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Oklahoma bill requiring men to approve all abortions by "hosts" dead in committee

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Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
The war between republicans and Isis will be fought on the holy hills and in the deep ravines of the female body.
Wait, you guys think it is ok for women to seek abortions without the consent of their partners? This isn't a game....

The bill verbiage is pretty backwards, but the concept of requiring a couple (in normal circumstances) consenting to an abortion seems like common sense to me.

Do you think a man needs his partner's permission to get a vasectomy?
Wait, you guys think it is ok for women to seek abortions without the consent of their partners?

Yes? If my gf decides she doesn't want the baby then I'm not going to force her to change her mind. I want my kid to have both parents love them, if she doesn't want it I won't bring a kid into that environment.

I'm also not the one that has to carry this thing inside of me for 9 months. It's her body, she can do what she wants to it.


Wait, you guys think it is ok for women to seek abortions without the consent of their partners? This isn't a game....

The bill verbiage is pretty backwards, but the concept of requiring a couple (in normal circumstances) consenting to an abortion seems like common sense to me.

Pregnancy is a severe medical episode. Nobody should have rights that surpasses the woman's decision in either direction.


I still can't believe that people prefer the oppression of the midwest states to coastal liberalism.
In general they don't. That's one reason young people are leaving the Midwest.

The problem, of course, is that as this phenomenon happens, the Midwest states grow more and more oppressive. Oklahoma is like a preview of the region's future.
Unbelievable these vile motherfuckers even debate such bullshit..fuck them and their like-minded constituents..


She gonna dress me too? Tell me what I can eat for dinner? You're crazy..
I am talking about people in relationships who decide to have a baby. Things like rape and one night stands are excluded. Although the latter is a bit more complicated.


well, in addition to the reasons people have said already, there's also the matter of how to differentiate between a healthy relationship and an abusive one. an abusive spouse could keep things tangled up in courts for long enough that abortion would effectively be banned.

and that vasectomy opinion is a strange one. if somebody's willing to go under the knife to prevent nearly all risk of accidental fatherhood, that's his choice. in a long-term relationship it's pretty advisable to talk it out first and make plans like freezing sperm or planning to have it reversed later if children are desired in the future, but having legal power to stop it from happening? no way.


Getting a partner's permission to undergo medical procedures that affect one's own reproductive health is an issue of personal ethics and boundaries, not a matter of binding legality. What's next; making cheating illegal?


I am talking about people in relationships who decide to have a baby.

At which point you're inviting scrutiny from an outside authority as to what constitutes the state of a person's relationship, what the dynamic is and if they qualify for an exception.

I wouldn't want an outside party to do that to me and ultimately as a male I appreciate it's fundamentally not my body to control just because I put my thing in her thing.


Why men can't just accept the L on this one I'll never know

Sure, it's ethical to think the father should have some say on these matters. Yes it sucks that the father can be forced to see a child come to term and have to pay child support, as well as the reverse: having no say in an abortion. Sure I can see people trying to give some more say for the man in these matters

But Number one, we all fuckin know this is just another step in trying to make it difficult to get abortions. Just like voter ID laws, they put an ethical spin on a law that has more sinister motives

But really the kicker isnumber two: men can't carry babies. So they have no say on the rules on this. Period. Men just take the L on this cuz believe me you have other categories in life you can win in. Stop trying to take control of this one. Until you have the option of taking on the 9 month hardship of carrying a child you can't say shit, you don't know shit, just shut the fuck up

The sad thing is that some women even get on board for shit like this and get tricked into playing themselves.


We are not hosts, we are women who deserve our bodily autonomy. These bills just end up trapping women in unwanted pregnancies which will take severe tolls on their health.


Getting a partner's permission to undergo medical procedures that affect one's own reproductive health is an issue of personal ethics and boundaries, not a matter of binding legality. What's next; making cheating illegal?

oh my god, how have I never before pictured dork-ass MRA/MGTOW communities fighting to make cheating more legally recognized/punishable lmao


Isn't this good news, that these proposed bills were actually blocked?

Unless I really missed something, the lawmakers blocked the anti-abortion bill and the other one was "tabled without discussion".


Isn't this good news, that these proposed bills were actually blocked?

Unless I really missed something, the lawmakers blocked the anti-abortion bill and the other one was "tabled without discussion".
It is good news, but that this is good news and not expected is an indicator of the general shitty situation.


I can understand a soon-to-be father wanting a voice in the argument, but the woman is still the ones taking the toll, so I can understand why, if someone has to make an unilateral decision, it would be the woman. it's an ugly affair either way
I am talking about people in relationships who decide to have a baby. Things like rape and one night stands are excluded. Although the latter is a bit more complicated.

Laws are often about the worst case complications. Plenty of rapes happen within relationships, so what do you do when a wife wants an abortion because she was raped and the husband disagrees? How does the law process that? Once you say the father has a say in the life of a fetus because is it has some of his DNA, who else gets a say? Does other family? Once you allow someone to block an abortion for any reason, where do you draw the line? I know that these things seem like common sense to you, but they are not.

The only way to protect the basic human rights of everyone involved is to allow the woman to make her own medical decisions about her own body. She is not a host, she is a human being.
Ultimately, he said, his intent was to let men have a say.[/B] ”I believe one of the breakdowns in our society is that we have excluded the man out of all of these types of decisions," he said. ”I understand that they feel like that is their body," he said of women. ”I feel like it is a separate — what I call them is, is you're a ‘host.' And you know when you enter into a relationship you're going to be that host and so, you know, if you pre-know that then take all precautions and don't get pregnant," he explained. ”So that's where I'm at. I'm like, hey, your body is your body and be responsible with it. But after you're irresponsible then don't claim, well, I can just go and do this with another body, when you're the host and you invited that in."
This is one of the most infuriating quotes I've read in a very, very long time.
Laws are often about the worst case complications. Plenty of rapes happen within relationships, so what do you do when a wife wants an abortion because she was raped and the husband disagrees? How does the law process that? Once you say the father has a say in the life of a fetus because is it has some of his DNA, who else gets a say? Does other family? Once you allow someone to block an abortion for any reason, where do you draw the line? I know that these things seem like common sense to you, but they are not.

The only way to protect the basic human rights of everyone involved is to allow the woman to make her own medical decisions about her own body. She is not a host, she is a human being.

Well said, and I think it's important to draw a distinction between a human being and a fetus which is, biologically, not yet a human being, regardless of what Republicans decide to call it or whatever sentimental feelings a pregnant woman's sexual partner has about it.


Woman can't do a thing with there own body and yet we have these assholes thinking what is best for them..unbelievable.


I'd like to know what women in that state think about this and why they seem to be allowing these men to get away with it. Storm in there and shame them all.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Wait, you guys think it is ok for women to seek abortions without the consent of their partners? This isn't a game....

The bill verbiage is pretty backwards, but the concept of requiring a couple (in normal circumstances) consenting to an abortion seems like common sense to me.

you really can't think of any circumstances where this could be a bad idea?

Do you also feel that a man should account for all his sexual activity that's done outside of the deliberate attempt to procreate?

Should women also be showing diaries of their menses to one night stands?


Wait, you guys think it is ok for women to seek abortions without the consent of their partners? This isn't a game....

The bill verbiage is pretty backwards, but the concept of requiring a couple (in normal circumstances) consenting to an abortion seems like common sense to me.

So the Woman can be having medical complications with her pregnancy and must abort to save her life and her partner could refuse to let her die.

And that would be legal. And you think this is good thing.


I'd like to know what women in that state think about this and why they seem to be allowing these men to get away with it. Storm in there and shame them all.

Internalized misogyny and/or they have the resources to leave the state for an abortion if they were to have an unwanted pregnancy. A high correlation with the white women who voted for Trump.


Wait, you guys think it is ok for women to seek abortions without the consent of their partners? This isn't a game....

The bill verbiage is pretty backwards, but the concept of requiring a couple (in normal circumstances) consenting to an abortion seems like common sense to me.

Uh, yeah? I'm not the one that has to give birth, and if me and my SO are at a place where that's even a discussion then CLEARLY we aren't ready to bring a child into it just on my selfish whims.

And that's considering it isn't due to other issues (i.e., medical issues, health of the vhild, etc.) That would absolutely be up to her.
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