Olive Garden is horrible. Terrible menu, horrible food. They've been going on this "salad and bread sticks" schtick for 15 years. Their salad is disgusting. The bread sticks are buttery, salty, and garlicky, so sure, they taste fine. But you can't sell a goddam restaurant on bread sticks.
Nope. Cheesecake Factory is the best of the major national chain restaurants. This doesn't make it good but i think it's still the best of the major chains.
For most over-rated major national chain... I think I gotta go with PF Changs. PF Changs is horrible, it's expensive and their food is sickening garbage. 5 - 10 years ago I would have said that Outback is the most over-rated of the big chains, but now people (at least around me) now properly perceive Outback as being "slightly higher end Chili's." Or, Chilis + $5.