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OMG, NIS to localize Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana!!!


Now awaiting SCEA's approval. Chances should be good given its recent track record....

I think Atelier Iris was one of the game I hope would get localized by them, when Nippon-Ichi said it would be localizing other games. I must've done soemthing good in my previous life:D

Don't wanna get my hopes up yet(too late...), but this was posted on its official(???)messageboard by the administrator:

The announcement(?) in japanese:

Can anyone translate?

As if there's not enough reasons to love Nippon Ichi already.

Here are some screens of the game:)










fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
It got either very good or somewhat below-average reviews in Japan; nothing in between.

Of course, if the young new voice of the gaming industry is for it, I'm sure SCEA will put it right through!


jiggle said:
Now awaiting SCEA's approval.
fenekku-gitsune said:
Of course, if the young new voice of the gaming industry is for it, I'm sure SCEA will put it right through!

Yeah, should be interesting to see which way this one goes.

It's got a white-haired horny naked elven rhythmic gymnast - I'll give it a shot.
*waves fist* This game better make it to the states or i'll cry again...T_T Sony you hear meeeeeeeeeeeeeee...don't deny me this awesome game like you did Snk vs. Capcom and Metal Slug 3.


Heh, i still have it in shrinkwrap. Need to finish Xenosaga 2 first. Prob the first game I actually leave in its shrinkwrap instead of opening and giving it a small run. Yay for controlled backlog XD


jiji said:
You were expecting FF12?
AKA the shitty new school RPG battle system. =)

"announcing" games that aren't through approval is not the cleverest move ever, but we can blame gust, i guess. i mean, look how well it worked for WD! at least NIS hasn't commented or shown the game publically. they seem smarter than that.


BuddyChrist83 said:
Haha, they called Disgaea a "huge hit." Suuure.

I think it was meant as a relative term. Considering what (I'd guess) they thought they would sell, I'm sure they did MUCH MUCH more than that due to the good word of mouth.


Gas Guzzler
Riskbreaker said:
*waves fist* This game better make it to the states or i'll cry again...T_T Sony you hear meeeeeeeeeeeeeee...don't deny me this awesome game like you did Snk vs. Capcom and Metal Slug 3.

SvC is an awesome game? I must be in the twilight zone.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
That's some INCREDIBLE art... Haven't had a game like this in a while, so here's hoping SCEA approves.


AeroGod said:
Plently of games are doing different things. ToS, Grandia 2, etc etc. It jus tlooks very "plain" from the screen shots.

Please, spare us! Go back to your FPS and another wildly innovate Madden game.

Wahoo, this is fantastic news.
sp0rsk said:
any video?


For those that want the best movies, the first and last ones are gameplay (the last one actually seems like a walk through of the first part of the game), the 2nd one is gameplay but it's an ad for the game so you can't see the game that well, and the 3rd one is the anime intro.


I hope they don't like 10 year olds in the English dub, and that they boost the animation so that everyone doesn't look like they came out of a second gen PS1 game


Woah, craptacular animation and generic artstyle ahoy! Nippon Ichi's own games don't look all that hot but at least they're engaging on a gameplay level... this on the other hand looks entirely forgettable. I wish NIS America had gone for something more exciting RPG wise, like Taito's Ys Remakes, Shining Tears, Tengai Makyou 2-3, Home Land or Stella Deus...
"Woah, craptacular animation and generic artstyle ahoy! "

It's basically your standard 2D RPG animation, which is never really that good anyway. It's the main reason I greatly prefer 3D RPG's due to them having good animation the majority of the time.

Still this has a leg up on every other 2D RPG this gen just because it really is nice to look at. You don't have the sprites don't look messy like so many RPG's, even big ones like Tales.


SolidSnakex said:

Still this has a leg up on every other 2D RPG this gen just because it really is nice to look at. You don't have the sprites don't look messy like so many RPG's, even big ones like Tales.

Not really...they seem no different looking that what you'd see in say Valkyrie Profile, only they're in hi-res and maybe half an inch bigger, with less animation. The hi-res, however, makes them look like they came out of a PC hentai game or something
Character designs suck, and MAN that SNES-era animation doesn't excite. Why is NIS bothering? Start prepping Makai Wars for the PSP launch, instead, and leave this middle-tier anime fetishist bait back in ol' Nippon.


Wow, love the watercolor styled artwork!

Hrm.. the very first screen you posted reminded me Legend of Gaia. 'Tis beautiful :)
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