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One of the best movies of the year is about the hit America. With a paddle

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This is the best movie of the last 10 years
This is the movie that had the loudest audience i ever went to at Montreal's Fantasiafest 2004
This is the movie that is finally the perfect mix of horror and comedy.
This is the zombie movie that the pathetic excuse of Dawn of the Dead 2004 wanted to be.

This is.. Shaun of the dead! It's coming out in theaters in america at mid september, and the dvd in UK in October. Dont Miss it or face humiliation!

Jim Bowie

The trailer shows exactly what I'd do in a zombie invasion. Kill the zombies with hordes of weapons. I cannot wait much longer for this movie.


Flynn said:
Can I get a Spaced?

Funniest TV show in HISTORY. I can only pray with Shaun of the Dead's release here, that we finally get it on R1 DVD so I dont have to watch my friend's copy on his region-free player.

P.S. This movie rocks your face! I didn't download this because my friend beat me to it (a shitty cam-rip), but if I were to download a movie at any point in the last year -- it would have been Shaun of the Dead.
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