. make this section fun to read, just listing things off is boring and people mostly skim/skip it, make yourself interesting to read about! what are you banging out 100 sentences for?]
The first things people usually notice about me:
My hair, Fabio fall back.
[old reference, but it could work. if your hair is all you got going for you though...]
Favorite books, movies, shows, music and food:
Here are some examples:
Books: Mystery(Touching Evil), Fantasy(Game of Thrones), Scifi(Halo)
Movies: Action(Kill Bill), Drama, Thriller, Horror(silent Hill), Comedy(Easy A)
Shows: Drama(House M.D., Luther) Comedy(Archer, Futurama, Simpsons) Scifi(Battlestar Galactica)
Music: Pop(Little Boots, Gaga, Lykke Li) consumes my taste foremost, then Dubstep(the real kind, not the WUB WUB such as Burial, Clubroot) and Classical and a bit of a bunch of other genres(Kaki King, Janelle Monáe, Sigur Ros, Nujabes).
Food: I eat whatever is on my plate.
[this is the only area where listing actually works, but again, make it interesting to read. the way you present yourself here is how they will perceive you before actually (maybe) meeting you in person. I'd think they'd feel more comfortable going out of their way to meet someone if they are an interesting person from just their onscreen persona]
Six things I could never do without:
My dog
My family
Water, cause I get thirsty writing this bitch.
Even numbers because those other numbers are so odd.
[cursing, tsk tsk, again it's a fine listing category, but make it fun to read]
I spend a lot of time thinking about:
Stressing the small things and laughing at the big things.
On a typical Friday Night I am:
Not here.
[even better, but it'd be nice to have an example]
The most private thing I'm willing to admit:
I'm less of a many acquaintances person and more of a few close friends kind.
[this is also very good, gives off that you are much more intimate and enjoy close company you can really enjoy time with and listen too versus jumping around a bunch and remaining unfocused]
You should message me if:
You can go to toe with me in the squared circle.
You need a dick that listens.
A conversation that starts at day and ends at night.
if u liek dis n u cried
[lose the dick that listens part, lame bro. are you a dick or do you have a dick, a question they may ask themselves before hitting that "send message button". it's nice to have a joke at the end, work on that]