What ?
You think Oda wouldn't?
What ?
You think Oda wouldn't?
SH's aren't going to befriend everyone of BM family members.
I don't see how they can seeing they had little to no screen time with them.
Chiffon, Praline and maybe Pudding will most likely be the only ones in the end.
"I'm doing my best to make sure to draw sanji in character as much as possible both in his best and husband worst"Interview with the anime staff on adapting the Whole Cake arc for anyone interested.
Seems like the workload is better now that the character designer isn't also the animation director.
Sanji is 3 not 4!Top 4 will be Luffy, Zoro, Law, Sanji imo.
"I'm doing my best to make sure to draw sanji in character as much as possible both in his best and husband worst"
O this gon be good
Yoshiike"my favorite is carrot"
You a real one
Koyama "my fav is sanji"
This interview just gets better and better
They know what's importantThe higher-ups behind the animated series are certainly special and unique people.
So, Feminist Frequency posted a new video on the Lady Sidekick over on the gaming side.
I'll keep it short because I know people don't want this topic to take over the thread yet again, but I bring it up because it helps support an argument on it that I made a while ago, and perhaps didn't word well enough to convince some of it. I promise to keep it short though. Well, you know, short for me.
I often complain about female characters in OP not getting fights, or if they do, it's either minimalized or put offscreen. But typically, they stay out of them, one way or another, either because they play support, or they lose and have to tap out to give the fight to a male character, or something. But they never out and out fight and the problem of this is that it conveys that, in a story where fighting is the primary method of enacting change, not doing so is a mark of having less agency. And often a counter-argument I've heard is that they play a role as support and that's just as good. It's not. The most recent example of this, and this is a fight people praised for how Nami was involved, was the Cracker fight, where Nami's agency was validated by the fact that Nami was involved to the extent that she was the reason that Luffy was able to win.
And if it was just Nami, I might agree, except the context of OP is that women never take control of a fight the way male characters do. And the video talks about what bad stereotypes are reinforced when supporting characters aren't given an equal footing to stand on with the protagonist characters. So when I talk about why it sucks that female characters don't get fights, it is for these reasons why, and why I don't view Nami throwing water on Cracker while Luffy does the real work to be a valid counterargument for her having fighting agency, because her ability is entirely dependent on the male characters doing the actual work.
And the other thing I want to point out most is that Anita doesn't just argue that this is bad just because of how this would perpetuates negative stereotypes in real life, but it is a failure to write characters as authentic, believable human beings. That it's bad writing. Which I agree it is. It's part of what makes OP's work generally unsatisfying for me, like I've talked about many times before.
Which is why I still feel some excitement for Big Mom. At the very least, she has definitively demonstrated that she is someone who doesn't rely on others to support her (Well...I mean, she relies on her homies, but they are also her own soul, so she's technically relying on her own....fuck, you know what I mean). When she finds Brook having snuck in her home to steal her things, she calls up sunfire and cloudthunder to break him down, relying on her own power to get what she wants. In the last chapter, I liked that she seemed genuinely offended at the idea that Katakuri was trying to protect her, as if she couldn't do it herself, and he had to explain that it was actually about protecting that picture. Granted, to be entirely fair, we still never actually got to see her fight, just one snapshot when Big Mom and Brook talked to each other rather than fought, so lets not count our chickens before they hatch, but nevertheless, it seems that Big Mom SHOULD get a fight this arc, presumably against Luffy. Because she just doesn't seem like the type of person who wouldn't tear out the asshole of anyone who ruined her beloved daughters wedding day.
And I hope she does, because if that happens, OP will have, just this once, stepped out the cage it set for itself in how it's written female characters, and I'd genuinely be pleased to see that.Especially since Pudding's clearly a bust.
The one with the poisonBazooka?
I'm drawing a total blank on this probably-very-important thing. Time to reread the chapter...The one with the poison
They look cool and........................God I really don't see the love for the Vinsmokes.
This is like saying this before the movie is even over. We haven't seen what they can do yet.God I really don't see the love for the Vinsmokes.
There popularity is about as earned and shallow as Boba Fett.
Basically this for me too.If I don't focus on their shitty personalities (Outside of Reiju who is bae), I like their designs and how they got the whole Power Ranger aesthetics going on. Also I'm dying to know what exactly each of their powers are, if any of them have DFs, etc. I don't give a fuck if they get redemption or not, just interested in seeing what they'll do next.ju
This is like saying this before the movie is even over. We haven't seen what they can do yet.
Also, I think I'm the only one in here who loves them.
While i'm not a fan of them besides the design to be fair for Reiju she stated because of the experiments she is programmed like the her brother to follow their father's orders. Only difference is she still has empathy and i think human emotions which was removed from her brothers by the dad.I'm not a fan of any of the Vinsmokes, Reiju included.
Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji are basically the same exact character, except a few shades different. Ichiji is more stoic, Niji is more of more emotional, and Yonji is more stupid. Judge is more like Ichiji too, a stoic but he's the leader and has a different design. But they basically just come down to being stupid dicks. I've gone over how I think Big Mom should have cut the bullshit and just murdered them outright.
Reiju is not a dick, but fuck, she's boring. She apparently just wants to go and die because she's a Vinsmoke and is in this as a suicide mission. Fuck, if she hated being a vinsmoke that much, why didn't she leave or atleast fight back in some way. But then that would get in the way of the Strawhats not having a damsel to save.
The Vinsmokes suck so hard that I can fully believe that they're Sanji's family.
She clearly has ways of disobeying him though. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been able to free Sanji from his cage as a kid or put non-explosive handcuffs on him. So she's willing to disobey him so that Sanji can go out and do things, but won't take any steps to actually do shit herself.While i'm not a fan of them besides the design to be fair for Reiju she stated because of the experiments she is programmed like the her brother to follow their father's orders. Only difference is she still has empathy and i think human emotions which was removed from her brothers by the dad.
I think those were her exploiting loopholes a bigger fan can probably clarifyShe clearly has ways of disobeying him though. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been able to free Sanji from his cage as a kid or put non-explosive handcuffs on him. So she's willing to disobey him so that Sanji can go out and do things, but won't take any steps to actually do shit herself.
She's a lame ass.
I think those were her exploiting loopholes a bigger fan can probably clarify
So, Feminist Frequency posted a new video on the Lady Sidekick over on the gaming side.
I'll keep it short because I know people don't want this topic to take over the thread yet again, but I bring it up because it helps support an argument on it that I made a while ago, and perhaps didn't word well enough to convince some of it. I promise to keep it short though. Well, you know, short for me.
I often complain about female characters in OP not getting fights, or if they do, it's either minimalized or put offscreen. But typically, they stay out of them, one way or another, either because they play support, or they lose and have to tap out to give the fight to a male character, or something. But they never out and out fight and the problem of this is that it conveys that, in a story where fighting is the primary method of enacting change, not doing so is a mark of having less agency. And often a counter-argument I've heard is that they play a role as support and that's just as good. It's not. The most recent example of this, and this is a fight people praised for how Nami was involved, was the Cracker fight, where Nami's agency was validated by the fact that Nami was involved to the extent that she was the reason that Luffy was able to win.
And if it was just Nami, I might agree, except the context of OP is that women never take control of a fight the way male characters do. And the video talks about what bad stereotypes are reinforced when supporting characters aren't given an equal footing to stand on with the protagonist characters. So when I talk about why it sucks that female characters don't get fights, it is for these reasons why, and why I don't view Nami throwing water on Cracker while Luffy does the real work to be a valid counterargument for her having fighting agency, because her ability is entirely dependent on the male characters doing the actual work.
And the other thing I want to point out most is that Anita doesn't just argue that this is bad just because of how this would perpetuates negative stereotypes in real life, but it is a failure to write characters as authentic, believable human beings. That it's bad writing. Which I agree it is. It's part of what makes OP's work generally unsatisfying for me, like I've talked about many times before.
Which is why I still feel some excitement for Big Mom. At the very least, she has definitively demonstrated that she is someone who doesn't rely on others to support her (Well...I mean, she relies on her homies, but they are also her own soul, so she's technically relying on her own....fuck, you know what I mean). When she finds Brook having snuck in her home to steal her things, she calls up sunfire and cloudthunder to break him down, relying on her own power to get what she wants. In the last chapter, I liked that she seemed genuinely offended at the idea that Katakuri was trying to protect her, as if she couldn't do it herself, and he had to explain that it was actually about protecting that picture. Granted, to be entirely fair, we still never actually got to see her fight, just one snapshot when Big Mom and Brook talked to each other rather than fought, so lets not count our chickens before they hatch, but nevertheless, it seems that Big Mom SHOULD get a fight this arc, presumably against Luffy. Because she just doesn't seem like the type of person who wouldn't tear out the asshole of anyone who ruined her beloved daughters wedding day.
And I hope she does, because if that happens, OP will have, just this once, stepped out the cage it set for itself in how it's written female characters, and I'd genuinely be pleased to see that.Especially since Pudding's clearly a bust.
Good point the Vinsmokes are honestly the least interesting part, agree with you about Reiju being boring and doing nothing, she at least have more going for her than her brothers. Not much thoughMy point is that she isn't active in pursuit of her goals. There are plenty of loopholes she could have found to get what she wanted.
Just as an example, imagine if it was a plot-twist that it was actually her that actually helped orchestrate the Vinsmoke Assassination Plan with Big Mom. Like, she actually is the one that leaked info to her that the vinsmokes had a clone army to get BM's attention and the deal wouldn't have happened unless Reiju convinced Judge that allying with Big Mom was worth it. In exchange for the set up, Reiju would be the only remaining heir to the Germa 66 Kingdom.
It's not perfect because Reiju would need to find some kind of assurance that BM wouldn't just off her with the rest of her family, but I'd atleast respect that when she decided that the Germa 66 kingdom was evil, she took active measures to accomplish her goals instead of "Oh, we're gonna be assassinated? That's cool, I guess."
.If I don't focus on their shitty personalities (Outside of Reiju who is bae), I like their designs and how they got the whole Power Ranger aesthetics going on. Also I'm dying to know what exactly each of their powers are, if any of them have DFs, etc. I don't give a fuck if they get redemption or not, just interested in seeing what they'll do next.ju
I'm as hell aand I know this is an old record, but all i just want to say is this is why I hope carrot joins the crew. has nothing to do with waifu shit. She's simply the female strawhat hammer we need and deserve. Even in this arc, choppah was the brains, and she was the muscle. It's impossible for oda IMPOSSIBLE to paint her otherwise, because her entire character is just a bouncy cute machine of hard boiled close quarter action who is absent minded as hell like luffy and the other guys. She's not a magical eye candy support like nami and robin. Not even Oda couldn't possibly fuck this up if he lets Carrot sail with the main crew and get into hijinks that requires throwing down hands, feet, tails, whiskers, and fur.
Chopper runs. They had to force Carrot to runI support this. Carrot interaction with luffy is unlike anyone else in the crew (both are adventure loving, have high energy and high curiosity) and she is the only one finding luffy's crazy antics funny. Im not afraid of her being repeat chopper because of that
and top 3 : luffy zoro franky
Oda should design every character as male and then gender swap the females.
I'm as hell aand I know this is an old record, but all i just want to say is this is why I hope carrot joins the crew. has nothing to do with waifu shit. She's simply the female strawhat hammer we need and deserve. Even in this arc, choppah was the brains, and she was the muscle. It's impossible for oda IMPOSSIBLE to paint her otherwise, because her entire character is just a bouncy cute machine of hard boiled close quarter action who is absent minded as hell like luffy and the other guys. She's not a magical eye candy support like nami and robin. Not even Oda couldn't possibly fuck this up if he lets Carrot sail with the main crew and get into hijinks that requires throwing down hands, feet, tails, whiskers, and fur.
Huh, you're right.
Interestingly the gender-swapped women have a definite beeline to male characters (Bonny-bro looks like Paulie, and Boa-bro looks like Shanks), while the swapped-men still look pretty distinct as women.
Just design everything as men and then change the face in post
Edit: Carrot could get sidelined if she signs up, but only in the way that Chopper, Franky, and Brook, the non-support non-monster-trio, often get relegated to lesser roles.
They would need to have a sense of fun for that.The only way the Vinmokes can be redeemed is if they have a Ginyu Force pose, Sanji included.
The small glimpse we have seen and what Reiju has said show they are nothing but emotionless monsters. How much character can they have where their sister doesn't even want to save them.I still think it's really unfair to judge people we've seen so little of. We basically know who they are and their past and that's about it. Reiju keeps being mentioned as the exclusion and (surprise) we've seen her have more screen time. Imagine finding a character with more scenes and exposition more interesting than characters who have had little quips here and there.
Re: Carrot joining: I've joked about it being a bad idea in the past but a lightning fisted Rabbit is actually a really cool addition to the cast. I don't think it'll happen though.