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Olympics ratings down, NBCU CEO predicted this and preemptively blamed millennials

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I hate being the designated baby boomer punching bag.

Yeah? Sorry we can't compensate for the lack of evolution in your business plans!
No one believes this. The Olympics were just plain bad this time. The media was hoping for more destruction and corruption, but all we got was Lochte knocking down signs and screaming robbery.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Yeah, it was terrible whenever I had caught an event on that channel. And what's with the added side stories that they try to shoehorn in?

The ads were also abysmal.

I mean, I'm gonna be watching a volleyball game on CBC and it'd be a good half-hour before another break.

But when I watched NBC's coverage, it was as if they were dishing out ads immediately after almost every single play.


How is tape delay still a thing? I have Directv and I'm a millennial and always used channel 205 on my days off to watch the games. Direct access to the games live. It was awesome they had it's own dedicated channel for men's basketball ( which is really the only I watch the games).
“We wake up someday and the ratings are down 20 percent,” the chief executive officer of NBCUniversal said at a conference. “If that happens, my prediction would be that millennials had been in a Facebook bubble or a Snapchat bubble and the Olympics have come, and they didn’t know it.”

Oh, you mean social media; the place where news and current events spread like wildfire?
Crazy. I watched WAY more this year than almost any summer I can remember in my life. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that we got rid of our cable since the last Olympics, but still got CBC coverage via antenna, so we pretty much just had it on every minute we were at home. But overall it was a crazy year for the Olympics. Phelps and Bolt brought the ruckus and having access to almost every event online meant I could watch anything any time.

Maybe that's what effected ratings, the fact that more and more people are watching things on tablets and mobile devices and that doesn't count towards Neilsen ratings. I'm not sure.
Was there any way to watch this via device apps if you didn't have cable? I'm thinking I'm not the only person who didn't have super-easy access to the Olympics coverage, as most of my television watching is through Netflix/Hulu and sometimes Youtube/Twitch.
NBC didn't even broadcast the ceremonies live despite being a hour difference in time from the east coast. The big women's gymnastics finals weren't even shown live, but edited all around and we barely got to see the other countries because of it; they did this constantly with many sports, it was all highly edited commercial laden airing.

Time delaying footage, of course you can lose viewership when you can find out the winners hours ahead of time through online streaming, news, and social media, or heck don't need to watch tv in general to watch the events.

NBC's coverage sucks so bad.
Watched most of Olympic Games on CBC thanks to VPN.

Didn't watch Dota 2 International 2016 and skipped watching League of Legends professional games since a month ago.

Now off to serious career hunting.
Didn't watch any of the olympics this year, no Cable/TV. Stream the next winter olympics on Twitch and you'll have a viewer.

If the Republican and Democratic national conventions were savvy enough to stream their stuff on Twitch then NBC should get with the program as well.


The Summer Olympics ratings slip, the first since 2000, raises fresh doubts about what used to be a sure thing: live sports would be a huge and growing draw no matter what. That’s why NBC parent Comcast Corp. paid $12 billion for exclusive U.S. broadcast rights to the Olympics through 2032. Others, including Walt Disney Co.’s ESPN, 21st Century Fox Inc., Time Warner Inc. and CBS Corp., have made long-term bets on football, baseball and basketball.

The NBC Olympics aren't live tho

Also, their commentary is terrible. Stop with the faux reality show and teach us something about these sports we only watch every 4 years

“Potentially it’s diluted the concentration of viewership on the linear network,” Martin said. “I wonder if there was less content available -- and people felt more compelled to tune in to the traditional network -- whether that would bolster ratings.”

exactly the wrong lesson to take from this


Why watch something on TV and endure all the fluff when you can just watch a concise clip of each event on YouTube?

A swimming event is like 45 seconds. There's no need to "tune in" for that.
Living in country with public broadcasting company that shows Olympics:


All live and no ads (you can also watch all from their internet service free of charge).


The key is definitely diversity. When there are so many other entertainment options people naturally gravitate towards what they have the most interest in -- sports, games, netflix, ect... In the past, you had fewer options, so if you kind of didn't have a choice of what to watch. Brands like NBC are going to have to adapt to that and provide alternatives for people who don't care as much about the Olympics in comparison to The International, or Stranger Things, or any other number of things.

Personally, I didn't tune in for the Olympics because I didn't have an antenna up in my house. I did read recaps of the events, but only those that interested me. I guess I'm part of the problem.


Unconfirmed Member
How are the ratings outside the US?

Video games and social media are as big or bigger in other countries apart from US, but only US has NBC coverage. You should be able to prove if it is a generational thing or NBC thing by looking at other countries.


I just didn't like the product. Too much human interest bullshit. Too much useless and vapid commentary during competitions. Too many commercial breaks. And too much of the good stuff was on deep cable, which I don't have.

And tape delays! Sorry, this is 2016. We have the internet. I don't watch anything on delay.
Having majority of the events on a tape delay for a hour difference for the East Coast was beyond idiotic.

I honestly forgot how they handled the time difference when the Olympics were in Beijing, for the upcoming Tokyo games.


the piano man
tte Olympics organization has to keep up with times.

which means, yes, we watch less TV and we fool around with the internet alot more than before, the solution would be to have a fucking live stream on youtube, as easy as that.

of course that's bad business for all parties involved because then no TV channels would care about covering or paying for the rights to transmit the olympics.

so enjoy your decline in ratings and fuck you for making me go through a ton of shitty channels with awful coverage, sometimes not even in real time.
Living in country with public broadcasting company that shows Olympics:


All live and no ads (you can also watch all from their internet service free of charge).

I mean we gotta pay the licence fee but the BBC was pretty great this year.

Isn't it great how you can watch whatever you want these days? A few Olympics ago a lot of sports would only have their finals and stuff shown, or whatever contest the broadcasters country was involved with.


Don't know about NBC but as a millennial I found the German coverage lacking. They had the TV channel that followed along every event with German athletes in it, which makes sense don't get me wrong, but they also featured up to 6 live streams. Again, mostly following events with German participation, which makes sense as well.

But that's not enough.

I want all the events, one livestream for every event. I don't care if there is no commentary, I don't need commentary for most events. I just want the feed. I've actually asked them on Social Media #
about it and they answered they don't have the capacity to do more than 6 streams. And yet they have a big ass studio and 4 or so people in Rio to conduct interviews I don't care about.

I hope things will be better in Tokyo. For the first time since forever (?) the public German broadcaster didn't get Olympia. Eurosport has it and I'm hopefull they'll offer an Olympia Pass or something with streams to ERRYTHAN. I would gladly pay for that.


NBC has shit coverage. As someone who doesn't have any channels, I would gladly pay for some kind of online package where I could just watch the Olympics live from my own computer. There's just no flexibility.

My biggest gripe with their coverage is that they mostly show off the American athletes. I know it's obvious that events with Americans get more viewers, but for an occasion where hundreds of other nations are competing, they did a terrible job of highlighting athletes from other countries. (The exception being Usain Bolt or that greased-up Fijian guy). I don't resent the American athletes at all, since they pulled off some of my favourite moments of these games; it's just that for an event that celebrates excellence on a global scale, NBC didn't really reflect that in their coverage.

Give the rights to another company. What a joke.


coverage was extremely confusing, and the only way i even got to watch anything was using their app which was equally pretty confusing or alerting me incessantly to shit I really didnt care about.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Blame tape delay you stupid cunt.

if this shit is during the day then broadcast them live and stream online and make it free for everyone because your stupid fucking channel IS free for everyone.


Didn't watch one second of it because Olympic sports are boring as all hell. It's a divide that's only going to increase over time; who's going to give a shit about people swimming back and forth or jumping over a bar in 30 years, when we've all got computers in our heads?
I tried to keep it on through the second week of the games, but I am just bored off my ass at track and field. And I hated how they'd focus on the Americans who were competing, to the total exclusion of the people who actually won medals. The Olympics are supposed to be about understanding people from all over the world and hearing their stories, not just USA USA USA.


I didn't watch for 2 reasons.

First because I did not want to support the IOC and personally felt Rio should not have held the Olympics for the known issues leading up to it.

Second because lol tape delay.


Saint Nic
Watched EVERYTHING on the NBC Olympics App. Well, everything but the opening ceremonies because I was stupid and didn't realize how shitty it would be "live" on TV.

I don't know if they track the viewers on Roku/Smart TV apps like that, but I sold a LOT of people on that app versus the live TV shit. It was so much easier to watch, even if the app was sort of a cluster fuck.
- Stop timeshifting the Olympics.
- Let the GIFs flow free
- Get a better site. Trying to watch the full replays on the official site is a nightmare. Hard to find, poor player, etc.


Olympics are just overcharged in events that nobody cares about, too much repetitive stuff, too much grouping of events, too much stuff with difficult rules that is never explained, no way to see the best of the best, ... And after the Tour de France and the European soccer championships, there has been enough sports already.


NBC coverage was shit in general.

Why waste airtime on telling me Michael Phelps life story every night? It's more well known than Batman's origin story at this point.
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